Chapter 62 - Sora

Outside of London...

Komorra's crashed spaceship rumbled as the last explosions went off.

Thousands of soldiers and drones laid dead all around the two sisters.

Nirro and Komorra stared each other down.

"Something is off about you."

Kamorra smiled.

"Oh so you've noticed?."

She took a step and seemingly disappeared in front of Nirro, then appeared behind her kicking her in the gut.

Nirro was sent flying through the ship, crashing into a medbay.

She slowly got up to gather her bearings.

That strike took away more life than she expected.

Lights flickered, on and off, as she looked up and a pair of feet stood before her.

Instinctively she put her palm forward.


Komorra lunged at her, but appeared to be slowed down by a force as the air started to crack around them.

She grinned.

"Not enough."

The air shattered, letting off sparks as Komorra broke her way through, socking Nirro in the gut and crashed her through the rest of the ship.

She barrel rolled outside the grassland, as Komorra appeared in a blur in front of her.

"I don't why you're daddy's favorite. You're pathetic."

She kicked Nirro in the gut.

Nirro, gasped for air and groaned, holding her stomach.

"He forbade us from touching you. Like we, listened when he wasn't there, huh lil sis?"

Komorra kicked her hard, sending her rolling several meters away.

Nirro quickly got up, tired from the abuse and braced herself.

"'Lil sis'? Know your place Komorra! I may have switched sides, but I was still the 100 in line."

The air started to crack around her, and the world around the seemingly trembled.

Komorra smiled.

"Don't rush, I didn't overstep baby sis. I'm actually glad we could have this reunion here. Torturing you in that prison, wasn't that fun, since you got used to it."

She waved a hand over her face, as it morphed into another much more sleek and sinister face.

Her hair color changed to blood red, with black eyeliner and lips following suit.

She was beautiful, but had the most ominous aura emanating from her.

Nirro's expression turned to dread and her knees started to shake.

"Why... Why are you here, Tasaria?"

Tasaria laughed out loud.

"That's the expression I've been waiting for!"

She put her hand to her head and held her side, laughing hysterically.

"Oh my... When Alcra sent out the expedition and didn't invite me, I was so distraught..."

She walked up closer to Nirro.

"So when I saw her sneaking around to send a second force without father knowing, I knew I had to sneak in somehow."

She gave Nirro a disturbing grin.

"So I just, killed Komorra and took her place. Easy right?"

She sighed and shook her head.

"Nope, Alcra caught me just before we took off, but instead of kicking me off the expedition, she gave me a separate mission... Guess?"

Nirro backed away in fear.

"That's right, to bring you home little princess. It's time for you to get back in your cage"

Tasaria expression turned morbid.

"I'm going to make sure you're properly punished, before I take you back. What did you think you were going to do? Protecting this planet? You thought, you were going to live happily ever after?"

Blue fire burst out her fists.

"Don't dream of ever being free. No one is going to save you."

A tear started to fall down Nirro's cheek.

She knew, no body on the planet could stop Tasaria.

Even if Tobi came back, they would need to use their trump card to even stand a chance.

She was at her wits end, as Tasaria leaped to strike her in the face.

Maybe this was the end...

The thought crashed out of her mind as fast as the truck that crashed into Tasaria, sending her flying back.

A figure landed in front of her, but she was too stunned and scared to speak.

"Looks like you're in a pickle Nirro."

The figure looked back at her and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Sarah... But how?"

Sarah shook her head and looked forward as Tasaria recovered quickly and flew back to them.

"It's a long story, but let's just say the Hatcher Plan worked."

Nirro's eyes grew wide.

"The Hatcher Plan? No way, that must mean-"

Sarah cut her off.

"Yes that's right, like I said, it's a long story, but for now to make sure it fully succeeds we need to defeat her together, right here."

Nirro's looked at Tasaria her face still full of fear.

"We can't win, she's the 70th in line. She's way too strong... I don't want to go back, Sarah."

Sarah looked back at her and placed one hand on her shoulder.

"I know how you feel. It's fine, we can definitely win, but I need you to trust me with your core."

She looked at Sarah, surprised.

"My core?"

Sarah nodded.

"That's right we'll defeat her together. I won't let them take you."

Nirro pondered for a moment then nodded, preparing her core.

"What do you bitches think you're doing? Where you the one who threw that truck at me?"

Tasaria was furious.

Her hair was all ruffled up, accompanied with an arm, twisted horrifically, and slowly repairing itself.

Sarah gave her deadly glare.

"Hello Tasaria."

Tasaria was a little stunned.

"Have we met before? Why do you look like Nirro and have fragments of her energy?"

Sarah walked a few steps from Nirro to face her.

"No not in this time, but in another, you were the cause of a major tragedy, that I cannot allow to happen. I'm Sarah and with Nirro's help, we'll be eliminating you shortly."

Tasaria started to laugh.

"Are you talking about that trash princess? Ohh you gotta be kidding me."

Her laughter echoed throughout the field.

Sarah shook her head.

"Nirro's perfect, she's better than all of you combined and has been a great older sister to me. It seems like you don't appreciate your family much. So you won't ever notice her true worth."

Tasaria smirk turned to a frown.

Sarah looked her dead in the eye.

"It's true, no matter how many times I've ran the simulations, you could never be on Nirro's level."

Flames crushed the ground around Tasaria, as the grass started to catch fire.

She smirked as she raised a fiery fist to her chest.

"You should have just told me, you wanted to die. I was already planning to help you with that."

Sarah smiled.

"Oh please, who comes to battle planning for their own death?"

As those words left her mouth, Nirro shutdown and her core opened up.

Sarah grabbed it and swallowed it in one gulp, then moved her body somewhere safe.

Tasaria growled.

"Fusion? So that's your trump card?"

Sarah opened her eyes.

They had multiple rings, her hair was jet black, with small streaks of silver.

Black and white veins racing through her body.

A crater emerged under her from the weight of her newfound energy.

Static electricity crackled randomly as outbursts of energy, emitted from her in intervals.

"Invader you've made a grave mistake."

Tasaria was confused.


Sarah grinned.

"I, Sora the greatest hero, will not let you leave here alive!"