The door barged open revealing a well-dressed man in black from head to toe. He was so elegant dressed he sparkled through the night. Timid, the butler approached the man only to be shot in the head. Everyone began to run all around the building but the man instructed his men to kill them and they nodded and the man went on the search for someone special.
Hearing the sound of the gunshot, the woman grabbed her young son and headed to the closet, "Mama, what is happening?" Looking down at her son, she smiled at him, "Nothing, my baby. It's just a break-in."
"Will we die, mama?"
"No, darling. But you need to be quiet."
The innocent child nodded, listening to his mother's words. Glancing at the door of the closet, the woman peeped through the small windows of the closet.
The door of the room flew as the mother placed her mouth tightly over the boy's mouth so that his scream would be muffled.
Someone entered the room and began searching, tearing down everything in his path. Coming to a stop infront of the closet, the door barged open revealing the man with a baseball bat in his hand. The boy recognized who it was and climbed out of the closet to hug him. "Appa, you're finally back."
The woman stepped out of the closet fearfully, "So this is what you came to, huh? Having secret children and being a whore." She broke down in tears and started to cry making the child worried, "Mama, are you okay?"
Giving the boy a sad cry, she nodded, "Yes, Jiminie. Mama is okay. Just wait outside okay? Me and appa need to talk in private." The small frail child exited the room denounced was about to happen.
Standing infront of the man, he looked at her disgustingly before slapping the woman across her face, "Where is it? Where is that shit of a child you had?" Although being beaten, the woman did not speak. The man slapped her again but this time with a broken bedfoot, "One chance. I'm giving you one chance to tell me. Where is the child?"
Looking up at the man, she replied, "I'll never tell you." The man let out of a scoff, "Alright, I guess we'll have to do this the easy way."
Unbedounced to them, the child was outside the room watching everything that was taking place.
Taking out the gun from inside his pocket, the man pointed it in the direction of the woman, "I hope you have an amazing time in heaven." He said before shooting, killing her.
Jumping out of his sleep, he slowly got up from the bed, his mind still on the nightmare that had troubled him from childhood.
Heading downstairs he met his right man, "Good morning, sir. How was thou sleep?"
"Blood-curling as usual. Ramanio, I need you to do something for me. Find out about that child because we have something to do."
I must say welcome to Whiskey and I hope you will enjoy..