For the first time in what felt like a long time, Ray'ven was alone. The halls of the castle seemed foreign in their familiarity and she felt almost out of place walking them, the black flowing dress uncomfortable after going so long without wearing one. She had gotten used to the thick fabric and cottons that Razmyr's men wore. Her cheeks had been powdered and lips colored softly in a way befitting a princess. It all felt so out of place.
It brought her mind to her cousin. She had not seen or heard a word of Strelitzia since she'd returned, yet there were signs that she'd been there. Many speculated that she'd been the cause of the king's untimely death. Why else would she flee?
Ray'ven did not think it was something Sterlitzia would do. Nor could she fathom the reason as to why. It was all another matter she would need to solve.