Chereads / ¿Is it safe to be like this? / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Connection

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Connection

It's been a while since anyone has stayed at my house, a few years maybe?

In the end it was a whim on my part to have helped her, I just didn't want to see someone die in front of me, not again...

-humm this should already be-

I'm reheating leftovers from the afternoon, I had made a big tray of lasagna having to cook every day is annoying...

I started to hear some steps approaching and I direct my gaze towards the sound, I couldn't help but be surprised I knew that she looks good but seeing her with my clothes on really gives her a different air

-How about the jersey and shorts? They are comfortable?-

Hearing my voice, she turned sharply towards me.

- Yes... thank you very much... for the shower and the room-

"Okay, don't worry about it."

She is still very nervous

- You can sit on that piece of furniture and turn on the television if you want until then I'll serve dinner-

-Esta bien-

While I was serving dinner, a notification came to my cell phone.

-It's time to upload the work-

I see the time

- It's 8 PM I still have two hours to send it-

With the two plates in hand I went to the living room and placed them on the central table, I sat next to Vanessa

- Ten enjoy it-

she nodded

We had finished eating and I was sending the pending jobs that she had, I turned my gaze a little to see Vanessa, she looks a little less anxious

I guess she should be fine now


Being called she was a little surprised and she turned a little to see me

-I think it's time for you to explain better what happened to you, you seem to be a bit calmer so it would be good if you told me, you'll be with me for a while after all-

She seems a bit doubtful but

- Esta bien-

-You don't have to tell me exactly everything but enough to understand your situation-

- I... I've always been a quiet girl, I was never popular, nor did I want to have that kind of attention-

It was enough for me to have few friends, I felt good but...

The situation in my home has always been... Troubled? It was always like this, since I can remember my parents usually argue a lot, because my father usually comes home drunk, or simply doesn't come home

Vanessa bites her lips a bit.

- When he arrived in that state he used to hit us and complain saying "If we never had you, things wouldn't be like this" or "Damn the day I decided to marry your mother" it's sad but when I left that house and spent it with my friends became more tolerable... Even though my mother didn't actively hit me she would always look down on me and say things like "Because I had you" "it would have been better to give you up for adoption" it was difficult but manageable-

-But yesterday my parents' discussion reached another point, everyone in the middle of the street saw how my father hit my mother... excessively

And today when I went to university

I felt that everyone was looking at me in a strange way, I tried not to pay attention to it but when I arrived with my friends...

They got up and walked away from me, only the one who was my best friend remained, but...

She said stay away from me, I don't want to have any relationship with the daughter of a badly treated man, it was very hard, the few people who thought they were my friends... turned their backs on me-

Tears started to come out of her eyes

I reached out my hand to caress his head

- Okay that's enough, as long as you're here you won't have to suffer that anymore

I brought her body closer to me in a hug while she kept caressing her head

Minutes passed until she calmed down.

-What do you want to do? Go back to the university and continue studying or stay here and rest for a while-

She stopped stroking her head and moved away from my arms as she looked into my eyes.

- I want to continue studying-

-Are you sure?-


- From today you are going to live here, early tomorrow we will go to see your things-

- huh?-


seemed to want to refuse

- Why are you doing this? Help me, it doesn't benefit you at all-

-I wonder why?-

I close my eyes and move my hand to my chin

- It's a whim... yes-

Without giving him the option to refuse, I get up

- Go to rest, tomorrow we will have to wake up early-

I walk to my room

- Wait...-



I just entered the room, I can't help but want to go to bed, today was a strange day, if more than strange...


What am I doing in the house of a man I just met!!

It was a very hard day just remembering it


I could have put up with the others moving away from me but Natalia... I've known her for so many years, I didn't think she would abandon me like that...

I felt so much anxiety... so much sadness, I wanted to die so badly, the only place where I had "Peace" collapsed, all because of that...

I can't help but sigh

I didn't want to be here anymore, I wanted to disappear... I went to that place I met a few days ago but that boy stopped me before I got to the worst

He said to be with you... that was the first time someone said something like that to me

I couldn't stop my heart from jumping with those words, I know it's just that and maybe he only did it because he was simply there but...

I couldn't help but my heart felt warm

-I don't think he's a bad person but, it gives me a strange feeling. I have no idea what it is but I know it's there-

He said that he lives here and that tomorrow we will go to my house to pick up my things, I feel very nervous what happens if my parents are there, ugh! we better stop thinking about it

- Hmm? He said his name was Aaron-

Now that I think about it, I ran away from my house, and I threw my cell phone in the trash. Are they worried because I'm not there? Or they looked happy because I left...

I get up to turn off the light, before going to bed I look at the moon

-First time I feel so calm at night, there are no screams or bottles ringing-

Yes... we better go to sleep-


I woke up in the morning with a very annoying repetitive sound...

-I had forgotten about the alarm-

I deactivate the alarm and see on my cell phone

-it's 8 am-

True yesterday I invited that girl

-How difficult it is to get up in the morning-

With a superhuman effort I manage to get out of bed, go into the bathroom to clean myself up a bit and go down to the kitchen.

- Hmm? I think a couple of sandwiches will be fine-

Will he be awake? I start to walk towards Vanessa's room, I open the door slowly and I peek through the opening Hum is still sleeping let her be

I close the door and go to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

The minutes go by and I finish, I see on my cell phone

- It's 8:30 let's do some work before leaving-

Let's leave this covered until I wake up I approach the desk and turn on the computer

-let's start-

I guess we should stop I see the time and it's 10 am

-I guess it would be better if I go wake her up-

I walk towards her room, open the door a little and see that she is still sleeping, I enter the room and approach her

like a little whisper

-This girl is really beautiful-

I touch a cheek

-It's time to wake up-

- mmmmmm-

-Come on, it's time to wake up-

I pinch her cheek a little harder.

slowly open your eyes

-until she opens her eyes little miss-


-Come on, breakfast is waiting for you downstairs-

-an OK-

Hum hasn't fully woken up yet, I give him a little touch on the forehead

-Hurry up-

She looks me into her eyes and when she realizes it her face starts to turn red.

- Esta bien...-

While Vanessa was eating she catches her eye

-Are you sure you want to live here?-

- Yes... even though I was only here one night, I felt calm-

-Okay, after eating you have to get ready to go pick up your things-
