I stared down at the furless, bloody, and raw carcass of the rabbit. I stared at my hands and arms. I could feel some of the blood on my face and other parts of my body. My eyes were a bit dull as I picked up the rabbit. I felt a bit sick about what I just did, and what I'm about to do.
I closed my eyes and brought the carcass up to my lips. I opened my mouth and quickly bit down. The taste of blood entered my mouth and I gagged. Despite that fact I bit down harder and teared away a chunk. The carcass nearly slipped out of my hands as I chewed the piece. It was tough, and any flavor it may have had was overshadowed by disgust and the blood.
Eventually I managed to swallow it but I felt sick. I shudderes at the thought of continuing to eat it but I had to. So I did. I'm not sure how long it took, but eventually I ate nearly the whole thing. The blue dots warned me against eating certain parts, like the intestines. In all honesty I nearly threw up as I ate the eyes and brain. I felt full but also a bit hallow as my body was covered in blood.
I decided not to think about it as I laid down the cold was no longer bothering me. Despite it still being cold it was a lot warmer than outside. I could feel my body recovering from my harsh experience with the cold. But I didn't think about it as I closed my eyes. I wasn't comfortable, but I was mentally exhausted enough for it not to matter.
After sleeping for a while I opened my eyes. I sat up before leaning against the dirt wall. I looked at the bloody fur of the rabbit. I stared for a bit before sighing. I didn't feel like doing anything. I was still thirsty but I didn't feel like going out to search for water. So I closed my eyes again.
It wasn't long after that when I felt the cold but comforting touch of something. I opened my eyes and saw many of the floating blue dots around me. They weren't conscious, not exactly at least. But I knew they were comforting me. A small bittersweet smile appeared on my face. I laid there for a bit longer before I stretched my arms and looked around.
The bush from before was still here. Now that I'm actually looking at it something about it seems special. The wood was white in color while it's leaves too on a more blue hue. There seems to be bright blue veins in the leaves which made me wonder. My thoughts of doing anything to it left as the blue dots warned me against it.
With that said I was still thirsty. So I started crawling out of the hole. The entrance had a bit of a snow buildup so I cleared it. After that I stepped onto the snow. I could see my breath and it was cold. But that was nothing new as I looked around. The blue dots were leading me somewhere again.
I looked up at the sky and saw that it was morning. The sun was rising in the direction I was heading. That meant that the blue dots were leading me West. As I followed the path they set for me I kept track of my way back. I saw some more rabbits and some elk around. There weren't much else that I could see around though. I enjoyed what I could see though.
Soon enough I arrived at a bush with a bunch of berries on it. The Blue dots were telling me that it was good to eat so I started picking a bunch of them. Out of curiosity I put one in my mouth. My eyes light up as a mix of sweet and sour burst in my mouth.
'This taste is rather interesting. I like it a lot though. These have a bit of juice in them, so they can keep my thirst at bay. I don't have anything to carry them with though. It would be better to find a water source. That way I won't have to go forging for berries everyday.'
" Blue dots, can you guys lead me to a river? Any source of water is fine. "
After a couple seconds I could tell they weren't willing to. I didn't know why, but I didn't pester them. I looked around and noticed a rather big stick. I picked it up and swung it around a bit. I dug through the snow and found a rock. I nodded to myself as I went back to the bush. I ate half the berries on the bush. I grabbed a few of them and scattered them around as I walked back to my home.
Honestly it wasn't much of a home, but Its where I live. As I reached my home I crawled down. As I reached the main chamber I got comfortable. I looked around and noticed the bones and fur of the rabbit I killed and ate. I put the stick and stone to the side.
'What should I do with those? I was going to use the stick as a weapon but. '
I nodded to myself as I thought of a good use for them. I grabbed them and used the stinetI got earlier to grind at the bones. Due to them being cold it was harder than usual. Despite this eventually I sharpened all the ribs of the rabbit. My arms were a bit tired, but that wouldn't stop me.
'The fur isn't very clean but I can't really clean it right now. It won't br very good at storing water, but berries will be fine.'
Suddenly it hit me. Snow is water but just I a different form. I could've been eating the snow this entire time instead of being dehydrated. I know snow may not be the most sanitary thing but it's not too bad.