He looked great. I mean he looked like he normally looked, but for today that was great
"Dad?" I said, shocked he was out of the house
"Mister Estevez," she said as I put her down
"Hey, Liberty... Carlos, I came here to apologize" Dad said
"Um, I'm gonna go give you two some privacy. When you're finished come by the snack table" Liberty said before she left
"Apologize for what?" I asked
"I know you've been going to the graveyard every day on your birthday to talk to your mom. I know you do it because you don't feel you can talk to me. I know it's my fault I should have sat you down and we should have talked about what happened. It was just that I didn't know what to say to you. I couldn't find the words to convince you it wasn't your fault so I made the mistake of thinking not talking about it was the better idea, so I didn't. I know that was wrong now so I'm here and I'll talk to you whenever you want" Dad said