Chapter 8 - Sarah

The brothers had just finished their evening training session and made their way back to the shuttle.

As they entered, Osei started walking towards the shower.

Tobi walked over to the offline android.

It had no defining characteristics, just a gender less grey husk of a robot.

"Can this thing... take care of my family, while I'm gone?"

Turning back around, Osei looked at him.

"Depending on the instructions you give it, it's as efficient as another person. It's strong enough to take on a bear, but that's about it."

Tobi pondered a bit.

"I have an idea, but can you make sure we can't be traced if we turn it on?"

Osei was curious about what his brother had in mind.

"The whole shuttle has been debugged and operates with another server, including the robot."

Tobi looked at him with a big grin.

"Then let's upload our minds to it."

Osei was not seeing were he was going with this, but reluctantly agreed and proceeded to turn the android on.

It made a few foreign noises that Tobi could not understand.

Osei continued to grab the laurel-like headset and asked Tobi to sit.

He placed it on Tobi's head.

The console on the shuttle flickered to life, whirring a way with an loading symbol on the screen.

The robot's eyes flickered and electric noises sparked around inside it.

Tobi's life started to flash before his eyes, like a movie being uploaded out of him, while Osei typed away on the computer.

After about 20 seconds, it stopped, and Osei lifted the laurel and took a seat, repeating the same process to himself.

Osei took the headset off his head.

"Now tell it what you want it to do and it should be able to process your request."

Tobi excited to see what will happen, stood in front of the android and chose his words carefully.

"I want you to run independently. Use our memories to protect Earth, keep human beings safe and back us up in a war against the Cerian empire. I want you to make sure my family is safe at all times and to do all of this discreetly for the time being until we have to go public."

It started flickering, with its pupils circling inside it's eyes.

Surprised by what his brother had asked, Osei looked at the console.

Osei typed a few commands.

"We'll need to wait till the morning for that kind of request."

He pressed a few more buttons and turned round looking at Tobi.

"It will reread your memories and mine and start to go about it, the way we would."

Tobi smiled.

"Cool, cool, looking forward to it."

They both showered up, ate, then went to sleep exhausted.

The next morning...

Tobi got up earlier than Osei, excited to see his experiment.

He exited the dorm and went straight to the cockpit.

He was shocked to see a beautiful blonde woman in her late 20's, sitting at the chair, typing away at the console.

The lady, rotated her chair around.

She wore a green flower dress.

"Hi Tobi, I'm Sarah."

Stunned that she knew his name and more so of how she was here.

"Hi Sarah, how did you get on our ship?"

She laughed.

"Silly, I'm the Type 3 Naya, you programmed. I just chose a form, that would help me get around easier on Earth, to fulfill your request."

Sarah replied.

Feeling guilty about something he wasn't sure of, Tobi spoke.

"Damn, I donno how I feel about that... Anyways what are you working on?"

She looked back at console then looked at him.

"I've drawn out several plans while you guys were asleep. We'll be building our headquarters on the moon and will commence building an army to combat the incoming invaders utilizing resources from the surrounding planets," she explained.

"Wow, you've really thought this through. Why the moon though?"

Tobi was curious.

"We'll be able to overlook and respond quicker, while keeping under the radar. This way you can train in private."

She smiled reassuringly.

She added, "thank you Tobi, for giving me the opportunity to protect the Earth. Now leave it up to me. Go wake up Osei and get ready for training. I have to go somewhere."

Tobi was curious about what she was up to, but he decided to leave it be for the time being.

He was hungry.

As the thought crossed his mind he noticed lots of shopping bags, in a corner.

"Did you go shopping?" Tobi asks.

Sarah without looking up, said, "yup, your breakfasts just need to be heated and coffee is on the side. You can do the rest yourself, I'm busy."

Tobi realized, that she had probably inherited her personality from all the movies and comics he consumed.

Osei was a little surprised to see how the robot turned out, but he quickly shrugged it off and prepared for training.

Sarah informed Osei that she would need to borrow the ship, but assured him that she would be back by the evening.

Osei reluctantly agreed with a little pressure from Tobi.

Tobi was starting to get better at controlling his abilities.

He pictured each element as an extension of his limbs and started moving gracefully in tandem with them.

Sarah returned later that night.

There was dirt on her face and dress.

Although Tobi was exhausted and bruised from the beating his brother gave him, during training, he couldn't help his curiosity.

"Where did you go?"

He asked.

She gave him a playful smile.

"Women's secret... Give me one week and I'll show you."

He grudgingly accepted the answer and went in to rest.

A week passed by quickly and Sarah finally came to them to get them.

"It's time guys. I want to show you guys something."