The evening also passed, and the night sky appeared with the stars and a full moon.
Kyubok was standing in front of the long mirror, his whole body seen by that. The butterfly Eu-meh gifted him was sitting on his shoulder without leaving him.
He smiled at the butterfly by seeing it through the mirror.
He slid to the left and right sides to scare the butterfly with his sudden movement. But it flew away and came back to his shoulder again.
He jumped like a child in front of the mirror. That butterfly kept staying around him. Then, the two maids arrived inside his big, grand chamber with four varieties of flower pots.
They bowed to Kyubok before proceeding, put that on the window slide, and opened the window door.
The wind blew on the flowers as they opened the window.
Then, they turned to Kyubok, bowed again, and left the chamber by shutting the door.