Chereads / The unspoken god quits and becomes an innkeeper / Chapter 7 - So comes the calamity

Chapter 7 - So comes the calamity

Jes decided to publish the story about the woodworker a couple of months ago and it became a hit around the world. Jes was surprised by this and his new found fortune and fame, but he was a little pissed off that his book is more popular than his inn. He is worried that if he releases more stories of the past worlds, he will become known as a great author and not as a great innkeeper. He will ponder hard about what he will do with the stories from now on.

But that is a minor thing that happened. Well at least in Jes's eyes. Today someone peculiar came through a door. A little girl who looks around ten years old with long black hair, black dress and violet eyes. Even if she had a blank look on her face almost all the time, most people would consider her cute. If a bystander came, it wouldn't be too far-fetched if they thought that the girl was Jes's child.

But this was not Jes's child. This little girl was an outer god that was summoned via a ritual in the ancient temple near Etsi. The temple was hidden in the forest and has been unattended for centuries.

The outer god's name was Iloton. A relatively young outer god. So young in fact that she hadn't even witnessed another world's destruction yet. But still old enough to be older than some higher ranking gods.

She starts to speak "Iloton wants sweets. Gimme." Jes summons a popsicle and gives it to Iloton. Then he asks "Why are you here?" Iloton responds "Iloton's followers annoyed her, so Iloton decided to go where another outer god's presence can be felt. Now Iloton is here." Jes grabs the spot between his eyes in astonishment and then he asks "But why did you leave your followers?

Iloton answers "When Iloton was summoned, Iloton asked for offerings. Then they gave Iloton a living human sacrifice. Iloton ate it. Iloton found it bitter. Then Iloton said something sweeter. Then they brought Iloton a child for some reason. Iloton ate it too, but it tasted bitter as well. Then Iloton smelled something sweet from one of the followers and Iloton told her to give it to Iloton. She gave what was in her pocket to Iloton and Iloton ate it. It was delicious, so Iloton asked what it was. Then she said to Iloton that it was a sweet named candy. Iloton demanded more, so they gave Iloton lots of sweets. Then they asked for Iloton to attack the town near them and wreak havoc in the world like Iloton was meant to. Iloton asked if Iloton gets more sweets and they said no. Then Iloton told them that Iloton won't do anything then. They then said that if Iloton would wreak havoc in the world, they would give Iloton all the sweets Iloton would want. Iloton sensed lies in what they said, so Iloton killed them. Then Iloton sensed another outer god and decided to come here. Now give Iloton more sweets."

Jes gives more sweets to Iloton to eat and thinks of his options. Now that outer god was summoned to this world, it was hard to get rid of it without killing it. And even killing an outer god was not possible by most people and even gods have a hard time doing so. Jes could do it, but it would leave a bad taste in his mouth to kill someone so young in outer god's standards. She was a powerful existence even though she was young, but she seemed harmless if he could keep her in check.

So then Jes decided to let little Iloton live so as to not anger her parent or parents. He did not know who her parent or parents were since she was so new existence in outer god standards. All Jes knew was that she was powerful while not even considering her age, so she must have a strong heritage.

As to where Iloton should live, Jes had no other option but to let her stay at his inn. Then a thought came to him. "What if I use her as a mascot? I mean she is cute as far as my understanding goes. But first…" He looks at Iloton with worrisome eyes. Then he says "She is emanating an aura of tier 10 and above, so if I would let her stand in front of my inn, all the customers would stay as far away as they could from my inn. Even as I speak they are probably feeling an immense energy coming from here, so we have to work on that."

Jes then looked firmly at Iloton and said "Look little Iloton, from this day onwards, you will stay here with me. Do you understand?" Iloton salutes and says "Yes sir." Jes is surprised for a moment but then continues "First we have to do something about the aura you are emanating. I will teach you how to suppress it. Do you understand?" Iloton then also says while saluting "Yes sir."

Jes grabs the spot between his eyes for a moment and then says "You can stop doing that." Iloton then stops saluting and says "Iloton understands." Jes then asks "Who even taught you that? You weren't there during the last world's end." Iloton says "Iloton was taught by her parent Iloinen." Jes pauses for a moment. Then he mutters to himself "If your parent is that monster then that would explain the absurd power you have obtained this early." Iloton asks "What?" Jes gets firm and says "Nothing. Let's…"

Then a door opens and Diane comes through the door in a hurry. Then she asks "Is that your true power level?!" To which Jes answers "Calm down. It's this little one's power that you are feeling now." Diane then shouts "That doesn't make it better!" Jes says "Calm down. I'll explain the situation."

Then, after Diane calms down a little, she sits down and listens to what happened with Iloton.

After the story was over, Diane said "So you're telling me that that little girl…" She points at Iloton who waves her hand and says "Hello." Then she continues " an outer god who was summoned only a couple days ago…" Jes answers "That's right." Then Diane continues while her voice gets louder "...And you are planning on keeping her here like it's nothing?!" Jes nods and says "Yes."

The look on Diane's face was that of someone not comprehending the situation at all. Then she looks down defeated and says "Who am I kidding. You are Jes after all. Why wouldn't you have a tiny outer god come to your inn."

Jes says "I didn't exactly plan for this." To which Diane replies "That doesn't make it better!" Then sighs deeply for a moment. Then she says "Okay… You know what… I give up… Do as you like." Jes looks at Diane as she leaves and then Jes says "I don't think I need your permission on this."

Then Diane says while opening the exit door "I will tell everyone that the tier 10 monster was taken care of by the mysterious elf who saved us last time. Just make sure that she suppresses her power properly." Then she leaves.

Iloton then says "Iloton thinks that was a strange woman. Is every mortal like this?" To which Jes replies "Some of them are like this. Now then… Let us begin."

And then Jes taught Iloton to suppress her immense aura. After which she demanded a lot of sweets. Jes starts to read a book as a refresher.

After she is done eating, Iloton asks Jes "What is your name again?" Jes answers "It's Jes. Jes Tacitus." Iloton thinks for a moment and then says "That doesn't sound like a name outer god would use." Jes responds "Well that is because I'm not technically an outer god anymore. Though I have powers and memories of one dead one, that doesn't make me an outer god. I'm just a regular god."

Iloton thinks for a moment and then asks "What's the difference?" Jes closes the book he was reading before and says "Outer gods are just beings that have reached outer limits of one world and ascended to the outer plains."

Iloton then asks "Does it mean we are stronger than gods?" Jes answers "Not necessarily. For example, the god of magic Mana, though sumptuous as she may be…" In the god realm Mana sneezes and the god of time Ruel asks "Are you cold?" To which Mana says "No, I think I'm fine. Someone must have spoken ill of me." Jes continues "... She could take you out in a heartbeat. And so could Real, Ruel, Teko, Morstit and perhaps even Vital."

Iloton then asks "Are they as strong as parent?" Jes thinks for a moment and then says "I think Morstit and Teko might have a chance against it, but honestly I don't know."

Iloton then says "Iloton sees. You said to Iloton that you have memories and power of an outer god. Does that make you a corpse of an outer god?" Jes says "My… The former me's physical power was disintegrated. Only the power of the forgotten remained after that."

Iloton then asks "Iloton wants to know what was your outer god name. Oh, and were you stronger than parent? Oh oh, and how many worlds have you seen die?" Jes answers "The former me's name was Eibjesturbk and it meant "one forever forgotten" once upon a time, I was one of the most powerful ones as far as I remember and I have been here since the dawn of existence."

Iloton says "Iloton doesn't know when the dawn of existence was. Was it long ago?" Jes says "It was. During that time it was only me and O. O was the first thing to be and I came shortly after. O decided to call me X back then to say that I was second to it. It took some time for the first world to form and even longer for the first outer god to come into being."

Iloton then asks "Iloton wonders why was O called O and you called X? Where did those come from?" Jes answers "O is an infinity of one that never ends going in circles. X is two lines crossed to a point, meaning I was O's first focus."

Iloton then asks "Iloton wants to ask one more thing." Jes says "Go ahead." Iloton says "Do you consider yourself the original X?" Jes pauses for a moment. Then he smiles and says "Yes and no. Yes, the memories of X have carried over to me, which makes me that person. And no, since after the former me's death, I am just the force that was back in the beginning, not necessarily X itself." Then he pauses for a moment, looks up and says "At least O would consider me the same person."

Iloton then says "Iloton is satisfied with knowledge. Now Iloton needs more offerings. Gimme." Jes pulls out more sweets and gives them to Iloton. Iloton then enjoys eating them. Then he muttered "Iloton once meant someone without happiness. It didn't mean sad necessarily, but just one without happiness. And then there is her parent Iloinen, which meant happy once. What a naming sense in that family."

Couple of days later, Jes and Iloinen decide to go to town and purchase some supplies. They went to Elysion that Elision mentioned to see what kind of store it was. As Elision described it, it was a general good store. It had food, furniture, magic items, medicine and all kinds of other things. The building was massive compared to many other places. Though it seemed that only those that are above average financially could enter this store. The prices weren't exactly high, but you could get similar things from outside the store for much cheaper.

Jes decided to leave because he didn't want to cheat the system by creating money. He was willing to do so, but not too much. He was also feeling a bit bitter, but the main reason was that Jes and Iloton could find something for much cheaper.

Iloton became popular with the people who didn't care for the eye color. Many gave her something to eat, which Iloton ate happily saying things like "Iloton shall accept this offering." And "Iloton will remember this good deed." She was also getting a lot of heatpats from people, which made her happy inside though she would not admit it. She would just say "Yes. Pat Iloton more. Iloton grants you this pleasure of flesh for Iloton is merciful."

But one moment Iloton was separated from Jes in a way that Jes didn't notice, so they were quite far apart. Iloton could sense where Jes is and vice versa. Then Iloton was approached by a man who was with two other man. He said "Hey cutie. Want to have fun with us?" Iloton perks up and says "Iloton likes fun. Where is fun?" Then the man said "Just come with me for a sec and I'll show you." The other two men said "She is too young for me. I'm out." and the other "Me too." The main man said "Suit yourselves. Now come, little cutie."

The two men leave Iloton and the other man to themselves and the one man brings Iloton to a dark alley. Then he says "Just stand there. I will show you the fun." The man then starts touching Iloton at inappropriate places and Iloton then says "Is this fun?" The man says "Oh, very."

Iloton then gets bored and says "The aura of lust that Iloton senses is getting annoying and Iloton is not having fun. Iloton will leave." Iloton then attempts to leave, but the man stops her and pushes her down saying "Just wait for a while. It'll get better."

Iloton then gives a sigh and says "This little lamb went over a cliff." Then the man is launched to a wall that shatters it a bit. The man is now bleeding on the ground and has multiple broken bones. He says "What the…" Then Iloton rises from the ground and cleans herself up a bit. Then she says "Then the shepherd noticed the little lamb going too far, so she ate his leg." Then the man's foot disappeared in a blink of an eye and the man shouts in pain "AAAHHH!" What Iloton just did was that she "ate" it. She used her true body that is invisible to normal eyes and "ate" the leg.

The man kept shouting in pain and Iloton started to get a little agitated. Then she says "The lamb would not stop shouting, so the shepherd cut off its vocal cords." Then a sharp pain could be felt in the man's throat. Like something was taken. There was no blood coming from his throat, but he could no longer make a sound.

Then Iloton says "And as the little lamb became useless to the shepherd, the shepherd ate the rest of the lamb." Then the man disappeared in a flash of light. Only a bloody stain on the ground and the shattered wall was left of what happened to the man.

Then finally Jes reaches the place where Iloton is and sees the mess she had made. He could also sense the remnants of the lustful aura, so he had a guess what had happened. Then he said "Let's go. There will be witnesses shortly." Then he teleports away with Iloton.

Back at the inn Jes mutters "What's the deal with these pedophiles in this town? Twice already? I hope that it'll be the last I hear about it." Then he sighs and says "How lucky would I be if that were the case. Luckily it is mostly just the humans that do this out of all the high races. Then again, they are the majority."