The heroes looked at the tavern keeper, immediately forgetting about the skirmish with Gorkas.
"What do you mean old man?" Revan asked, raising a brow.
"I don't know! It became all dark, and then the sky became to resemble breaking glass, just go out there and l... GASP!"
Before the tavern keeper could finish, a black tentacle reached out to him from the entrance door, piercing through his head.
And everyone in the tavern began to panic.
Before the tentacle could leave the tavern keeper's head, however, a sharp dagger pierced it, coming from the far back of the hall.
"I liked the keeper, you damn thing!" A young girl wearing a black cloak complained.
She was one of the heroes, and a thief.
The girl had long, black hair, and her eyes, full of malice, only contributed to her lustful features.
"Seems like we have other issues to attend to, Gorkas. We'll leave you for later." She said, taking the lead. "LET'S GO CHECK IT OUT, GUYS!"
"Asana, you bitch, that role is mine!" Revan shouted at her, running towards the tavern's door.
Gorkas stood a bit behind them, he sighed in frustration, and smashed his fist on a table, shattering it to bits.
Everyone in the tavern became quiet after seeing such a display of strength from one of the Constellation's heroes.
At Gorkas' yell, in which he infused one of his special powers, the Inciting Will, everybody began to move more orderly, to which the hero was was grateful.
And only then, he finally left the tavern to check what was going on.
To his absolute shock, the world outside the tavern was utter chaos.
There were things crawling through the ground, along the walls, and other giant things tearing the town apart.
"What the fuck are they..." Gorkas asked in awe.
He couldn't describe the things even if his life depended on it.
They had eyes and mouths with sharp teeth all along their tentacles, and they didn't walk like humans. Neither did they walked like beasts.
And the giant ones had a tentacle with a mouth instead of their heads, three feet, and two claw-like hands.
It was like a nightmare, and those things were slaughtering every single people they saw in front of them.
Gorkas summoned his huge hammer, and sprinted towards a fallen kid, crying as one of the things was almost at her.
"NOT. ON. MY. WATCH!" He shouted, slamming his hammer against the creature.
The creature splashed in a puddle of black goo that spilled in the child and at Gorkas' face.
And he ran towards the other creatures, slamming as hard as he could against them, killing every single one that he faced.
He felt powerful.
Invincible, even.
But Gorkas was worried.
"What the fuck is all this, and where the hell is Revan and the others?"
Revan and the other heroes were running.
They ran as if their lives depended on it.
And wherever they went through, people would cheer them on, and beg them to slay the heinous things that ravaged their town.
And probably the whole continent.
'Shut up, you fucking dirt bags!' Revan thought, as he rushed more and more towards somewhere safe.
But that was when he finally realized, after getting to the town's main gate.
There was no safe place for them to hide.
For 'him' to hide.
He turned around, feeling the approaching menace of those things, summoned his sword, and sliced one in half, right before it could reach him.
Asana threw her daggers, hitting multiple creatures at a time, and her daggers appeared back in her hands and the countless sheaths under he cloak.
Gart waved his hands, and suddenly, many of the creatures started colliding with one another.
And the last hero, Ana, shoot an endless rain of arrows towards the enemies.
"Come on, guys, there's gotta be somewhere we can hide, right?" Ana rolled to the side and shot another arrow as she asked.
"There has to be! But most importantly, what 'are' these things?" Revan yelled, slicing every enemy nearby.
People screamed around them, houses burning, more and more of those horrible creatures appearing by the second.
And people screamed at the heroes.
Begging to be saved.
Revan looked at them, as he cut through more enemies, and he had an idea.
"Come on, guys!" He signaled to his group. "If we save them, maybe it won't be that bad, and we might still keep our reputation!"
"That's right!" Asana responded, running towards the people in danger.
They all smirked, as they finally could get a chance at keeping their reputation high.
'And if we save them all, without Ruun here, they'll know once and for all, that he's nothing but a threat to our world!' Revan thought, attacking one of the creatures.
He cut through one, through other, and another, so he could get between the things and the people.
But when he finally arrived at the spot he wanted to...
He heard Asana's scream.
Revan looked at her, while defending against the creature's tentacles, and she was being eaten alive.
"I... CAN'T!" She responded, but then her voice became a distorted mumble, as the thing attacking her trespassed her whole body with a multitude of tentacles.
She was still alive, but barely.
And as Revan looked around, still giving his best to just defend himself, he noticed that all his friends were also dying.
Attacked, pierced, eaten, by those horrible creatures.
He, too, was feeling weak.
"Why...?" He kept slashing towards his indescribable enemies. "Why why why WHY!?"
Then a tentacle managed to parry his sword away, and Revan looked in awe and sheer horror, at the mouth that was coming towards him.
The open maw had countless sharp teeth.
But what was more terrorizing that this, was that its tong had eyes in it, along with tiny hands and clawed fingers.
Revan closed his eyes, and prepared to die.