Chereads / MY JINXED LOVE / Chapter 7 - A MAN IN THE FOREST


As Ashta take some time to talk to Mrs Gupta she was already getting late and today's weather is not very good "it looks like it's going to rain soon .I have to reach home before it rains ." Ashta started walking faster and faster anyways even if she doesn't want to go back to that hell of a house but right now she doesn't have any place to go except that home .as the weather is getting worse . And the sky is looking darker than night because of the bad Ashta thought to take short cut . There are two ways to go home from school. One way go through the road which will take two hours and another way go through forest that will take only one hour to reach home. The road way is long but it is safe to travelon road way then forest at night. Forest way will take less time but It's dangerous to walk through the woods at night but even after knowing that the forest is dangerous Ashta choose the forest road to go home.

It was getting darker as she was moving forward . because of bed weather , even the moonlight did not fall in that forest. For miles away there is not a trace of human in the forest . And she soon relise what a bed dicission it was to take forest path,in this darkness she was not even able to see her shadow how will she find the way of getting out of this forest even if she know the way out. Then it started raining suddenly Ashta was not able to find the way out of the forest so she thought of taking shelter somewhere. Then in the darkness she started to find shelter to stay till the rain didn't stop.

"I remember there was cave around here"

When she was finding the cave she stumbled across something and fell down . She saw in the light of lightning ⚡ a young man is lying unconscious there his face is covered with mud and some smell of blood is coming from him his First ashta was scared if she come across someone's dead body but after checking his breathing Ashta is relieved to find out that he isn't dead but just lay unconscious first Ashta decide to ignore him as she doesn't want to be in trouble but when looked at him sometime she feel something familiar after looking at him she remember her past Selva how she was all anone trying her best service but nobody was there to help her with this thought in mind she decided to help him .

it was difficult to bring him out of the forest because of the heavy rain so ashta decided to take shelter somewhere here. After walking sometimes soon Ashta reached near the cave which she was searching. Ashta was really familiar with this cave and this forest as in her previous life Ashta took shelter at this mountain forest when she have nowhere to go when her husband's man were chasing after her she took shelter here in this cave for nearly three months . She doesn't even dare to go out of the cave in day time for fear of being catch by her husband's men ,she only goes at night to search for food.

That's why Ashta dared to take forest path at this bad weather because this forest is like her second home she knows every corner of this forest and also know how to avoid dangers of this forest

Due to rain it is quite difficult to get dry wood here but luckily there's some hay, twigs and branches in this cave which will help to light the fire.

"It must be brought by some bird to build its nest luckily this can keep us warm. But there is only one problem to start fire here is no shap object available to start fire." After some thoughts Astha started to searching the pockets of this unconscious man in the hope of getting lighter or something to start fire.

There she find a strange lighter in the pocker of this unconscious man. This lighter is silver coloured with gold dragon sculpture in it's front Two red coloured pearls are studded in the eyes of the dragon which is looked like real dimond. It looks terrifying and attractive both at the same time.

After finding the lighter Ashta lit the fire. With this some light are scattered around the cave . And in this little light she was able to examine the unconscious man she brought in. The man had handsome flawless face with sharp jow line.

Looking at him, it seems that God has made him very leisurely. He has such a face that will not only make men but aso women jealous . As Ashta was busy admiring him she felt something wrong. Yes that's right the men was still unconscious and the smell of blood coming from him getting thicker and thicker as she looked at his abdomen he has three deep knife cut and one bullet wound . After seeing how much he was hurt Ashta wonders how can he survive after getting this much hurt.

As it was raining heavily outside Ashta doesn't notice he was bleeding heavily till now if he was not given proper treatment immediately it was not possible to save him