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Quentin the WereSkunk

A story about a lil stinker that finds his perpouse

Chapter 1 - Quentin the Wereskunk

In the small neighborhood of Max-D Street lived A 16-year-old boy, his name is Quentin, he Loves Monster Trucks. He's walking up a hill where the moon shines on the top of it, he looks up at the moon, "oh, that's nice" the moon suddenly slowly faded to green, it became a large green orb in the sky, "huh?" Quentin said, "the moon isnt green!" Quentin said "it's grey or white." Quentin kept looking seeing if it'll do something else, but it just stayed green, "well thats a bit....odd" Quentin said, Quentin started to feel a little, weird, his butt started to tingle, a little peice of black and white fur popped out from his butt crack and waved around, Quentin looked down and saw that some of his hair has turned white. "What the heck...?" Quentin asked himself, Quentin's tail started to wag back and forth as if it was having fun. "little round animal ears popped out from the top of his head, "huh?" Quentin shouted, Quentin was Confused about whats going on, his skin turning black and his eyes turned green. "Is..Is it over?" Quentin said, In fact he didnt feel anything after that, "am i a werewolf?" he asked to himself "no" he said "wait this isnt a werewolf. this is a were...SKUNK!" he started to feel a little tingle in his butt, "oh no. Quentin farted and green fumes came out of his butt, "oh cool!" he said, The smell went away, he walked back to his house and open the door "MOM IM HOME!" he shouted, but when his mom looked at her now Wereskunk son she screamed "AAAHH WHAT IS THAT?" Quentin yelled "WAIT MOM ITS ME!" Quentin's mother was shocked by what she saw, she calmed down and said "well i need proof? if your my son" she asked "my son should know this, "Who drives Grave Digger in Stadium tour Blue?" She asked again, Quentin knew the answer "Tyler Menninga?" Quentin answered, "that's right." She said, Quentin's mother told him to go upstairs and get changed into his bed clothes and come downstairs so they can talk. Quentin did so, he went in his room and sat on the bottom bunk of his bed, he took off his shoes and socks and put them on the floor next to his bed, then he took out his pajamas and got ready for bed. Quentin's mother came down stairs and sat on a chair while Quentin stood there, "so you want to tell me what happened today?" Quentin replied "well, im a Wereskunk now, and to be honest skunks are my favorite animal" Quentin's mom sighed and said "you know i dont like this, but if you're really sure about it, then i cant stop you from doing whatever you want to, I'm gonna let your father know about this too. Quentin replied, "nah its alright, as long as i dont skunk up" Quentin's mom laughed, "SKUNK UP, Good one Quentin!" she said, Quentin smiled and began to laugh with his mother. "I hope your dad wont be mad about this" Quentin said, "we'll see" his mother said and left the room, Quentin wondered, "hmmm mabye i should howl at the moon, its worth a try" he thoght, he walked outside to the top of the hill and looked up at the full moon, he inhaled a deep breath and let out a loud "AWOOOOOO!" Quentin continued his howl, as loud as he could "OW OW AWOOOO OW AWOOOOO!" He stopped and listened to his echo, he laughs and howls again, but louder "AWOOO!" he howled, he fell on the grass laughing after listening to his echo "Man this is fun!" he shouted, he layed on the grass and enjoyed the moment, he stood up "i have an idea" he inhaled and started loudly imitating the sound of a monster trucks powerful 15,000HP engine, "VROOM VROOOOOOOMM" he said, he kept making that noise, he howled again, as loud as he could "VROOOOOOOOOOMMMM!" he sounded, he started to run around in circles, turning his palms and feet to imitate the front and rear steer of a monster truck. Quentin stopped running and looked up at the moon, he shouted "AWOOOOOO!" and started to laugh, he kept laughing till his mother came out to check on him, "Quentin!" She said and rolled her eyes "what are you doing?" Quentin was frightend becuse he mom snuck up behind him, he skunked up and sprayed his mother in the face! "AHHH!" She screamed, she ran inside the house and began to wash her face, Quentin followed his mother into the bathroom, she washed her face and turned to him "WHY DO YOU KEEP SKUNKING UP?" "I skunk up when get scared" Quentin replied "im sorry, its what skunks do to keep predators away. "i understand, Mom replied. Quentin cleaned his hands and legs in the sink and walked out of the bathroom, "lets go to sleep" his mother said, Quentin nodded and layed down on his bed, he felt relaxed and tired after spending the whole night howling at the moon and imitating monster trucks, he fell asleep right away. Quentins butt started to itch, "oh no" Quentin said. He knew he was about to skunk up again, he went to the bathroom, sat on the toilet and sprayed the stink out of his tail. "close call" he said. Quentin went back to bed and slept well.

The next morning Quentin woke up with a big smile on his face, he got out of bed and looked at the clock, it was 6:00AM. He got up to eat breakfast, it was he favorite, some good ol' steak and mashed potatoes. Quentin grabbed his plate and started chowing through the steak with his new sharp wereskunk teeth, "NOM NOM NOM NOM" He licked his lips after finishing his steak, he almost ate it in a matter of seconds. Quentin picked up his fork and quickly ate his mashed potatoes like he's never eaten in a year, flinging gravy all over the place in the process. "Nom Nom Nom Nom" Quentin tore through his mashed potatoes easily because of his sharp teeth. Quentin continued eating his food, he stopped for a moment and drank the whole bowl of gravy that was left on the table for the mashed potatoes, "MMM TASTY" he licked his lips at his mother jokingly, attempting to intimidate her. Quentin finished his meal and went to the living room to watch TV. He sat on the couch and turned on the television, he pressed play on his remote and watched the news. "A WereSkunk was spotted near the neighborhood of Max-D street. "Oh No," Quentin said, "THERE HUNTING ME DOWN!" Quentin added in a panic. The News reporter continued "This Unidentified Humanoid Skunklike Creature" Was caught Playing around on top of a hill, if anyone finds it, they will earn 1 million dollars." Quentin Quickly turned the TV off, "SHOOT!" he shouted. He looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:30, he had to go to school, he went upstairs and took a quick shower, he dried himself off and put on his clothes. "uh oh, what if people see me like this" he thought, Quentin's mother came into the bathroom to say goodbye and give him a kiss, Quentin tried to block his face with his tail, but failed. "Quentin, take care of yourself." Quentin got on the bus with al the riders staring at him like they just saw a flying saucer. Quentin didn't care though, he was used to being stared at, especially since he was a wereskunk. During the bus ride, his butt started tingling again, "oh shoot, im gonna skunk!" he thought, He tried everything to hold his spray in, But nothing worked. Quentin's butt let out a loud "PFFFFFFFF" He skunked the entire inside of the bus, and everyone started to complain and scream, "i think this skunk is the problem here" a girl said, Quentin just sat there looking at his feet. The bus driver and kids ran out of the bus, gasping for air, "Whats going on?" the bus driver asked. Quentin told the bus driver, "uh....I may have, Skunked your bus" he said in an embarrassed tone. The bus driver was shocked, "no way" he replied, "yes, I Skunked your whole bus." Quentin replied, the bus driver got mad and began to yell "YOU SKUNKED MY BUS?" Quentin Smiled "sorry.." Quentin said softly. The bus driver added, "I PAID GOOD MONEY FOR THIS BUS! AND NOW IM GOING TO HAVE TO PAY MORE MONEY TO GET IT FIXED! AS SOON AS WE ARE IN SCHOOL, YOU WILL BE THROWN OUT!" Quentin sighed, "okay sir," he said, he walked down the ramp and into school, he went to his locker and took out his textbooks, he let out a sigh "first day an im already a stink bomb," he said, he went to class and waited for it to start. The teacher walked into the classroom and went straight to the front of the room, she looked at Quentin and said "hello, today we are going to learn about the different animals of the world, some are not very nice, Quentin raised his hand "uh miss? can i use the bathroom" the whole class looked at him, and two girls teased him, "Yeah you better, you're just gross" she snickered, "SORRY" he replied, "I REALLY HAVE TO GO," he said in a panic. The teacher said "NO THIS IS IMPORTANT STUFF THATS GONNA BE ON THE TEST" she Scolded. Quentin replied "BUT I HAVE TO GO" The teacher barked back "NO!" Quentin Said, "TRUST ME IF YOU DONT LET ME GO NOW, THIS WHOLE CLASSROOM WILL BE A STINK BOMB", Quentin's stomach growled, it was already too late, Quentin felt a huge pressure building up in his butt. He knew he was about to skunk, He Sprayed stink all over the place, with his butt letting out a loud, "SPRRRRTTTTTT". Everyone in the classroom Ran out to the hallway to gasp for air, after smelling the horrible stench, from Quentin's butt. The teacher came out of the classroom and yelled, "what on earth happened?" Quentin pointed to his butt, The Teacher Spoke "You're nothing but a Big Stinky Monster!" the whole classroom laughed at Quentin. "I'm Sorry Miss, please forgive me" Quentin begged. "HOW DARE YOU EMIT THAT HORRIBLE SMELL IN MY CLASSROOM" She yelled, Quentin replied "Im sorry, it happens often randomly" The teacher barked back, "WELL YOU BETTER CONTROL IT, BECAUSE IM NOT HAVING IT," The Teacher added, "NO AS A MATTER OF FACT, GET OUT OF MY CLASS!" Quentin began to cry and left the classroom, his skunk spray still smelled terrible. When he reached home, his mother hugged him and comforted him, "its okay sweetie, your fine" she said, Quentin felt bad for acting out like that, but he couldn't help himself. "Go watch some monster trucks on tv" itll cheer you up", mom suggested "You love monster trucks dont you?" Quentin smiled and said "yea, that would cheer me up" Quentin's mother went to the kitchen and made him some steak. Quentin laid on the couch and watched his favorite monster trucks do flips, big jumps, and race. After that, he felt better and went to bed.

Quentin woke up early the next morning, he went downstairs and saw his mother cooking breakfast. He sat down on the table and ate his eggs while watching the news. "Another sighting of the wereskunk has been reported near the neighborhood of Max-D street" "Well, that cant be good" Quentin said, he began to think, "what if i used my skunk spray" then quentin had an idea. Quentin started to sneak up on his mom, having his spray cocked and locked, ready to stink, he tapped his moms shoulder getting her attention, "Mommy" he said in a high pitched voice. "What is it honey?" She asked, Quentin slowly turned around and slowly started to stick his tail up, the smell wouldnt come out as strong because hes a skunk so he could only make it as far as a regular person. Quentin sprayed a little bit of his butt stink at his mom, she sniffed it and got disgusted by the stench. "EWW BLEGH" Mom shouted, Quentin started Laughing at his mom, "HAHAHA, YOU GOT SKUNKED! Quentin shouted while pointing at his mom with his finger, she scowled at him "No, you're the one who gets skunked" she replied, Quentin shook his head and laughed at his mother. Quentin went to school the next morning, "hope i dont spray the bus again" he said to himself. The bus ride was boring as ever, then suddenly, Quentin felt his butt start to itch, he kept scratching and scratching till it really started to hurt, he couldnt hold his spray in any longer, he let out a loud "SPRRRTTTTTT" he sprayed the bus again, "OH NO" He hid under the seat, so he wont get caught. His butt was sore and uncomfortable, he sat on the floor and held his tail between his legs. The bus driver got angry at Quentin for messing up his bus again, Quentin was scared, shivering under his seat but the bus driver saw Quentins tail sticking out of the underside bus seat. The bus driver reached underneath and pulled Quentin out by his tail, he was mad. "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM? QUENTIN!" The bus driver yelled, "Ill get you later" Quentin had an idea at this moment he yanked his tail out of the bus drivers hand, "OK NOW YOU'VE REALLY PISSED ME OFF!" Quentin said angrily, He Opened his mouth and Showed the bus driver his sharp Wereskunk fangs, He Jumped on the bus drivers back, and sprayed him to stun him, then Quentin opened his mouth wide and Bit the bus driver in his arm, his fangs sunk into the bus drivers arm, Quentin started growling while bitting the bus driver, the bus driver fainted, with a large red print of Quentins bite on the bus drivers arm, Quentin went back to his seat and sat down, the bus driver was lying on the ground, his arm bleeding. The other students were shocked at what they just saw, but Quentin didnt care. Quentin walked off the bus, "Thats what you get for threatening me, Idiot" He said. When Quentin arrived home, he found his mother making dinner. "How was school today, dear?" She asked, Quentin replied with "fine" and sat down to eat. Quentin heard something in the backyard, he quickly went outside and saw that someone was in trouble. It was a one if his neighbors, being attacked by a squrrel. Quentin helped his neighbor kill the animal. The neighbor thanked Quentin for helping him, Quentin said "that was no problem, glad I could help you" Quentin offered his hand to shake but the neighbor declined, he said "no thank you, I'll pay you back tomorrow, Quentin replied "No problem." it was 12:00 at night, Quentin decided to head back to the hill, he looked up a the moon, it wasnt green anymore, it was the color it was supposed to be, Quentin inhaled and closed his eyes, he let out a loud "AWOOOOOOOO" Quentin began howling louder, "OW OW AWOOOOOO OW OW AWOOOO." his howl sounded so beautiful that it soothed everyone in the neighborhood asleep, even his mother, Quentin kept howling, as if he was singing a lullaby for the whole neghborhood to sleep. He continued until 4:00am. People in the neghborhood had nightmares of Quentins howls, which was weird because they had never seen or heard him before. Quentin finally stopped howling and went to bed. The Next day, the news came on, many people of the neghborhood were talking about Quentin howls, and how they helped them sleep at night. Even Quentin's mom said "thank you" to him for helping her rest so well everynight, Quentin was happy that he helped the neighborhood, but it felt funny to be thanked for something he did without thinking about it. The next night he did it again, he sung his lullaby for the neighborhood to hear, standing on the same hill as last time, Quentin let out a loud soothing "AWOOOOO OW OW AWOOOOO", as usual, it calmed everyone down and gave them peaceful dreams. Quentin continued to Howl, with his soothing voice as he held his head up toward the moon with his eyes closed, Howling soothingly and beautifully. He Continued for the whole night, without missing a note, and he never got tired. The Next day Quentin returned home, "Mom did you hear the Howls i did last night? he asked Mom replied, "I Did, they were so beautiful" Quentin replied "Hey this could be like, my thing I could go on top of that hill Howl every night to help the neighbors sleep!" His mom replied "I think I know how to help you" his Mom went to the basement and grabbed a speaker with a microphone plugged into it, Mom explained "this speaker will make your howls have an Echo effect, itll make them sound more beutiful" Mom Said, "Oh thanks This'll defenently help me" Quentin went out at the hill the next night to test out his new equipment, he set up his microphone, and howled into it, "Awoooo Ow Ow Awoooo" After that night, Quentin got up from school hoping not to skunk the bus for a THIRD TIME, when he got on the bus, there was a new student, a female student, Quentin coudlnt take his eyes off of her, her beutiful brown skin, her flowing black hair, Quentin sat there staring at her, she sat in the next seat in front of Quentin, she started talking about the howling she was hearing from Quentin last night, "I wonder if she lives in my neghborhood" Quentin Thought, shes beutiful, "if she heard me howling last night, she must live in my neghborhood!" Quentin also Thought, The bus pulled up to the school and everybody got out, Quentin tried not to skunk up infront of the girl that he likes, and even worse, the girl sits behind him in the classroom! "Alright class, today we will talk about one of the fastest ariel animals, the Falcon" The Teacher Announced, Quentin raised his hand "Like the Atlanta Falcons? The Worst NFL Team Ever?" Quentin Joked, The entire class started laughing exept for Atlanta Falcons Fans, which apparently there were none, The girl behind Quentin started giggling, "You're Funny you know that?" The Girl behind Quentin said "Yea I guess i am" Quentin Replied "So Whats you're name?" The Girl said "Laysha, Im Laysha" Quentin blushed while looking at Laysha "Thats a Cute Name for a cute girl like you" Quentin Said, "Aww" Laysha Chuckles "Thank You" She Said "I may look weird to you but get this" Quentin said nervously, "but im a" The teacher interupts him "QUIET IM TEACHING!" The Teacher Snapped at Quentin. "sorry miss" Quentin replied, "Thats what I thought" The teacher continued. After school its was just a basic routine from there, get up, go to school, howl the neighborhood to sleep, do it again, Quentin walked to the top of the hill he always howls on, he started howling like he always does, "AWOOOOO OW OW AWOOOOO" He Howled. 2 Hunters were attracted by the sound of Quentins howling, The First hunter Shot Quentin with a Tranquilizer Dart "AAAH" Quentin Screamed, His mom heard him and rushed to the hill, "QUENTIN!" She found Quentin with a Tranquilizer Dart, lodged in his shoulder with his whole body laying in the grass, His Mom Gasped, "Quentin?" She Put her hand on his back and pushed him back and forth, Quentin woke up, "Huh?" he said while he was Dizzy, what happend, "Quentin are you ok my boy?" Mom said "Yeah him ok" Quentin responded, "I Thought i lost you" Mom Said, She Hugged Quentin tight like she hasn't seen him in years, Squeezing him like a teddy bear, She sees the tranquilizer dart in Quentins Shoulder, "Hold Still" Mom said, She Pulled the dart out of Quentins Shoulder, "YEEOOOWWW!" Quentin Screamed "That Hurt!" "I Know Honey" Mom responded "Who shot you with this anyway?" Mom asked, "I Have no clue" Quentin Responded, "I think thats enough howling tonight, I dont wanna get hurt here" Quentin Said, "Right lets get in the house Quickly" Mom responded. The Next Day, Quentin got up and went to school that morning, he went on the bus, with a confident face and his tail up, he sat next to Laysha and the bus started to roll, "you're in a good mood today are you?" Laysha asked, "Yea i am" Quentin replied, Laysha saw the mark from when Quentin got hit with the dart last night, "What happend to your shoulder?" Laysha asked, "Well its a long story", Quentin replied. "The bus driver pretty much hates me, alot" Quentin told Laysha. "What did you do?" Laysha replied, "I Dont wanna talk about it" Quentin said, The bus pulled up to the school it was a half day so the students do spend a lot of time, Quentin and the other students went to the cafetiria, Quentin got some steak and mashed potatoes, they weren't as good, it was better when his mom cooked them, then suddenly, some emerged from the cafetira doors, it was Quentins mom, holding 2 bags of Mcdonalds, one for him, and one for her, "Here" his mom said while giving Quentin his bag, he quickly took his bigmac out of his bag and removed the wrapping paper, and boy did he have an appitiete, he ate his whole bigmac in just 2 bites, but Quentin started to feel odd again, his stomach growled, "Shoot not again!" he said, His tail stuck up, and he sprayed, with a loud "SPRRRRTT" and he made the biggest, and most smelliest spray ever, it filled the whole cafetira with the stench of skunk spray, his mom was used to it, so she wasnt affected, but everone else in the cafeteria was, so they ran out of the cafetera to get away from the horrible stench, "Eww" a student yelled "Someone get this SKUNK!" a Teenage Girl shouted, Quentin got up and looked for Laysha after the smell cleared up, she wasnt even the cafetira to begin with, after school, Quentin went out to howl again, but he wasnt in the mood, the neaghborhood was waiting paceintly for Quentin to howl so they can sleep well, some of they neaghbors tried to fall asleep but they just couldnt because they didnt hear the soothing sounds of Quentins Howling, "Mom? Quentin asked "Can you howl for me? Please?" his mom replied "Well you're better at doing it, you can at least try" Mom Explained, Quentin let out a sigh "Ok ill try" he went outside and went to the hill that he always howls on, "here i go" he said, he lifted his head up, looked at the moon and inhaled, he let out a loud "AWOOO OW AWOOOOO." in the culdasac of Quentins neghborhood, there was Laysha house, Laysha got up from her bed, went outside and followed the sound of Quentins Howls, she poked her head through a bush and found Quentin on top of the hill howling, "Quentin?" she said "Laysha?" he responded, "So you're the cause of these howls at night" Laysha Said, "Yea I am" Quentin Responded, Laysha got out of the bush and walked to Quentin, "I love these howls that you make, they sound beautiful" Laysha said, Quentin's cheeks turned red, he chuckles "Thanks" hene says, Laysha Notices are Quentins cheeks as red as apples "AWWW" Laysha says, "You're So cute when your cheeks are red like that, So Sweet." Laysha added, "it happens when i get nervous sometimes" Quentin said, "He smiles well I gotta go now" Laysha informed, "but before i go" Laysha grabs Quentins cheek, and kisses it, "Mwah" Quentin was flustered, "See ya applecheeks!" Laysha said while making her way to her house, "Quentin smiles and continues Howling." The next morning was no school, Quentin got up and watched the news, the reporter said "This Wereskunk isnt so bad after all, he sooths this local neghborhood with his soothing sounds" he declared, "look at that youre a sensation" Quentins mom said, "Yea I really am" Quentin replied, Ever Sense then, Quentin went outside every night and howled his troubles away, even when times were tough and not all of his days were good, he just kept howling. Howl away Quentin, Howl Away.


"Awooooo" - Quentin