Chereads / Jarrod A. Freeman's Submarine Dwellers / Chapter 1 - Into the Abyss

Jarrod A. Freeman's Submarine Dwellers

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Chapter 1 - Into the Abyss

Years earlier, In the Factory of Offspring just north of a naval sea Lab located in America.

The naval sea pilots are running around making way for the bank owner. some are panicking and frantically stressing.

A young sailor ran to the head office and quickly knocked on the door. but after seconds of no answer the young sailor kicked the door open and saw the head owner sleeping.

The young sailor ran to the owner and realised he wasn't sleeping but he was actually dead.

"No. No!" the young sailor quickly ran for help. in the workshop a middle aged man by the name of Engineer was smiling while looking at the submarine blueprint pinned to the wall.

"oh yeah she is a real beauty" smiled Engineer.

"Normally people say that about girly magazines not Blueprints of boats" said a mysterious voice behind Engineer.

"well sir that's because ladies don't have what this submarine has" smirked Engineer as he turned around

"and what would that be exactly?" said the Mysterious man.

"Well for starters ladies can't be submerged under water for extended periods of time unless you are evidently murdering them..." smirked Engineer.

"I see" the Mysterious man walked off.

No one would of thought that we can discover the bottom of the ocean, However. scientists believed they created a Submarine that can handle the pressure and do the task they named it Bottom Feeder.

Engineer turned around and saw a group of people in business suits all frowning, There is three business men all old.

"Bottom Feeder" smiled an engineer as he is smoking a cigarette whilst looking at the bank owners.

"Why not call it tin can or shark bait?" Rebutted one of the bank owner.

"Well. you could...but that would be wishful thinking" nervously chuckled the engineer.

"Son, what is your name?"

"well, I'm Engineer?"

"that's the legal name on Identification?"

"I mean, It would be. might I have one to begin with?' Chuckled Engineer with a smirk.

The bank owners shook his head and walked away. Engineer quickly thought if an idea.

"ugh, Lightbulb moment" Engineer three his smoke away and quickly intercepted the bank owners. Engineer ran Infront of them and held his hands out.

"hold your horses geezers..."

"why?" asked an old bank man.

"well...I haven't told you about the features"

"go on. the floor is yours?" frowned a bank owner.

"well...It goes underwater...and does stuff"

"what kind of stuff"


"Sea stuff?"


The bank owners looked at each other and started chatting amongst themselves.

"alright fine. you wanna know why the Bottom Feeder is going to be the revolutionary convention...thing"

"okay, how?"

" actually comes with...errr...Ladies?"

"ladies?" said one of the bank owners.

"yes....Ladies love...people who"

"ooooh" said the Bank owners, there eyes lit up and they began chatting amongst themselves.

"what if we don't want ladies?" asked one of the bank owners.

"Men love...submarine...funders...too..."

"how many...are we talking?"

"well...All of them" awkwardly smiling Engineer.

The three bank owners gathered and formed a circle and chatted amongst themselves. The three stood up and looked at Engineer.

"Throw in a fireman and you got a deal"

"absolutely" smirked Engineer.

Engineer quickly walked away to the head office to speak to the Boss man.

Engineer walked inside the office and saw Boss man asleep on the table.

"Sir?" smiled Engineer. but the Boss man kept on snoring.

"ahem?" said Engineer. Engineer rolled his eyes and walked over to the boss man and stood beside him and slowly reached into his left pocket and slowly got his wallet.

Engineer looked through it and found some money, took the money out.

Boss man quickly grabbed Engineers right arm.

"Put it back" frowned Boss man.

"Yes dad"

"and the coupons"

"that's all I took"

"why did you wake me?"

"the bank owners are here pops"

"hmmm...did they buy the sub"


Boss man pulled out his phone and dialled some numbers and waited for the call to be answered someone on the other end answered.

"ah yes hello, I need a few male models...who look like sailors." Boss man hung up.

"why not get Navy sailors"

"Engineer. has it ever occured to you that you are a naval sailor"


later that day Engineer was looking at the blueprints a beautiful lady walked into the room.

"you have been staring at thing for days now"

"Yeah I am trying to work out the kinks"

"well you can start by giving it the one thing anything needs"

"oh yeah what's that" said Engineer as he turned to face the beautiful woman.

"A little Love" smiled the woman.

Engineer went quiet.

"it's you....I I can't believe it!" yelled Engineer.

"yeah well when you spend years at the bottom of the ocean...anything is possible"

Engineer woke up yelling and sweating. Engineer looked around the room he is sleeping in. Engineer got out of bed and looked to the wall and looked at his clue montage.

Engineer was trying to work out how the First submarine went down. the Boss man walked into the room.

"Yeah...I remember my first time I was submerged for two years"

Engineer turned to the window and looked out and saw the bottom of the ocean.

"Yeah...that's right. that's how they get the name Bottom Feeder"

Engineer fell to the ground on his knees.


The Submarine that Only Engineer is in is called Bottom Feeder. hence why he is at the bottom. nothing around him but the darkness of the ocean.

been underwater for two years. the oxygen is derived from the plants in the back wall.

Engineer turned to his radio and tried to call for help but nothing.

Engineer clenched his hands and scratched his beard. Engineer has a full beard, ripped shirt, ripped pants. opened can of tuna everywhere.

Engineer looked to his monitor and saw a beep signal in the distance.

"No no come for me" Engineer tried to scramble the frequency.

Engineer saw it come closer.

"COME GET ME YOU BASTARD!" Yelled Engineer. the beep got closer and closer. Until the beep was one full note.

The submarine was quickly and violently pushed to the right. everything was thrown to the right. Engineer was thrown to the walls from the force.

A large whale like sound was from outside.

Engineer fell to the floor and got up quickly


The submarine was suddenly plunged backwards and lifted slowly.

Engineer quickly ran to the window and saw nothing, Engineer turned on the light switch for outside lights. nothing. Engineer turned them off then walked away. The submarine stopped moving Engineer turned to the window and turned the light on quickly a large yellow eye was there gaping in.

Engineer quickly turned the light off and fell backwards. the submarine was dropped and the thing swam away making a massive force of water pushing the submarine far away.

Engineer felt the water pressure increase as the submarine was being squeezed by the tremoundius pressure. the submarine hit a rock and Engineer fell backwards and slammed into the Window cracking his head as well as the window a little bit.

Engineer passed out and as he was passing out he turned to look out the window.

Engineer got a glimpse of a wired creature off in the distance. but seconds later he was unconscious.

The submarine was lodged onto a rock that was preventing the submarine from falling off the edge.

At the Naval Sea Air and Land Operative headquarters in America.

A group of scientists were in a meeting with the department of Defence ministers.

"Sir. I can assure you. Engineer is dead!" Yelled the War chief.

"No he isn't!"

"how do you know. does he talk to you?"

"no I just know!"

"well that's just great, you have a hunch and Engineer has a sinking feeling" War chief clicked his fingers and a few armoured men walked in.

"Gentlemen take this hippie out of here"

"yes sir" replied the armoured men.

"but wait"

"for what...him to what? cap size? take photos with the Titanic. look for Davie Jones locker?"

"no I mean..."

"get out"

The head scientist was thrown out if the building along with his two other scientists.

The head scientists name is Wolfgang Sonar.

"Great. I will have to go looking for him myself"

"not without me you're not" said the other female scientists.

"No. it's a suicide mission" Said Wolfgang Sonar.

The three went back to the Lab and started working on a submarine.

Back in the Bottom Feeder. Engineer woke up and slowly opened his eyes. he saw the whole submarine a mess.

Engineer got onto his stomach and commando crawled over to the Monitor. he saw he was lodged into a rock preventing the submarine from falling into a somewhat abyss.

Engineer saw the outside perimeter but the way it works is it only make objects from movement and touching detection. if there is no movement or touching of the submarine there is no detection. and right now Engineers submarine is only detecting the side that's lodged into the rock.

Engineers submarine has three sections. the housing sections which is basic toilet, bed and TV. The kitchen and the front which is the Monitor room for the monitor needs.

Engineer saw the crack in the window and slowly made his way to the monitor room to get easy seal for the crack. Engineer saw a photo of his wife and started getting emotional.

Engineer got the easy seal and fixed the window and fell to his knees.

Engineer went to sleep.

Engineer was woken up by the radio.

Engineer ran to the radio.

"Hello....Hello?" said a voice on the radio.

"Hello? I'm here"

"Hi, Are you okay?"

"no, I'm stuck"

"what's your coordinates?"


Engineer saw the light for the radio was off.

and dropped the radio. Engineer went quiet.

"What's the matter. you have a sinking feeling haha"

The radio scrambled and stopped.

Engineer picked up the radio and threw it.

Engineer saw a small water leak in the back door water gate.

Months later.

Back at the Lab with Wolfgang Sonar.

Wolfgang and his beautiful wife are working on a new submarine to save Engineer.

A man walked over with a tank top, full beard and ripped jeans.

"Baby!" yelled the woman. Wolfgang Sonar walked over to see the man.

"can it be? could it" yelled the wife.

"Son?" Yelled Wolfgang Sonar.

"Dad. I just wanna say...I tried"

Engineer was nearly neck deep in water. Engineer saw the water gate door just need to be pulled shut. Engineer tried to shimmy himself to the door and shut it Engineer gave it all he had and the door shut. the water slowly started being drained out in a one way valve. Engineer began to cry with pure emotion and feeling thinking he was going to die.

Engineers monitor started beeping. Engineer slowly walked to the monitor and looked for the source.

"That thing that's back...the Leviathan"

The beep got closer.

Engineer ran to the window and turned the light on and saw the monitor the beep slowly disappeared.

"haha that thing hates the light haha!" chuckled Engineer. Engineer, went to the monitor and saw the battery life slowly drain.

Engineers face slowly went pale. for there is only a a certain amount of battery life. Engineer opened up the table side cabinet and pulled out a gun with one bullet.

"Him or me make the pick Engineer!" yelled Engineer.

Engineer went to the window and turned the light off. the beep slowly came close and sped up. Engineer aimed the gun to the window. the large whale noise was made.

Engineer waited for the beep to come close and turn the lights on.

The window light lit up revealing sharp teeth like Razors that spiral down the mouth. Engineer turned the light off and dived down. the submarine was suddenly hit by a large force, the submarine was knocked off the rock. the submarine fell down into the abyss. as the submarine fell Engineer closed his eyes and braced for impact.