In the year 1603, King James VI executed a prolonged campaign to control the violent and lawless English/Scottish border with his Union of the Crown act. In doing so he unwittingly split the Reiver Wolf Pack into two factions, the Scottish Reivers who had been pushed north had settled in the Scottish Highlands far away from the border, and the English Reivers, who had been pushed south settled in the county of Cumberland in the north of England.
Much of Scotland’s population, both human and wolf hated the Union of the Crown as they felt their identity as a proud Scottish independent nation was being eroded. Regardless of the opinion of the Scottish population, by 1707 the English and Scottish parliaments met in the London to form the parliament of Great Britain. While Scotland retained a privy council, all important acts and decisions were taken in London with very little account taken of how it would affect the Scots.