At The Gotham National Park
The Dark Knight was fighting against a bunch of ninjas.
After Batman defeated the ninjas, police captain Jim Gordon approached him.
"Thank you Batman for saving us again, I would like to thank you on behalf of the GCPD and the whole city." , He said, gratitude evident in his voice.
"No problem Captain. If Gotham is in danger , I will always be there to save it. You don't need to worry because when you need me , I will be there. This city will never be defenseless as long as I am here. If you'll excuse me now I have to go, I still have a lot to do. '' Batman explained.
"All right, and thanks again. '',James replied.
Batman nodded and disappeared. He called the Batmobile to him, got in and made his way to Wayne Manor.
In The Batcave
Batman arrived, parked the Batmobile, took off the mask and suit, and entered the elevator.
Bruce arrived at the top, stepped out of the elevator and sat down on the Couch.
"Ah sir you're back, has everything gone well?" ,Alfred inquired.
"Yes Alfred ,everything's alright. But I think these ninjas where a part of something bigger.
I have an odd feeling. Something is not right here. I'll go down to the Batcave to investigate.", He explained
,,All right. '', Alfred answered.
Bruce entered the elevator and made his way to the Batcave.
Back In The Batcave
Bruce arrived, stepped out of the elevator and went over to the Bat computer to investigate.
He found out some disturbing things. The ninjas belong to the organization of Ras al Ghul. The League of Shadows. The League of Shadows was responsible for many attacks that
have happened recently in Gotham. Bruce was clear that he had to approach the matter smartly because Ras had thousands of troops that he could just send off on Gotham if he wanted.
And Bruce knew that the city could not survive such an attack.
Such an attack would mean the end of Gotham.
But Bruce had the perfect idea. He wanted to destroy Ras and the League before they took the opportunity to destroy Gotham. It will be very difficult to make it, but Batman knows no fear. Ras and the League will fall. And so, begins the battle over the fate of Gotham.