The Sun God rose to greet a very somber atmosphere that hung so heavily it could have choked any who wandered into it. The air hung thick with a nauseating mixture of guilt, shame, and a touch of anger.
The room's two occupants turned to face the Sun God in all his glory, but no words escaped from clenched lips. The silence was almost deafening to the young teenage girl and she longed to break it as her discomfort grew.
She could feel his anger, his hatred, and his guilt. It was pouring in through that open pathway like a tidal wave until she was almost drowning in it. Knowing that she had been the cause of his dark emotions filled her with guilt and shame which only fed back through the bond and into him.
The more guilty she felt, the more ashamed she was of herself the more his anger grew, and the more he felt guilty for having caused her such distress. Their dark emotions fed the other like ravenous wolves without any hindrance.