I thought for a few minutes and stared at the paper. I still can't crack the code. Is it possible for me to decode it after using morse code?
Annoyed, I turned to the two who were now busy with something else on their laptops. After the short introduction about me and Czeslaw, they were doing their own thing while I was? decoding alone.
Argh! What is this code for if they don't help me? Good thing I finished my plates.
I shouldn't be the one to work for it. I don't know about the other code. Where is my sister? Annoying. She should be the one to handle it.
“Can you give me the list of the possible suspects?” I demanded. It's like they contribute to what I do. What, all of me? “Must be their full names.”
“Here,” Czeslaw said and handed me the piece of paper.
Ivan Carter Evander
Roiz Qin Ramos
Loid Cavor Tadeo
Corny Rain Cruz
I looked at the names there. I've tried the various codes to get the acronym for any of them because apart from the acronym I can't think of anything else.
I was still thinking and suddenly remembered something. That's right, I haven't used that code yet.
“Rot 13!” I shouted and took a piece of paper and wrote it there. I must have disturbed my companions with my sudden shouting because they were already focused on what I was doing.
“Rot 13? Can you give me a short introduction about that code?” Czeslaw suddenly asked.
“Rot 13 or should I say ‘rotate by 13 places’. It is a simple letter substitution cipher that replaces a letter with the 13 letters after it in the alphabet.” I stated. I didn't turn in his direction but I was aware of the admiration in his eyes.
R = I
V = E
X = C
A word was formed which is ICE. “Whoever has the acronym ice in their name, must be the culprit,” I added, they were just looking at me.
Czeslaw, you won't see any interest in his face, but his eyes say something else as if he suddenly became interested in me. While the one next to me didn't show any interest, I continued to frown.
“So the culprit is Ivan Carter Evander all along?” Said Zelo and thought a little. “I can't see the murderer side of that man. Maybe he's good at keeping secrets.” He said and tapped his laptop again.