In the evening, At Felgura City...
Vespara made her way to the potion shop as soon as she arrived in the city, while Daisy headed to her room at the inn.
After unlocking the shop, Vespara went inside and waited for a few minutes until someone wearing a deep hood and an old, torn robe came in, hiding their identity.
"Follow me," Vespara said.
Vespara led the hooded figure up to the second floor of the potion shop, where her private desk and various books and equipment were stored.
She pulled out a chair and sat down, then motioned for the figure to do the same. The figure agreed and sat down next to her.
"So, what brings you here to the lion's den?" Vespara said.
"The time has come. I hope you will keep your word," the person said.
"How are you going to accomplish this?"
"I will do what I need to do; I hope you can stall them and give me enough time."