Evan decides to patch soap so he can trade with future traders.
and asks the tribe's potter to make a six-hole vessel for him. The potter fulfills this request. meanwhile, Evan, who sends the gatherers to gather wood, goes to ask the hunters what they do with the fat of the game animals. They also report that they threw. Evan collects the fat of the remaining animals. Meanwhile, he has the idea of building a soap factory. He gathers his arrow-making team and asks them to collect fragrant flowers.
While they were picking the flowers, Evan began boiling the oils with a little water to purify them. After the boiling was over, he left the oil to cool and went to get the pots. Meanwhile, the gatherers returned, the wood collected for food was burned, and the ashes were collected. washed the ashes with river water. After repeating this process a few times for purification, he mixed the lye he obtained with oil, and by repeating this process several times, he obtained an earthen barrel of soap. He also added fragrant flowers, which he made into a slurry in the last mixing. He asked Sarah to show the final result.
[ Low quality scented soap
Description: Soap made by an unknown soap maker that would be considered low quality in world civilization but luxurious for this world. Its quality is therefore considered normal.]
Well, now Evan has something to sell. And the trader is coming tomorrow.
See you tomorrow, wishing everyone a long and happy life.