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Jarrod A. Freeman's Leviathans Rising

sequel to Jarrod A. Freeman's Submarine Dwellers, Engineer crashes his submarine into the bottom of the ocean finding a new world. finding a new threat.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Leviathans Rising

Engineer's eyes were closed, Engineer braced for impact as the submarine free fell through the water of ends deep.

deeper than Mariana trench, deeper than the gates of hell.

moments later the Submarine smashed through the ocean floor.

falling into a deep dark pit. with water following, Moments laster the hole was sealed up mysteriously.

Bottom Feeder being Engineers submarine was ruined. Engineer crawled out unscaved.

Engineer looked around and saw some ambient lights dim but not bright. lighting up a room.

Engineer looked around and saw a sign saying "The Masters Chambers". Engineer looked around more and saw a pistol on the bed side table. Engineer grabbed it and left though the door. The door opened up to a corridor. the corridor had red carpet and looked like a fancy posh kingdom from the 18th century.

Engineer slowly looked around the corridor and saw a staircase not to far ahead that had weird voices chanting from a distance.

Engineer got close to the nearby look out rails and overlooked.

Engineer saw a group of people in red hoods and candles chanting noises Infront of a watery demon poster.

"The yellow eyes...that's the thing that attacked me" angrilly yelled Engineer.

The hooded people looked at Engineer.

Engineer quickly shot one in the chest with the pistol. The red hooded figure fell backwards. Engineer ran off.

"You killed him!" Yelled a red hooded figure as they chased Engineer, They ran up the stairs and Engineer ran down the hallway.

Engineer kicked open a door and hid inside the red hooded figures had torches and pitchforks. They were moaning and groaning like zombies.

Engineer saw he had six bullets. Engineer saw a lady with a red hooded seductive dress covering her face was a hoody.

"come over here" said the lady.

Engineer walked over slowly. Engineer got Infront of her.

"So. tell me why are you here...Mr?"

" me...Mr Engineer?"


The lady opened up the door.

"I have him, Mr Engineer who killed the leader"

"you crazy bitch" yelled Engineer.

Engineer stood behind the lady as the crowd of hoodied figures tried to attack Engineer.

The lady moved and the Red hooded figures surrounded Engineer and tied him up.

"Take him to the leader?" yelled a sinister red hooded figure.

"But we don't have a leader no more?" replied another red hooded figure.

"come. we shall feast in the Masters Chambers, What say you Leviathans?"

"here here" they yelled and chanted.

They carried Engineer to the Masters Chambers and put Engineer on a table.

The man that was shot walked into the room.

"Fret not my children, For I have returned" said the leader.

The whole room went quiet.

"But how. you are dead?"

"No. I am not. I was protected by the Godly material sent from Leviathan himself"

"what is this material called?"

"it's called Play-Boy, must be a thick sheeted metal piece with drawings of humans, But I call it metal because apon opening it the pages are seemed to be stuck together"

"What is the mysterious loco that hoods the key?"

Engineer got out of the hand ties and punched the nearest red hooded figure.

"wait...don't swoop my brother's" said the leader.

"Ay yo let me go" said Engineer.

"what is it that you want brother?"

"I don't want anything. my submarine was attacked by a sea monster and I came here"

"sea monster"

"Yeah...sea monster...big old eyes and sharp Spiral teeth"

The red hooded figures started chatting amongst themselves.

"Order!" yelled the leader. The whole room went quiet.

"So...under what evidence did you see this beast"

"It made whale noises, I saw it and I lost my mind and the worst part is...I heard the name Leviathan."

"oooh the telekinesis" said a mysterious voice. They continued to chat amongst themselves.

"Order!" Yelled the leader.

"Maybe...perhaps...Mr. Engineer, We take you to the overworld?"

"overworld. like America and stuff?"


"how long have you been down here?"

"Well...since we wait for the return of our leader Leviathan"

"Right...well you can wait and I'll go, But first what is the worst sin you can do in your...cult?"

"Well, We are not a cult but the worst you call it is listen to Michael Buble"

"Right, well I'm off"

Engineer started to leave the red hooded figures tried to grab him.

"Leave him. let him go" yelled the leader. Engineer went to the hallway to the ladies room and saw the lady.

A man in a red hood walked over to the leader.

"why did you let him go?"

"because he doesn't know I'm the real Leviathan. if he knew he would jeopardize our operations, beside who will believe a drunken fool who has been missing for three years"

A red hooded figure ran into the room.

"Listen up everybody. I have just been informed that the only woman in our cult listen to Michael Buble!"

"We must kill her" yelled the leader.

Engineer heard the commotion from a distance and smiled and began to walk off.

"Kill her...kill the girl" yelled a red hooded figure.

"Wait. that's messed up"

Engineer pulled out his gun and walked to the crowd.

The red hooded figures carried the woman to the sacrificial room, Engineer followed.

They laid the woman out on the table and slowly began to tied her down while chanting.

"Brother's it's time we mourn the death of the only woman" Siad the leader.

"only woman?" Siad a member

"Only woman" said Engineer.

"Yes. when she is dead there will be no more woman" said the leader. the group looked at each other.

"Well I awful no other woman besides...her and me.." Said a male member wearing lipstick. the crowd looked at him with confusion.

"I mean...what?" said the man with lipstick.

The leader rolled his eyes.

"Kill the girl" said the leader. The prosecutor raised the knife. Engineer shot the arm.

the crowd went quiet.

Engineer held the gun out firm as he walked to the girl.

"now you can do this the easy way or the hard way" said Engineer.

"forget it son we have more members then you have bullets"

"I just give me the Girl?"

"Well...if she means slot to you take her"


"She is of no value to us"

A few members scratch there heads.

"well I mean?"

"Order. take her"

Engineer awkwardly let her go and walked out.

"but sir" asked prosecutor.

"Forget it. he can check out anytime he wants, but he can never leave"

"sir...we just got informed he and the girl is leaving"


Engineer and the lady ran to an elevator.

"where does this go?" asked Engineer.

"uhm I don't know"

"Well, let's find..."


Engineer looks back and realised there not chasing them.

"hmmm normally in movies...never mind"

The elevator door opened the two got in and hit the button.

the doors shut and the elevator music was playing.

"Sir what do we do about the two escapes?" asked prosecutor.

"Well...We wait for the Leviathan to rise"

Engineer and the lady got to there stop.

"What's your name?" asked Engineer

"Alison you?"


The doors opened and they saw they are in the original Submarine called Bottom Feeder.

"Wait...I'm in the bottom Feeder" Said Engineer

Engineer woke up and was laying on the floor of the bottom Feeder.

"No...No it was all a dream!' yelled Engineer.

"No it wasn't I was sleeping"


"So what do we now?"

Engineer was with Alison in the elevator.

"It's him the Leviathan. he alters time"


"Well he can alter his face after I break it"

The elevator doors open and a big scary monster was behind the doors.

"Oh My god!" Yelled Engineer as he tried to close the elevator doors. the doors shut and the two went back to the bottom floor and ran out and stopped Infront of the elevator.

"Why are you too still here?" asked the leader.

"Cos we can't leave"

"oh you can leave...Evan"

"how did you"

" can't exit if you never enter?"


"he is saying you are still drowning..."


"chow Bella"

Engineer woke up drowning in the bottom Feeder, Engineer swam to the water gate exit and tried to shut it but nothing happened so he opened it and was sucked into the ocean.

Engineer saw the Bottom Feeder slowly sink. seconds later big teeth became visible and devoured the submarine then slowly came closer groaning.

"ENGINEER YOU ARE MINE!" Yelled Leviathan.

Engineer tried to swim to the top of the ocean as Leviathan chased him.

Engineer got to the top of the ocean gasping for air as he was recovered.

"Hey...Help!" yelled Engineer.

Engineer was pulled out of the water by a man on a row boat.

The man pulled out a towel.

"here wear this. the river runs deep at these parts"

The man is wearing a red jacket and has a big red beard. he is seven feet six and really burly.


The man grabbed his rifle and shot the water a large roaring of the Leviathan can be heard.

The large man reloaded his gun and sat down.

"that's the end of him" the man sat down

"oh don't mention it, I am surprised you made it out of there"

"where was I"

"son, you are luckily to be alive. you escaped the Leviathans Rise. home of the Leviathan, Master of time and illusion some say gate keeper to hell" said the large man

"oh tell me about it"

"Where's home for you?"

"at the bottom of the ocean"

"you want me to drop you down there...I have anchor"

"no I'm good thanks"

"well lets get you to a home on land"

"sounds good"

"I'm Big Red by the way, yourself?"

"I'm Engineer"

"Nice, what's your name"


"you're name is Engineer?"


"what do you do for work?"

"I am a naval specialist"

"oh you're a seman"


"hahaha Me too"


"Yeah I was until I went on an expedition and almost never made it back"

"what was yours called"

"You ever heard of Bottom Feeder?"

"Yes that's my sub"

"Yeah well...must be a coincidence cos the bottom Feeder I went after was ten years ago"

"I'm sorry"

"Yeah that's right then years ago"