In whei x mansion whei x said to his guard. Get the car ready I'm going to hunt.
Moments In the supermarket,Alexander shops for items she needs when outside a car parks in the parking lot the she sees a black car pullover then whei x steps out of the car.
Wait a minute I know that guy. Meanwhile outside the supermarket, she is inside we have tracked her. His guard said. Good tch. He said and walks into the supermarket the other buyers stares at him.
Whei x,one of the cowards that left me behind I hate him so much. She said
He walks up to her and said. So you are really alive tch. Whei x said. You all left me to die inside the gateway and now you are here playing hero. You'll pay. Alexander said furiously.
I'm here to shut you up so bring it on. He said. Alexander body glows in green light then she forges her Luminal blade and charges to whei x then suddenly appears behind him.
What!!!!!! How are you so fast? . Whei x said surprisingly. Then Alex Ander sends a blade slash to whei x but he blocked the slash then the impact pushes whei x to the ground, he falls to the ground. Then Alexander walks up to him and looks at him. I'm going to defeat you whei x. Alexander said.
All right that's enough for this chapter, if you have any idea or corrections about my story pls comment and let me know.
Yours faithfully kaiga_providence from Nigeria. 🇳🇬