Chereads / The Last Prince of Rennaya - Draft / Chapter 37 - Preparation

Chapter 37 - Preparation

Osei was furious.

He had ascended about two decades ago and some newbies had over taken him.

Sarah had explained to him that it was Tobi's cells that had accelerated their growth.

Yet he was still unsatisfied with himself.

He took his frustration out on the gym.

Lifting and working out with the maximum, a normal gym would have had available.

It was in the middle of his 5 km cardio run, when Amaara barged in the gym, in an all black fancy dress, with makeup done on point.

He looked at her, his face slowly turning to regret.

"You forgot didn't you?"

"I can be ready in 15 minutes."

He replied back to her.

"Nahh forget it, I've tried and I really like you, but you've got to think more about life than training sometimes."

She turned around to leave.

"Ughh and I even booked this great restaurant in Paris..."

She trailed off fuming as she left the room.

Osei, put his head down, actually feeling some guilt.

Koji walked in, moments later and greeted Osei, then went straight to his workout.

Osei approached him.

Koji looked up.

"Hey man, I need some help.."

Koji sits up, Osei never asks for favours.

"What kind of help?"

Osei was a bit embarrassed he was asking someone younger than him.

Nevertheless, he asked anyways.

"You have a girlfriend don't you?"

Koji replied, "yeah why?"

"So let's say you forgot some plans with her, what would you do to make it up to her?"

Koji chuckled.

"Oh damn, you're in deep waters aren't you?"

Osei looked away.

"If you're not gonna tell me."

Koji slowed him down.

"Relax, relax I'm just messing with ya. Listen surprise her. Just do something spontaneous, have a whole day planned for her of just stuff she likes to do or wants to see."

Osei walked around pondering about his advice.

He never had many romantic encounters living a life as a slave.

However Amaara had been kind to him.

She had often brought him treats and was always checking up on him.

He made up his mind.

Just then Sarah spoke, over the speaker.

"This announcement is for Rennayans and the Nova Division, please report to the Command Center at 1800hrs. Thank you."

They looked at each other, then immediately tried to get the rest of their reps in.

Later at 6pm...

Sarah had been busy in the last few months, rebuilding cities on Sonara and helping to rehabilitate the 500 million prisoners that formerly had to work there.

Men, women and children from multiple different races, she wanted to study and help them all.

She made them a few countries around Sonara, and had millions of bots, show them how to run a country and keep the peace.

Helio and Tobi brought freshwater fish from earth and helped create new lakes and water resources, for the population.

Afterwards she developed her own dollar, called the Sonaran Dollar, backed by the funds she'd been acquiring, which grew to a net worth of 600 trillion American dollars.

Now she had to go over the next war plans with everyone, her days were always busy.

The Nova's, Tobi and Osei, took a seat.

Already seated we're the new four Nova's.

Leon (24), was picked from Spain. He had a rough childhood and had to steal to survive.

Sitting beside him was Tai Min (21), the Chinese candidate Sarah picked from their recommendations.

In exchange for political favours they wanted to participate in the space exploration and conquest.

Runa Maja (20), from Norway was sitting beside Nur Syeda (19) from Pakistan.

Both were orphans and had lived extremely difficult lives.

Yet Sarah picked them after evaluating their minds and seeing that, they still gave to others when they nothing, felt that they had potential.

"Ok everyone so we'll be going over the plan for Operation: Hydra."

Sarah said while looking at the group.

"I have recently developed a power lever scouter called a Joulizer. It takes joules and other factors into account to measure the strength of an opponent. This way we can organize our forces accordingly. The base for these measurements were the first princes we encountered. Normal humans range up to 100, but Kairon and Zaryon, had a power level of 45000 and 95000. After Zaryon ate Tobi's arm, it grew to 130000."

She paused as they raised their eyes shocked.

Then continued.

"The ones that came to Earth after, were at 105k-110k. Bolgan seems to have been the strongest we've encountered so far at 210k. You would need the second gear or atleast 3 people to defeat an opponent like him."

Osei raised his hand.

"How strong was Galzed?"

Sarah smiled at him.

"He had a power level of 165,000."

He nodded, impressed with himself.

She looked around the room and continued.

"With the files I was able to salvage from the enemy ships we know that there are 5 children of Altas on Dargan. I've sent a drone to scout Dargan ahead, and they confirmed the five huge energy signatures on 3 different continents... I will be spreading our main forces out against military forts, but just like Sonara the children of Atlas like to live in solitude. They only come out terrorize the slave villages on their planets, every other day."

She took a deep breath.

"With that the team's are as follows, Kayed and Leon will be taking out Hadron, at 115k. Koji and Simon you will take out Luxaico, at 125k."

They all nodded, understanding their mission.

"They won't see it coming."

Simon says.

Sarah nodded back, smiling.

She looked over to Kalista and Runa.

"Kalista and Runa, you will be taking on Tamorn, he should be at around 145000."

"I gotta take care of a newbie?"

Kalista said, disappointed.

Runa looked at her.

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself."

Sarah smiled at the both of them.

She looked over at Norah and Nur.

"I think you guys can take out Gobaela, who can go up to 120,000."

Norah was happy, her smile showing across her face.

Nur was a bit nervous and started looking down.

Norah noticed and reassured her.

"We got this!"

Nur gave a weak smile back.


Sarah continued and looked over at Tobi.

"I'm sure you can handle Haylon alone, yeah?"

He looked up from the map of Dargan he was looking at on his console.

"For sure."

"Ok then, the rest of you, will stay on standby in case, the Earth is attacked again. Once we complete Operation: Hydra, we'll invade Saltos 12. The next step in creating an escape path for Earth."

She clapped her hands once.

"With that, I would like to conclude the war meeting."

They all agreed, some of them wishing they could go, but regardless, they all started to leave the Command Center.