Everything happened so fast. Erik, who was originally happy because he received a gift from TTS which was filled with sailing on a cruise ship, ended tragically. The ship sank before reaching its destination. He was stranded in the sea while waiting for death to greet the next life.
"God, this torments me so much."
On the verge of despair, a ship passed by and helped him. Giving him hope until the fact slapped him that he was in the wrong place. A place that Erik should have never imagined happening in the world, especially in his life. A human place that violates human rights law. An evil human who only thinks of personal satisfaction. Humans of the underworld.
This is the story of Erik's journey. Strong men who try to stay strong in the midst of human rights are being used as a playground.
This story contains adult content such as vulgar/abusive sentences, violence/abuse, murder etc. For readers who are not old enough or not comfortable with this reading. It is advisable not to read it.
Chapter 1 - Selamat datang untuk membuat di WEBNOVEL
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