Chapter 115 - End of Chapter 37

"You fucked up," she established, and he winced.

"You got your revenge," he pointed out, gesturing to his face. "Not everyone gets to hit an emperor—"

"Oh, that doesn't give you a free pass to do whatever you want."


"You went utterly bat shit crazy," she hissed, eyes on the ares, daring him to speak. And Halcyon blinked, regarded her with a hopeful watery gaze, twisted with anxiety because he too knew that he fucked up. "I'm sorry I broke your nose, but you lost your fucking mind."

"I wasn't—"

"Stop giving me stupid fucking excuses. I need to know this shit won't happen again. Unless you'll like my fingers up your asshole." This had a snort from Levi and laughter from Kieran. The fuckers were only here to enjoy the show. "Fuck, you know what I mean—"

"I'm sorry," Halcyon whimpered, submitting with a sigh. "You smelled so sweet on Seraphim." His words tumbled out of him in a rush, as if practised, and she noted the looks on Kieran and Levi's faces, like coaches for a student, silent nodding, little glances. She figured they'd told him what to say to appease her. "I was jealous of him, of how he got to do what he wanted to do with you when you said we couldn't," he played with his fingers, acting all cute. And she hated that she found him adorable as fuck, cheeks puffed out, pouting with too-kissable lips. He sagged into his bunny form, pulling out the prey animal aura with an easy whine. She hated that it did kind of work, her heart immediately softening into putty. "So, my Alpha took control. I'm embarrassed." He looked up at her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she growled, words snapped out into a hiss. Jealousy? But she caught the sharpness in his eyes, his words spilling out far too eagerly. And her eyes narrowed, was he trying to push her away from Seraphim? His comment seemed to stab at his mate, fingers pointed and filled with blame. "But if you do that shit again, I'm out. I don't play games. One more and you're leaving. And I call the fucking shots here." She reminded him with a sneer. "The only one losing is going to be you." Her tone was snappy, and his eyes widened considerably, hands waved.

"I know, I know," Halcyon nodded desperately. "It's just I've been trying my best to suppress my Rut." He shot her a watery gaze, beautiful starry eyes all crazy. She must look like the asshole, with blood still on his cheeks, all he'd done was take a step towards her and she'd pounded his face in. But they both knew he had the upper hand, that he knew her secrets. And his lips curled into a smile. "I haven't fucked anyone ever since I took you in your Heat." This had Rue blanching. It wouldn't do the artemis any good to restrict himself. His people were known to feel emotions and Ruts much more strongly due to their animalistic natures.

"Why the fuck would you do that? Just fuck one of your mates—"

"But I only want you," he gasped out, desire vocalised into a whine. Gorgeous face shaded with pink. "I just don't want them. I can't have them, my Alpha gets sick with disgust." Beside them, Levi snorted and Kieran choked. Halcyon must be lying.

"That makes no fucking sense," she glared at him. "They're your mates!"

"I've been celibate for you," Halcyon murmured eagerly. "Only you will be my Rut partner unless you'd like the others to join us. I'll try, but my Alpha's so territorial now it hurts to touch someone else."

"Is that a threat?" Rue scowled, her gaze darting to the others in the room. "Is he telling the goddamn truth?"

Kieran was the first to speak with a scowl. "He's cheating." That wasn't an answer. And she looked at Levi then, waiting with a glare and the hades snorted.

"He did grimace like a baby when Dante wanted to fuck him, wailing for you," Levi shrugged. "His Alpha's been giving him shit because you're not in our nest, and so you need protection. But we feel the same goddamn way." His smirk grew then, voice all raspy timbre. "An easy way out would be to sleep in our bed."

She ignored his words, picking out the juicy details. "He rejected Dante?" Her mirth must have shown because Kieran scowled.

"He's pissing off the zeus," Kieran reminded. "Not a good move."

Rue shrugged. "Not my fault that you all need couple counselling. One Omega, and the pack's overturn."

Levi smirked. "Always when it's you." She ignored his shit, and Kieran cleared his throat.

"Halcyon," Kieran reminded, "Is playing a naughty little game, and someone is going to get hurt if he continues. But he knows that he was wrong to push it on you, and we won't let him do it again." His lights flashed eyes hard. "You could have just stepped back and allowed us to do the dirty work."

Rue scoffed. "I was afraid you'd just watch."

Kieran smirked. "For you? Oh, you don't know what I'd do." Halcyon seemed frazzled then, voice raised.

"But I am telling the truth," Halcyon told her weakly, or as weakly as he could. "My instincts are to fight everyone and reclaim you as mine. It doesn't like that you're not with me all the time, that you aren't painted in my scent, that you're looking at someone else like you're in love—"

Kieran snapped. "What the fuck? Who is she in love with?"

And Levi dared to purr, a knowing smirk on his face. "She did tell me that she could be stealing Seraphim." He teased like an awful bastard. And Rue's heart thundered in her head, pulsating at her temples. There was something awful about the way they teased, a flush of humiliation in her cheeks. "It's not the first time I've heard of this."

Rue groaned. Fuck, why the fuck did she kiss Seraphim? It had been such a wrong fucking move. She knew it. They knew it, and now she had to face her mistakes. "Oh, fuck that." She raised a finger and then, silenced them all with a glare. But inside she was unravelling, spinning losing herself. But she had to keep it together, turning to face Halcyon. "I haven't forgiven you."

"But I…"

"If you touch me one more fucking time, you're out. I don't fucking care what your shit excuse will be."

Halcyon's eyes flashed then, flashed with bargain and rage. Shit, she'd pushed too far. "But if you are as strong as I am," he murmured, words hinting at what had transpired. "Don't you want to know why and how we can enhance it?"

"Enhance it?" She choked out a laugh, but inside her mind swirled. Did he know? Had he seen her goddamn eyes? Fuck. "You want to go another round?"

"It would help you," Halcyon reasoned smoothly. He seemed caught on the topic, playing with his fingers, but her panic was rising. The looks of confusion on Levi's and Kieran's faces were a reminder of what he could reveal—her waning control, her eyes, painted with his dragon. "You wouldn't have to rely on your command if you can—"

"Choose your next words wisely," Rue snarled, heart thumping. "I don't know what the fuck you're saying. You fucked up, it's not my goddamn fault. And you don't want me mad at you, do you?" Halcyon froze then, eyes wide, calculative, and simmering. He sighed, falling back like a good boy. The others stared, confusion swirling.

Halcyon stammered out a final response with a sulk. "I just want you to like me."

"And I won't unless you play your cards right and keep your mouth fucking shut." Her breathing was hard, and she stared into his eyes then, snatched into a whirlwind of fear. It seemed that he understood then, expression falling, worry clouding.

"You know I won't hurt you. It's the last thing I'll ever do—"

"You fucking t-tried," her voice shook then, spilling from her with an awful crack.

And it seemed to have the room silenced, suddenly quiet as if the fear she felt had seeped into her voice and smothered them. Rue noticed now that her voice was choked, that a lump had formed, that seasoned within her was the beginnings of tears. But she slammed it away and it had them all staring, lips parted, eyes searching her face. But she avoided their gaze with sheer determination. And used rage to pump out her words with as much false bravado as she could.

"I'm used to it. Alphas in Rut, I wasn't just the receptionist. I was the fucking bouncer back home. I'd throw those beasts out. Think about it, little kid pulling some fucker off her mom. That's why I know a thing or two about self-defence. It's what I lived with. It's what I know. I'm only giving you one more fucking chance. Don't do it again, I won't hesitate." She pulled a raised thumb across her neck, sliding it fast and hard. She wouldn't hesitate to slit his throat.

Halcyon's voice trembled, but it didn't seem to be because of her words and suddenly apology blossomed in his eyes, almost in tears, brows furrowed upwards with pity. Why the fuck was he crying? But her heart pounded, and suddenly the lump was back flooding upwards, burning at the back of her eyes. She swallowed hard, trying to keep her face calm. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She was losing her shit, losing control of her emotions. Halcyon spoke then, stammering out an apology. "Rue, I'm sorry, I'll keep myself in check. It won't happen again, I promise. Please don't, please don't, I will cry too—"

"Go fuck Dante, he's your real mate," she hissed but her words slammed too close to home. Something was burning in her throat like gasoline, and she found that she could barely speak after that, blinking rapidly, nose burning, raw with tears. She turned before the truth escaped her, a rush of fear, anxiety and sudden extreme loneliness. "I'll be gone before you know it."

Levi called then, worry flecked in dark eyes. "Rue—"

"Just leave me alone!" And she was gone, door slamming behind her.

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