Chapter 6 - CHAPTER 10&11


Jin smiled in amusement as he stared at Jimin. He remembered him to be the guy he bumped into that morning when he came to collect something from Jungkook.

After what Jungkook told him about Jimin, he still found it hard to believe him. But here he was, proving his doubts right. Out of the numerous boys he has met, no one was totally like Jimin. Who would refuse five million dollars just for a night and then threaten the popular Jeon Jungkook?

He's obviously an interesting character.

"Wait, are you being real right now? He's your Boss and you're threatening him?" He asked.

Jimin never glanced at him, his gaze was on Jungkook throughout, staring at him with his head raised high.

Jungkook looked at his guard who's obviously surprised that someone could utter such words to his boss. He cleared his throat and the guard understood what he meant immediately, he bowed his head before leaving the office.

"Is that a threat?" He asked, a lazy smile on his lips.

"It's a warning," Jimin said.

Jungkook nodded, lowering his gaze to the floor.

"Interesting, making me crave for you the more" he muttered. He raised his head and looked at him.

"Deal. You can start working here" Jungkook said.

Jin stared at him in surprise. Was he actually giving in to his conditions?

"But then, you're gonna take back those words. Trust me" Jungkook said. He just loves daring him.

"You should be saying that to yourself" Jimin replied back.

"Enough of these, you shouldn't be saying words like this to your Boss, he might decide to fire you, okay?" Jin said, trying to ease the tension in the room.

That was when Jimin noticed his presence in his room.

"Uh..." He raised his hand slightly.

"Don't be surprised, I also kind of work here" Jin said.

"Thanks for the other time, I really appreciate you," Jimin said.

Jin dismissed it with a wave of his hand.

"It's fine"

"Enough of the chitchat, you're to resume work tomorrow by 8am. I shouldn't arrive at the company before you or else you'll pay a fine of $50" Jungkook said, gaining Jimin's attention back to him.

Jimin's eyes widened a bit. 50 what?

"And... Every morning, when I arrive, you're to prepare my coffee immediately"

"Erm.... What's my post?" Jimin asked.

"You don't know the job you're assigned to?" Jungkook asked.


"I want you to be my secretary"

"Huh? Secretary?" The pay is gonna be damn much! He could feel himself dancing in his mind already. At last, everything is gonna be fine for them.

"Hmm" Jungkook opened a drawer and brought out a file, he stretched it towards him.

Jimin moved closer to him and collected it from him.

"Those are the rules you're entitled to know and follow. You should know everything before resuming tomorrow"

Jimin nodded, still staring at the paper.

"You can take your leave" Jungkook said dismissively.

Jimin left the office without a word and Jin looked at Jungkook.

"Are you seriously doing this? Are you sure you only wants to f**k him?" He asked.

"I do want to f**k him badly, but I'm gonna have to take my time. He seems to be the hard type so it won't be easy" Jungkook said.

"He's beautiful though, very much" Jin muttered.

"Yea, he is"



Lisa looked away from Hyeonji and Wang, she turned her back to see Jimoon walking away.

"Jimoon! Jimoon!" She called as she ran after him.

Hyeonji disengaged from the kiss, she glanced at both Jimoon and Lisa's direction. Wang saw that and quickly called her attention.

"You shouldn't be looking at anyone except me," he said.

Hyeonji looked at him and smiled.

"I'm glad you're my girlfriend, you don't know how happy I am right now" Wang said.

"Me too," Hyeonji mumbled slowly.

Wang touched her hair fondly before holding her hand.

"I'm gonna announce to the whole class that you're my girlfriend right now"

Hyeonji gasped

"What! Don't do that"


"Let's just take it slow, okay? Let's give it a little time, it's still so sudden" she muttered.

Wang rolled his eyes inwardly.


"I'm sorry, Wang," she said.

"It's fine. You're still my girlfriend anyways" he said.

"Let's go for lunch"

She nodded her head and they both left the hallway.


"Jimoon!" Lisa called when she saw him in the school playground. He's sitting on one of the benches.

"Jimoon, are you okay?" She asked as she walked to him.

Jimoon raised his head and smiled gently when he saw her.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Lisa sighs and sits beside him.

"Earlier, you saw Hyeonji and Wang, right?" She asked.

Jimoon looked away and bit his lips.

"It may not be what you're thinking. Maybe Wang forced her into the kiss or something like that"

Jimoon chuckled.

"Why are you telling me this?" He asked.


"I already told you I don't like her"

"Then why did you walk away?" She asked.

"Were you expecting me to stay back and watch them kissing each other?" He asked back.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lisa asked worriedly.

"I am, don't worry. I just came here to relax. Should we go to the cafeteria now?" He asked.

She shook her head.

"Let's just stay here instead," she muttered.

She stared at him for a while before looking away.



"So, that's the end of today's class, see y'all tomorrow" the teacher said and left the class.

The whole class became noisy as almost all the students began packing their books while gisting among each other.

The bell rang and they all flew out of the class.

Jimoon packed the books in his locker and put them in his back gently. He zipped his back and looked over at his back.

"You done?" He asked his friend, Suga.

"Almost" Suga replied.

After a while, Suga flung his bag over his shoulder and tapped Jimoon.

"I'm done now, let's go," he said.

Jimoon stood up and they both went out of the class.

"Isn't that Hyeonji?" Suga asked when he sighted Hyeonji and Wang together.

Jimoon stared at their direction and looked away.

"Let's just go," he muttered.

They were about to walk away when Wang walked to them.

"I guess I won in the end," Wang smirked.

"Just ignore him," Suga said to Jimoon.

"She's never going to give a filthy poor rat like you a chance at all, you should know that. You don't stand a chance against me, Jimoon" Wang said, provoking Jimoon the more.

"Shut your mouth or I shut it for you" Jimoon growled slowly.

Wang chuckled.

"Be in for a shocking surprise soon, Jimoon" Wang smiled mockingly before walking away.

"Don't mind him Jimoon, let him keep barking. Afterall he's a dog" Suga said.

"He doesn't deserve my attention," Jimoon said.

Lisa walked to them.

"Are you leaving now?" She asked.

Jimoon nodded.

"Should we go together?" She asked.

"No, I'll just go with Suga" Jimoon said.

"Let's go" he muttered and left.

"I don't think he's in a good mood, you guys can just talk tomorrow. Bye" Suga smiled and then went after Jimoon.

Lisa bit her lips and she watched them disappear into the thin air. She brought out her phone from her bag and then dialed her driver's number.

"I'm ready" she simply said and hung up.



Jimin laid on the bed, staring at the paper Jungkook gave him that afternoon.

"I should dress corporately to work?" He scoffed.

"Was I gonna dress like a slūt before? Tch!"

"I'm to welcome him whenever he arrives with a bright smile on my face? Hmm, so weird" he shook his head.

He continued glancing through the paper till he felt sleepy.

He tossed the paper to the side and draped the bed cover around his body.

"It's a new day for me tomorrow, I need to sleep early" he mumbled and yawned softly.

He already talked to Mrs. Ellen at the grocery store that afternoon about resigning from the job.

"Goodnight secretary Jimin" he laughed at the sound of that. After some time, he dozed off with a smile on his face.



Jimin came out of his room dressed in a white shirt, black suit and black trousers. His hair is packed in a ponytail.

He walked to the living room and met Hana setting the food on the table.

"Good morning, Mom" he greeted.

"Morning sweetie" Hana replied. She raised her head and smiled when she saw Jimin's dressing.

"Are you that happy that you're starting a new job today?" She teased.

"I am, Mom. I promise to work harder this time around" Jimin said.

"You've done a lot as it is," Hana said.

Jimin smiled and assisted her in serving the dishes.

"Where's Jimoon?" He asked.

"And Dad?"

"Still in their room, I guess. I should get them" H said and made an attempt to walk away but Jimin stopped her.

"I'll do that, don't worry" he said.

"You don't have to, they're here already" Hana said as his father and Jimoon joined them.

"Ohooh, my son is so beautifully handsome," His dad  teased.

Jimin giggled.

"Good morning, Dad," he greeted.

"Good morning," Jimoon greeted solemnly.

"Are you okay? You've been this way since I returned yesterday" Jimin said.

"I'm fine, just stressed out I think" Jimoon muttered, he made himself comfortable on a chair.

"With what?" Their father raised his brow.

Hana chuckled.

"You've never done anything, Jimoon. It's high time you change, Jimin can't be the one doing it all the time" their father said.

"I'm gonna change, Dad," Jimoon muttered.

"It's fine, he needs to focus on his studies more than anything else," Jimin said.

"You're just so wonderful," Hana said.

"I am too," Jimoon quickly said.

They all exchanged glances before bursting into laughter.

After a while, they finished eating, Jimin and Jimoon bade their parents goodbye as they left the house.



Jimoon took in a sharp breath as he got to the company, somehow he felt nervous as this was his first time working in a company.

"This is it Jimin, fighting!" he encourages himself.

He entered the building and walked to the elevator, taking the tenth floor which is Jungkooks' office.

Immediately he stepped out of the lift, he came across Jojo who's also about to enter the elevator.

"Who are you?" Jojo asked.

"Oh, Good morning. I'm Park Jimin, the new secretary" Jimin replied with a smile.

Jojo accessed his clothes and frowned, even though he's dressed so simply, he still looks so beautiful.

"Secretary? Were you the one chosen at the interview?" She asked.


"Erm... Actually, I don't know anything about this job yet, can you please tell me what to do?" Jimin asked.

"Why should I? You should find that out yourself" Jojo replied rudely. She stared at him for a while before entering the elevator.

Jimin scoffed.

"Who does she think she is?" He muttered. He decided to wait for Jungkook in his office till he arrives as he doesn't know anything about the job yet.

He entered his office slowly, his eyes scanned the room and a 'wow' escaped his lips. He was so angry yesterday that he failed to access his office.

"He must be so rich," he mumbled. His eyes went to his chair and he smiled.

He walked over to it and sat on it gently. He closed his eyes in satisfaction as the chair felt so soft against his b**ts.

"So soft," he moaned. He twirled the chair around and giggled.

"Hey, you're fired!," he said to an imaginary person.

He laughed at himself as he felt so crazy at that moment.

The door opened and Jungkook entered, his eyes went wide when he saw Jimin who's oblivious of his presence on his chair.

"I want you" Jungkook mimicked him.

"Tch! Such a rude ass" he muttered.

Jungkook has had enough already, he cleared his throat. Jimin was surprised to see him, he quickly stood up from the chair and chuckled nervously.

"Erm... Actually I, there was a rat on the chair so I..." He stuttered.

"You tried to kill it while sitting on it?" Jungkook asked, staring at him in amusement.

Jimin's face flushed in embarrassment.

"Just get me my coffee," Jungkook said.

Jimin nodded and went out of the office immediately. He felt embarrassed, this was his first day at work and this?

He continued wandering around as he didn't even know where to brew the coffee.

"Gosh! I should have just asked him where it was" he mentally scolded himself.

After almost looking around, he finally found the coffee room. After making the coffee, he added a large quantity of sugar just the way he loves it before walking back to Jungkook's office.

He met him on his chair, working on his computer already.

"Here's your coffee, sir" he said and dropped the coffee on the table.

Jungkook nodded his head absentmindedly as he's already focused on his work. He grabbed the cup's handle and brought it closer to his lips.

After taking a sip, he spilled it out immediately, shocking Jimin.

"WTF is this?!" He shouted..

"Sir? Is something wrong with the coffee?" Jimin asked, slightly taken aback by his sudden attitude.

"I love my coffee with no sugar, what is this?" He yelled.

"You never mentioned how you love your coffee to me," Jimin said.

"And did you bother asking?"

Jimin bit his lips. He's right after all, he should have asked him before preparing the coffee.

"I'll just make another one sir" he muttered, he took the coffee and left the office.

Jungkook touched his forehead in frustration, he shouldn't have overreacted and he knows that, but he just hates it when there is sugar in his coffee, it makes him remember his old past he had long buried.

The door opened, he was expecting it to be Jimin but was disappointed to find Mr. Jeon entering the room with a lady behind him.

Jungkook scoffed. Like seriously? This early morning?

"That's my son," Mr. Jeon said to the lady, pointing at Jungkook.

"What's the meaning of this?" Jungkook asked.

"Since you decided to chase Angelina away, I brought another lady for you. She's beautiful, isn't she?" Mr. Jeon asked.

Jungkook glanced at the lady who's already smiling at him seductively. He shook his head.

"She is, but I'm not interested," he said.

"You aren't gonna tell me that one cos you're getting married to her. I can't continue watching you messing around with other men or women. It's high time for you to settle down" Mr. Jeon said.

Jungkook laughed. He must be kidding him, right?

"Introduce yourself," Mr. Jeon said to the lady.

"Hi Jungkook, I'm..."

Jimin entered at that time, holding a cup in his hand.

"Here is your coffee sir" he said.

Jungkook glanced at Jimin before looking at Mr. Jeon.

"I'm afraid I'll be rejecting your offer," he said.

"You ain't gonna tell me that, I already chose her for you and that's final!" Mr. Jeon half yells.

"I already have a man in my life so it's inappropriate for you to choose another person for me" Jungkook said.

He stood up and walked to Jimin who's looking lost.

He placed his hand on his waist and drew him closer to his hard chest, shocking the life out of Jimin.

"Meet the love of my life, Park Jimin" he said, staring at Mr. Jeon.

Jimin turned to look at him in shock.
