It's the day before the gala, and things are looking up. With all of us running on no sleep, we were able to get the flowers and everything else set up. Our outfits are complete, and they look stunning. Jason and I haven't tried on the final product yet, but Maya assures us all is well.
A knawing feeling forms in my stomach. I try to shrug it off, but as the day continues, it only gets worse. I don't feel sick, but I do feel off. It's almost like a gut feeling someone would get when something is amiss. I sit on a chair and bend over. Shit, this is getting painful. This gut feeling is turning into gut-wrenching.
Damien comes to my side and pats me on my back. "Are you okay?" I breathe in through my nose and exhale from my mouth. "I'm fine, I'm just having a cramp," If I give any sign that I'm sick, I don't know what Jason will do, so I make it seem like my pain is coming from natural means. If this keeps up, I won't make it to the gala.
"Did you already take some pain relief?" I highly doubt pain relief can fix this, but it's worth a shot, so I send Damien to fetch some. I take two when Damien comes back. With a comforting pat on the back, Damien leaves me to continue his work.
Nearly an hour later, and I'm still hunch-backed on this damn chair. I start to feel nauseous and light-headed. With my head bent down, I can't see who is walking toward me, but I know it's Jason. "You've been like this for nearly an hour. Are you sure it's just cramps? Do you need a heating pad?"
Jason has his business voice on, but I can hear his concern. "I'm fine. I just need a moment." I try to get out of the chair, but my ass falls right back down. The pain is damn near unbearable. Jason sighs. "You're useless here. You're also distracting the people around you who are concerned. You're better off going home," I squint my eyes in pain and look up at him.
He wears an emotionless mask. "Aw, is this your way of telling me to go home and rest? By trying to convince me with harsh and reasonable words? It's cute, but it's not happening. I'm fine. I just -"
"Need a moment?" Jason finishes my sentence. He gives me a stern glare. "I'm right, and you know it. So be good, and leave," I roll my eyes at the reference Jason makes about our moment in the forest. "Fine, but the moment I'm better, I'll be back," I try to get up again to repeat the first attempt. "I'd expect nothing less. Until then, let's get you out of here. Monitor things while I'm gone," Jason shouts the last part to Diego.
Without checking to see if Diego heard him, Jason carries me princess-style. I don't have the energy to fight him on it. Jason whips my keys out of my purse and unlocks my car. After securing me in the passenger seat, he takes off.
"Will you be able to go to the gala?" Jason asks as he pulls up to my place. He turns the GPS off and turns toward me. "I have to. We've worked too hard, and so has Maya on my dress. Don't worry, I'll be fine by tomorrow morning,"
Jason nods his head. After assuring him that I can get out of the car by myself, I make my way up the path. The pain is agonizing, and I pass out on my couch seconds later.
Today is the big day. My stomach pains are gone, and I feel great after a day's rest. I take a shower and put on some casual clothes. Maya insisted on dressing Jason and me and doing our makeup. We have a makeup department of our own, but Maya insisted she knew our palates best, considering she made the outfits. I don't know how good she is at makeup, but I trust her.
I put on a baggy shirt and some sweats. I slip on my slides, grab my purse, and leave. This is the most comfortable I've been on my way to work.
I walked into Maya's store and was led to the back room by one of her workers. Jason is already waiting. "How are you feeling today?"
"I'm okay. I haven't felt this well-rested in two years," I grin. "Are you insinuating that I don't give you a moment's rest?" Jason returns the grin. "We both know the answer to that," I sit on the couch and continue my research on werewolves. I've found a bunch of fake stories and shows, but nothing provides answers. A text message appears on my screen. It's a text from the guy I put on Jason's case.
'I've got something,' We both know better than to put private information on any devices and have it recorded. Calls are out of the question and so are emails. 'When can we meet?' He texts again.
'My entire week is packed. Maybe tomorrow night?' I respond. After a few seconds, another message comes through. 'Are you sure you want to meet me in the dark?' It isn't a smart idea, but I have my dates with Sebastian and work after the gala. 'Do I have a target on my back?'
'No, but if you did, you wouldn't know,'
'Are you going to harm me in any shape, way, or form?'
'No, but again, you wouldn't know if I did,'
'That just means you're good at your job. I have high expectations. Whatever you're showing me had better be good,'
'I guess I'll really have to do my best then,'
'I guess so. I'll see you later tomorrow night?'
'Tomorrow night it is,'
Our conversation ends, and the messages are automatically deleted. The phone number ceases to exist. "Hey, Jason. Are you free tomorrow night?" I have no intentions of going alone, but if that's where the cards fall. "Yes, I have a date with Saiya. Do you need me for something?" He won't drop the date unless there's a good reason, and he shouldn't. If he hears what I'm going to do, then he probably will. They need some time together after dinner at Mom's place.
I shake my head at him. "No, I was just curious," Jason frowns. "You're never 'just curious,'"
"Well, I am today," I cross my arms. "What are you doing tomorrow night?" Jason squints his eyes, suspicious of my behavior. I give a heavy sigh, fully prepared for what I'm going to say. "I thought we could hang out together. It's been a stressful week, and I thought we could both use a break," Jason's face goes blank. He sits up in the seat across from me.
Jason gets out of his chair and leans in close to me. He puts his hand on my forehead. "You're not burning, but you must be sick. Those cramps must've done a number on you. I didn't know they affected the brain," The worst part about this is that his face actually looks concerned.
I flick his hand away with annoyance. "Excuse me for wanting a normal day with you. Besides, if me wanting to hang out with you makes me sick, then our newly developed relationship puts me on a deathbed," Jason gives me a genuine smile. "You're not wrong. We can hang out during the time you're planning on going out with Sebastian," he gives me a toothy smile that makes me melt in my seat, but I compose myself.
"Yeah, no. I'm not picking you over Sebastian," his smile turns into a serious frown. "That's what I'm afraid of," I roll my eyes. "I'm not going to put the company in jeopardy. Besides, what I meant is that Sebastian can fuck me, you can't," a smug grin plants itself on my face. A growl emerges from Jason.
"I'll make sure to give you all of the details of what goes down so you won't feel left out," I boop his nose. He grabs my wrist. Once again, he's gentle, but the grip is still ferocious. "No, thank you," his face twitches, and I'm nearly about to erupt into laughter when Maya comes out to fit us in our clothes.
"How are we doing this fine morning?" Jason and I keep eye contact. "It's going great," I say. "Mine was going just fine,"
"I'm sure I've been the highlight of your day,"
Jason releases his grasp on me and huffs. "Far from it," he says. "I'm glad you're both getting along," Maya scoots us to our changing room. Jason, of course, didn't budge but instead walked on his own volition.
"You two aren't allowed to see each other in these outfits until the gala," Maya makes herself clear. "It's her thing," Jason says.
"Why? This isn't a wedding," I say, confused. "It is to me. I can't have you both casting bad luck upon it."
I'm shoved into a room with Maya, and Jason is taken elsewhere. "You're going to look ethereal when I'm done with you. Jason won't be able to advert his eyes," she gives me a sly wink. Her words give me whiplash. "What are you talking about?" She turns her head and gives me a 'you ain't hiding nothing,' kind of look.
"You're the first person he's brought to the gala. It surprised me at first, but I shrugged it off. But now, I see the connection you two have." She gives me a warm smile that makes me want to gag. Can't a man and woman be friends nowadays?
"Jason and I are friends. Nothing more. Our relationship is playful at best and rude at worst. Regardless if I'm the first person he's even brought to the gala." Maya's face shows me she doesn't believe me. "I've seen platonic relationships between a man and woman. You guys aren't it. Denial is always the first stage. You wouldn't be the first or the last," Maya takes out my dress, and it's in peek condition. It looks gorgeous.
"I'll prove you wrong. Both you and Hayley. Jason and I are strictly platonic," I grab the dress and start to strip. " I don't know who Hayley is, but what's keeping you from dating him anyway? Lots of people date their boss, and you two know how to keep it professional." I roll my eyes at her comment. "Nobody is dating their boss, and aside from that, he's marrying my sister." Maya's jaw drops. I put the dress on, and it fits my entire body.
It gives the impression I was hoping it would. The clear fabric in the upper part makes it seem like I don't have a dress on but rather as if I'm covered in petals. I spin around in it, and I'm mesmerized. "Maya, this is amazing," I gush. When she doesn't respond to me, I look back. Her jaw is still slack on the floor. My excitement dies down. "I never knew Jason was ever interested in dating, much less getting married,"
"I trust you won't tell anyone," Maya puts her hand on her chest. "What happens in the changing room stays in the changing room," her face is utterly serious. A smile brings itself to my face, knowing that I can trust her with this. I'll have to ask Jason if he's okay with it. "How did they meet?" Maya asks.
"She went to visit me at one of our fashion shows. Jason happened to be there, and they ran into each other. Apparently, they hit it off. Jason proposed within a year of knowing her," I'm not sure if Jason would appreciate me telling this to her, but that's what girlfriends do, right? Besides, if I don't share this with someone, I'm going to explode. You never ask someone if you can gossip about them, right?
"I didn't take him as the type. Who knew he was a love-at-first-sight kind of guy? That must mean he really loves her," I shrug my shoulders. "That's what I said," If Jason says he loves Saiya, who am I to say differently? "Wait, then what's up with the crazy sexual tension between you two?"
"There is none," Maya rolls her eyes at me. "You can't lie about that. I can see it with my eyes and feel it in my soul," Of course, there's sexual tension between Jason and I, but it's easier to ignore it than explore it and end up disappointed. "Whether we do or not doesn't matter. He's getting married, so there's no point in exploring it." I slip on my heels. The red, white, and pink that intertwine in my outfit is satisfying. Maya comes up behind me and places a hand on my shoulder. She speaks to me through the mirror. "There's nothing wrong with how you feel for Jason, but if you really don't want to explore it, that's your decision,"
Annoyance bubbles up inside me. "There's nothing to explore. I don't feel anything for him. Why can't anybody get this through their heads?!" It isn't helping that I'm involving myself deeper in his life with this whole werewolf business. It's utterly exhausting to maintain a professional and platonic relationship with him at the same time. Much less a romantic one. Maya backs up and puts her hands in the air. "Sorry, let's change the topic. How do you like the dress?" I sigh in relief at the change of topic.
"Well, if you weren't so busy lowering your jaw to the floor, you'd have heard I said it's magnificent," Maya lightly shoves me with a smile. "Shut up, but thank you for the compliment. I'm amazing, I know." She playfully winks at me. We spend the rest of the day fixing my hair, makeup, and jewelry. Jason got out long before I did. It's well into the afternoon when we finish. Jason is nowhere to be found when we come out.
"I told you both that you can't see each other until the event," Maya explains to me. "I thought that was because you wanted us to be together. I didn't think it still applied after I told you about his relationship status,"
"As Jason said before, this is my thing. The secretaries before you were good, don't get me wrong, but for some unknown reason, they never attended the gala. Maybe they were so swamped with work that they couldn't afford the time off. I never had to do this much with Jason, but I do it often with my other customers. I only let Jason see the dresses but never with them on the models. It's a thing,"
If this is true, why is Jason taking me with him? Maybe the other secretaries didn't go by choice. Whatever. I check on the preparations to make sure everything is going smoothly. Apparently, Jason is already at the place. Maya and I eat food after she wraps me up as tightly as she can with plastic. With my arms restrained, Maya had to feed me. This woman is ballistic. I can't blame her, though. Lord knows how much effort was put into this dress.
My hair is half-up, half-down, with it being in a styled messy low bun, while the rest of my hair is in waves along my back. The head jewelry looks great. A few strands of hair cup my face. I'm covered in petals from head to toe, but Maya didn't overdo it. I arrive thirty minutes before the gala starts, courtesy of Maya. I walk into the place, and it looks stunning. We were able to get other animals here on short notice. The backyard of the gala is where they're placed. Some will rock the runway with the models, and others will stay in the back and look pretty.
"You're here," I turn around at the sound of Jason's voice, and my breath is taken away. His suit perfectly fits him, accentuating his fit figure that I know all too well. It isn't suffocating him like some suits would on men. His hair is slicked back, with a styled strand of hair remaining in the front. His makeup is done, outlining his jawline, cheekbones, eyes, and eyebrows. His gloves prove how massive his hands are. I'm left staring for longer than I intended to, but I'm not the only one.
We're both stuck looking at one another until Maya coughs. She smirks at the both of us, proud of her work and obviously hinting at other things, but I ignore it. Her dress suit really represents who she is, and it's a good look on her as it compliments her milky chocolate skin. "You look amazing," Jason says with a smile. I try my hardest to prevent the blush that eventually creeps into my cheeks. "I could say the same for you. Maya, you really outdid yourself with the both of us," I tear my eyes away from Jason and look at her. "I know. This ought to be some of my best works yet,"
Jason nods his head in agreement. After a final checking that everything is in order, guests start to roll in. Jason and I greet everyone at the door. A few women make obvious attempts at seducing Jason, but he handles it professionally. It never irked me until now. I ignore my feelings and keep things professional. A feeling I can't ignore comes back as I get another gut feeling. It isn't as painful as last time, but it's unsettling.
I'm left feeling queasy and uneasy. I excuse myself and make my way into the backyard where the peacocks, fish, and butterflies are. I sit on one of the benches and do my breathing exercises. "Hey, beautiful." I jump at the sudden contact. I turn around and find Sebastian's hand on mine. I relax after realizing who he is. "Hey yourself, handsome," I reciprocate Sebastian's energy. He emits a deep chuckle.
He reaches his hand out, and I take it. The pain isn't so bad as to where I can't stand like before. He pulls me against his chest and wraps his arm around my waist. "You look exceptional tonight," he doesn't break eye contact with me. His caramel-like skin is in coordination with his black suit. His light brown eyes stare into my hazel eyes. While Jason maintains a sophisticated look, Sebastian captures his wild side while still maintaining a professional appearance. "And you look ravishing," my tone is polite instead of seductive.
He pulls away from me and says, "Do a spin for me," I cock a brow. "Please?" He puts his hands together and pouts. I roll my eyes but can't deny his adorableness. I do a little twirl and end it with a bow. He claps after my 'performance.' "You're meant for the runway, darling. My offer still stands," He walks up to me and places his hands on my hips.
"You want me to quit my good-paying job to be a low-waged model? As a businessman, you should know that isn't a very smart decision." I boop his nose with my finger. He grabs my hand and kisses my wrist. "I'm also a man who's a fan of living life to the fullest, and you, my dear Soren, are doing anything but. I'm also a big fan of investments and believe that if you invest your time and money into modeling, you'll get more than you think. Especially with my company. You also have a spot in the design department if you're interested," he keeps my arm near him.
"I heard getting a spot in your company is really hard. What makes me so special?" It's a question I often ask myself when it comes to Sebastian. "As I said, I'm a fan of investments, and I have no problems investing my money and time into a talented and beautiful woman who is capable of more than she knows. I don't know why Jason is locking you away, hiding your talents,"
"Mr. Madden isn't doing anything of the such. I'm swamped with what I do now, and I'm not letting it go in the hopes that I will succeed somewhere else. Besides, I'm good at what I do, and I enjoy being better than everyone else."
"You will be better than everyone else no matter what you do. You're just too afraid to try," I go silent. Sebastian isn't wrong, but he isn't right either. I'm not afraid. I just don't want to invest more time into something. I don't want to restart my life all over again. I'm too old for that shit. "I'm too old to change my career path. And don't be one of those people who says it's never too late to strive for what you want. It's stupid, and only rich people with a bunch of time on their hands say it."
Sebastian laughs, and my stomach gets a new feeling. One that doesn't involve me collapsing in pain. "Why don't you date?" I ask Sebastian a personal question that is none of my business, but there's no harm in trying. His laugh instantly fades, but he covers it up with a smirk. "I don't have the time, and I'm not a one-flavor kind of guy. If you know what I mean," he winks at me. There's clearly a deeper meaning behind it, but I won't pry more than I already have.
"I know what you mean, but I wish I could relate. I've only had a limited number of flavors. Courtesy of me being an absolute workaholic. I don't know how you get out and find the time."
Sebastian leads me toward the benches, seeing this conversation lasting longer than we both expected. "You make time for the things you want to make time for, darling,"
"I don't have the ingredients to make time for others. Hell, I don't even have the recipe." I chuckle, but there's no humor in it. Sebastian puts his hand under my chin and lightly twists my head so that I'm facing him. "I didn't think you'd take the phrase so literally. It's one of the things I love about you," he kisses my nose, and I do a double take. "But if we're going to talk metaphorically, then experiment. Ingredients and recipes were made through trial and error. Once you find that secret recipe of yours, don't let it go."
I don't get to respond as a woman whom I recognize as Sebastian's assistant interrupts us. "Mr. Aldor, you're being called. It's urgent. If you're not busy, anyway," she gives me a stank expression. It's only for but a moment, but I'm sure Sebastian caught onto it as well. He's not oblivious to those who have feelings for him. "I'll be seeing you again," Sebastian kisses my hand and takes off. I'm left alone with my thoughts. Trial and error, huh? I don't get a chance to dwell on the thought as twigs start to crack from the forest that surrounds me.
There was fencing so the peacocks couldn't escape, and all of them were accounted for. The gut feeling in my stomach grows. I start to head inside, but my feet are lifted from off the ground. I let out a shriek that I'm sure nobody heard, as the music was fairly loud inside. I'm well above the gala building. Holy fuck. A bird flies by, and I damn near have a heart attack. This is some supernatural bullshit! The gut feeling gets worse, and I'm about to puke. For fucks sake! What do I even do in this situation?
"Whoever is doing this, please stop!" I scream. "I mean, stop after you've slowly put me back on the ground!" I clarify. Obviously, my message gets lost in translation when I'm levitated through the gala doors. "Oh, shit!" I scream before I'm dragged inside. The lights are off as the models get ready to walk down the stage. Once these lights turn on, I'm done for.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! What do I do? All too suddenly, I start falling, feeling the weight of gravity again. Naturally, I let out an ear-piercing shriek. The whispers stop in reaction to my cry for help. Once again, I'm levitated. I hear a childish laugh in the distance. Oh, fuck no. I don't play with this demonic shit! Why is it that the moment I find out about Jason, supernatural creatures decide to come out of the woodwork?!
The lights turn on, and I'm put on the spot. I shy away from the limelight, but I'm unable to move in any direction. Wisphers start again. All kinds of things are going around, but for the most part, everybody thinks this is part of the show. I wipe the terrified look off my face and make myself presentable once again. "Welcome to our annual gala! We'll be showing off our- WOOH!" I interrupt myself as I suddenly drop for a few seconds before I'm in the air again. I nervously chuckle.
"Right, anyway. This is our spring collection, designed by Maya Reyes! We will start this show off with our flower fashion line. The dresses have been designed based on many flowers across the world." The models are hasty and professional with their appearance despite my sudden monologue. This continues as the models go down the runway. I'm turned and twisted in all kinds of ways. I'm flipped upside down and have to pull on my long-ass skirt so I don't flash anybody.
The giggles surround me until everything suddenly stops, and I'm left falling from the ceiling. My life doesn't flash before my eyes. What does appear are all of the things I never did, things I hope for. And for some reason, Jason appears. I try my hardest not to scream so that I make this as natural as possible, but I can't help the tears that prick my eyes. "Jason," I whisper. I put my faith in Jason's ability to catch me.
I look down and see Jason running full speed ahead, shoving people out of the way to get to me. He jumps on the stage and in the air to catch me. The moment I land in his arms I can breathe, knowing his arms are holding me tight. "I'm here. I'm always going to be here. You made that promise to me, and I plan to do the same. Don't worry, I've got you." I keep my hands over my mouth to stop my sobs from reaching the audience. "Thank you all for showing up. We will close in a few minutes," the audience gasps, and there are words of anger.
"Jason, you can't. So many people have put so much effort and work into this. We can't cut it short," Jason grips my body tighter and frowns at me. "Absolutely not. You and I both know what just happened wasn't part of the show, and you're clearly in distress. The gala has already lasted for hours. We were able to get through our collection. We're fine." I nod my head, knowing that there is no use in debating this. I'm too exhausted to fight anyway. The only thing I can do is curl up tight into Jason's chest and relax in his scent and body heat.