In year 3445 on the darkest night ever witnessed, there was thunder rumbling perhaps to celebrate the birth of a boy who is considered an abomination as the son of a crossbreed between the zombie and the Vampire. The baby was crying and surprisingly, the thunder rumbled according to his voice.
The mother of the baby (Sarah) was running away after the kings of the land discovered the birth of the boy in the prophecy. They were very scared as the birth of the boy could spell their doom. They brutally killed David (the father of Alex) and was currently chasing after his wife who was running off with the baby.
Sarah carried her baby in a little basket and dropped it in The nearby river, then she turned around to face the pursuers and said "Leave the baby alone you shameless bastards ". But all these fell on deaf ears as they continued running towards her. They mercilessly killed her but she had completed her mission and successfully helped her baby escape. She died with a painful smile and said before her death "Conquer and unite the world, my beloved son".
Hello readers please comment should I continue or not.