Chereads / Reincarnated as a Human after living 1,000 Years as an Elf! / Chapter 3 - A day in the life of my father

Chapter 3 - A day in the life of my father

These first couple of weeks has been an interesting learning experience. My mother, Christina, never leaves my side. She seems to think that if I leave her sight, something terrible will happen to me. Like, really mother, I can't even move, the best I can do is wave my fat little arms. Not that I'm complaining, the familiar warmth I get from her is my new favourite feeling in the world.

It's a curious development in my life. For the last 1,000 years, I enjoyed the warmth of lovers in my arms but this is a completely different love and a lot more fulfilling, it warms my heart. My understanding so far is that it must be something in human biology. I think it's something humans are born with, some kind of connection to their family that elves don't have. It's probably something that they developed to help them protect their families.

That said, my love for my parents is definitely real, it's something I can't stop feeling. I love both wholeheartedly and I have a burning in my heart that makes me want to protect them.

My mother is also the prettiest human I've seen so far. Her skin is like silk, and her grey eyes compliment her night sky blue hair that falls down to her hips, though she often wears it up in a bun.

My father, Jackson, on the other hand, is a muscular tall man. His silver hair with light blue eyes makes me understand why my mama fell in love with him. When he holds me in his large hands it feels like I will forever be protected by them. Plus his voice sounds so soft and soothing that I regularly fall asleep in his warmth, listening to him tell me stories.

Jackson doesn't stay with Chris and me in the house all the time, and routinely leaves to go to work, I think. Elise also visits a lot to help my mama with the cooking and housework. I haven't been able to figure out my family's status in the town or what my parents do for money. Time to use my spirit arts to find some answers.

The spirit arts are very useful and powerful especially if no one knows about them or has any countermeasures. With that said, when my father kissed my forehead before leaving this morning I used my arts to be able to see through his eyes for the next 8 hours. All I have to do is focus on him to see what he sees.


< Jackson POV >

'The worse part about my day is having to leave my precious little angel, Alison with my wonderful wife and go to work. Why can't I just retire and stay home with them, it feels so unfair. I guess the best thing I can do is to keep this town safe for the both of them.' With that, I walked from the north of the town to the east guard house.

Approaching the guardhouse the 2 men guarding the door saluted me. "Commander!", they greeted me. I nodded and walked inside, I needed to read the latest reports and make sure everything was in order. My least favourite part of the job is the paperwork and it's what I do most of the time since becoming commander of the guards 3 years ago. Ever since Alison was born it's been hard to focus on my work, all I want to do is go home and hold her. She is also a reminder of why I need to keep this town safe.

< Alison POV >

'Wow, dads job is boring. It also appears to be important and all the people he works with show him a lot of respect and that's not something everyone can have. Guess dads a big deal around this place.'

I spent the next few hours zoning in and out of my fathers' vision, enjoying my time with mama and having little naps. The life of an infant is quite easy and very relaxing. I will say though you get tired quickly and have to sleep a lot. It can also be kind of boring a lot of the time, maybe I should start meditating again.

Just as I was about to drift off into sleep, I could see 2 figures enter my fathers' office with panicked looks in their eyes. My dad quickly got up, grabbed his leather chest plate and shortsword from the wall and ran with the 2 out of to guardhouse. They ran out of the east gate and towards the tree line.

After a couple of minutes, they joined another human, a female equipped in leathers and a bow, I assume she was a hunter of some kind. After to quick conversation, all 4 of them started to prepare for something. The hunter climbed up a tree, while my dad and the other 2 waited around its base. My dad was watching her, hardly blinding, as if waiting for a signal.

No longer than 3 minutes and it happened, the woman pointed and then notched an arrow. My dad looked to where she pointed and readied his weapon. Around ten or so orcs came running out of the brush of the forest towards them and my father bound straight into their vision.

The fight scene was intense and chaotic. My dad, shortsword in hand, rushed to face off against a horde of five orcs. The orcs, snarling and shouting in their guttural language, charged forward, their crude weapons raised high. My dad stood his ground, his sword ready, waiting for the perfect opening.

As the first orc reached him, he sprang into action. With a lightning-fast motion, he swung his sword and caught the orc square in the chest. The orc stumbled backwards, a look of surprise on its face, before crumpling to the ground.

The next orc stepped forward, swinging a massive battle axe. My dad sidestepped the attack and brought his sword up in a fluid motion, cutting the orc down with a single stroke. The third orc, sensing that the tide of the battle was turning against it, hesitated, but it was too late. My dad stepped forward, his sword a blur, and dispatched the orc with ease.

With three orcs down, the remaining two redoubled their efforts, attacking with ferocity. My dad fought back, his sword a whirlwind of steel, his movements graceful and precise. The orcs were no match for him, and one by one, they fell to his blade.

As the last orc fell, my dad stood panting, his sword arm lowering. He surveyed the scene, taking in the fallen orcs, before turning and seeing five more dead around him. Two had arrows through their skulls and the other three had several slashes each.

'Wow, dad ready can use a sword. Not anyone could stand off against five orcs alone and come away from it with an overwhelming victory. He not only didn't get hit but quickly killed all of them, hardly breaking a sweat.' Now if only father would use mana with his attacks or maybe just empower his body with it. That would good him a far more deadly warrior.

I really didn't expect my father to be a competent fighter, it makes to wonder if my mother has some hidden power I don't know about. Well, my curiosity will have to wait till I grow up a little.

I was pulled away from my thoughts as my dad dashed over to one of the men who was sitting on the ground holding his leg, as the other was tying something around his thigh. I could see blood seeping into the cloth around his legs and my father quickly picked him up and with the other two started to run back to the town.

I don't know who, where or if this town had a healer but my dad ran straight through the east gate and headed north. I guess it will be good information to learn for the future, then again, when I awake my mana core I will be able to heal wounds.

Just as I was thinking about all the things I could do once I got my mana core back, I was startled by a loud band at the door. My mother seemed to rush straight to it as if no danger could be on the other side. As she opened the door I saw my father holding the young injured man and quickly put him on the table. My mama didn't seem phased at all like this was a normal thing to happen.

She rushed over and immediately started to inspect the injured guy laying there unconscious. "Chris, it's been about 10 minutes since the injury and he's lost a lot of blood." My father spoke in a firm, informative tone to my mother.

My mother didn't reply and just pulled out her necklace holding it tight in her palm as she started to whisper with her eyes closed. She held her hand over the guy's legs and the room started to glow with white golden light.

After a few seconds, my mother spoke, "He'll be fine and will just need a couple of days of rest, thank the gods." My dad kissed mama on the forehead and smiled at her.

'I guess mother does have some kind of hidden power. Seems to be power borrowed from the gods, also known as divine magic. Not something I've personally ever used, I prefer to rely on my own power and not borrow it. When that said, divine magic is extremely efficient at healing so I can understand why people choose to use it.'

What an eventful day.