The carriage was neither comfortable nor uncomfortable. It was made of wood with some outer metal plating in the wheels. It was drawn by an animal group similar to horses, but some differences existed. The main one is their size.
When we got into the large carriage, we sat beside another family. They also seem to be going to the ceremony of awakening. After getting to know each other a bit, my parents started talking with each other while I was stuck with a tomboyish redhead girl. She is about 5'10" with fair skin wearing long sleeve top and a short just above her knee. It was awkward for a while because I couldn't initiate a conversation. Also, my teammate, Alice, was sleeping soundly beside me without giving me any help.
"I'm going to punish her later," I thought.
Alex: "Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Alex Creed"
Clara: "I'm Clara Evarth"
Alex: "Clara, is it your first time visiting Centora ?"
Clara: "It is. I'm very excited to go and get a cool force."
Alex: "Yup, me too. I wish I get something useful enough to get into the University."
Clara: "Well, I'm gonna get something good."
Alex: "I wish you good luck then, pretty girl."
Clara: "w-what, where did that come from."
Alex: "Well, aren't you?"
Clara: "Hmph"
She said it with a red face. Her tomboyish appearance hid her charms from other boys. But it cannot be hidden from a cultured person like me.
To my surprise, despite her appearance, she was very polite when we first met. Maybe even cute. This led me to discover my new hobby, which is teasing her. Seeing her face while I was teasing her was funny because she couldn't do anything against me as people were around us.
I had quite a bit of fun throughout the journey. I saw many people going about their work, and especially many animals I had never seen before. I learned that they are magical animals only after asking around other passengers. They said that they are called likewise if an animal can access the force even a little bit.
Aside from that, I really enjoyed the scenery around me. I was so comfortable that I fell asleep along with my redheaded friend. Our parents teased us for so long that we were both beet red.
Finally, around the evening, we got to Centora and parted ways from each other. Then we four booked an inn and slept for the night to prepare for the fateful day. In the blink of an eye, it was the morning when the ceremony was held.
My mom and dad practically dragged me to the ceremony site early in the morning. Although I acted slightly annoyed, I was happy they cared about my well-being. When we reached the force awakening ceremony, the guards said only the participant could enter. So I hug my parents and bratty sister before going through the majestic white gate plated with gold strips.