In the vast expanse of the cosmos, there exists a divine force that keeps all things in balance. This force is none other than the almighty Creator, Who crafted the universe with care and watches over it with a vigilant eye.
From the tiniest particles to the largest celestial bodies, God's touch is felt throughout the cosmos. It is a subtle touch, one that does not disrupt the delicate equilibrium of the universe but rather enhances it. Like a masterful conductor guiding an orchestra, God ensures that every element of the cosmos is in harmony with the others.
The stars, like twinkling gems in a velvet sky, are a testament to God's creativity and power. They are born from the fiery depths of nebulae, carefully nurtured and guided by God's hand until they burst forth in a spectacular display of light and energy.
The planets, too, are a manifestation of God's divine plan. Each one is unique, with its own set of physical laws and natural wonders. And yet, they all move in perfect synchronicity, dancing around their respective suns in a cosmic ballet that has been ongoing for billions of years.
Even the forces of nature are subject to God's gentle touch. The winds that whip across the surface of planets, the waves that crash upon their shores, the thunder that rumbles through their skies - all of these are part of God's grand design. They are the natural expressions of the divine force that sustains the cosmos.
And so it is that God maintains the creation of the cosmos, watching over it with a benevolent gaze and ensuring that all things remain in balance. It is a constant process, one that requires patience, care, and an unfathomable depth of love. But through it all, God remains steadfast and vigilant, guiding the cosmos toward a glorious future that we can only imagine.
As the universe continued to turn its unceasing cycles, the Mysterious One, sat lost in contemplation. "The great work is now repaired." - He mused. - "and the gears do run their course. They shall spin and whirl for many millions of years, until one cog falters and must be repaired, maintained again."
The vastness of His creation lay before Him, stretching out into the infinite expanse of space and time. The planets and stars whirled around Him, their orbits tracing out the intricate dance of the cosmos. His mind drifted back through the mists of time, recalling the moment when the world sprang forth from His own image.
He remembered the thrill of creation, the excitement of watching His vision take shape before His very eyes. It had been a glorious moment, one that had filled Him with a sense of wonder and awe.
Yet despite the grandeur of His creation, the Mysterious One was haunted by a question He could not answer. "Is essence, or existence, the premier?" - He pondered, lost in the labyrinthine corridors of His own mind.
Even before His own being came into being, He had a purpose to fulfill. He had planned it since the beginning of time itself, and now He watched as it unfolded before Him. But as the years, eons went by, He could not help but feel that something was missing. His creatures were perfect in every way, yet they lacked something that He could not quite put his finger on. Then suddenly it struck Him. None of the creatures He had created possessed essence before existence. Even the ones that He had carefully fashioned to His own design only fulfilled His own intentions, not theirs.
"Am I the only exception?" - He wondered aloud, His voice echoing through the vast expanse of creation.
"The great work is now repaired..." - He said again, his voice tinged with a note of melancholy. "Yet it is not. What am I missing? What am I lacking? To create something that matches me?"
Suddenly, a brilliant idea struck Him like a bolt of lightning. - "What if I create something that already possesses a consciousness stolen from one of my precious beings?" - He thought aloud. "Perhaps such a creature could be made to reach out for its purpose on its own."
But almost as quickly as the idea had come, He dismissed it. Such a creature would be little more than a shadow of the stolen consciousness, a mere puppet dancing to the whims of another.
"Then what if I use the unconsciousness?" - He murmured, His voice barely above a whisper. "Perhaps that would be the key. It varies in both personality and essence, and it could mix with my creatures' own being. Yes, that is the answer."
Excitedly, He began to plan His experiment. "I shall choose a human unconsciousness as my subject for analysis!" - He said, his eyes burning with a fierce light. "For their imagination is almost unbounded. And if I am already set on doing this little experiment, then I should go for something marvelous! I wonder what the lucky one will wish for?"
But as He thought more deeply about it, doubts crept into His mind. "What if this being's dream is something that my creatures' limitations cannot allow to complete?" - He mused. - "What if the world I have created is full of limitations? Then I must fix that. But how? I must create a flawless creature that will finally answer all my questions, but I do not want to alter my already perfect world and creatures."
With a sudden sense of fogginess, the Mysterious One leaned back in His seat, lost in thought. "I toldeth thee, man..." - Remembering what He once told. "Square, trusteth and beest full of desire." - His phantom eyes then lit up. "Yes, I shall do the same! If I did that once, I shall be able twice, creating a new world from ashes that will exceed my expectations! I shall also create a vessel that will be perfect for this task! I will not fail myself!"
With that declaration, He soon began His tasks...