it was a dark night were we see an myterious Professor writing about an ancient creature called megalodons he wrote an entire sketch about them in a paper for his project on Founding
the mysterious shark who was alive for so many years but no one could ever find anything about them.
Mysterious Professor says the deep sea Mariana trench the mysterious myth call the ancient shark the great meg excellent for my new project if this project goes as success then i will have soo many fames I will become the greatest scientist in the world the whole world will know my name i will be reach
mwah ahahaha
suddenly someone knocks in and we don't see the person who knocks in
that mysterious Professor says come in.
time 12'O clock a boy sees in the sea travelling though inside the deepest water level named mariana trench everywhere he looks is pure darkness he suddenly he realizes someones presence like it was soo big that it he realizes that it's coming towards him in very closely every time he feels It's presence like his having goosebumps on a high that he feels his skins gonna get melt off
from his body the thing slowly comes closer the boy says in excitement and shocks
it's a big-
End of the chapter