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Beauty of magic Raven tale

[Please note that if you're finding this, I have rewritten this story from the ground up, I just used the same characters. It's called Beauty of magic.] The tale of a former Noble in the future where magic exists. Raven was exiled from his family and now lives in the poor southern slums of Aquaria

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Hearing the alarm clock beep I turn it off. Looking outside my apartment window I see the full moon in the beautiful night sky. I didn't sleep. I couldn't, for the past few days it's been that way. Getting up in my empty apartment I change my clothes to something more public. While making some coffee I notice that my Mail shute is full. Taking out the letters, I sort through them. A fully black envelope catches my eye. Opening it I read the letter.

'We're sorry to announce that your application for The Fallantig School of Combat & Magic has been declined. your test score is not nearly high enough. We hope that you find better luck elsewhere, Ren Southstorm.'

Crumbling the letter in my hand I threw it against the wall. "Dammit!" Punching it against the wall, I yell.

"Should have given it my all not hold back! Who cares that I can't use my real name?! I don't! FUCK!" Crumbling to the floor I scream my lungs out, after all my future has just ended. After calming down a bit, I take a deep breath.

"Calm down this Isn't why I woke up." standing up I take my keys and leave my apartment. Not eating or washing I just leave for the night streets. Sulking a bit, I arrived in front of a Corner shop. "Good Morning" Hearing the cashier's welcome as I entered I took a carton box of orange juice with some plastic cups. "Is that all? That's 25Yemons." Paying up I leave with my things.

Yemons money that's used in human territories. Since the year 2020 that almost ended all life on the planet. Humanity has united under a common cause of survival. Creating a unified money called Yemons with a united language of English. Now it's the year 2087 and the idea of united humanity is starting to crumble. Walking. down the street, with my bag of goods I stop in front of a large metal gate. Entering I walk past many decorated stones only to stop in front of a large stone shaped like a cross. On this stone, a name of a person is written.

[Millie Nordstorm]


Sitting down on the stone-cold path I say. "Hey sis, how are you doing?" Feeling the cold Night wind brush against me I smile. "That's good." Taking out the plastic cups, I place one on the grave and one in front of myself. Pouring the Orange juice into the cups I ask "Remember when we used to steal oranges from that orchard?" Not getting a response I ask myself "GOD, What am I doing?"

Taking the cup I pour the orange juice on the grave. "I'm sorry sis, I failed. I didn't achieve our dream. I wasn't accepted. I didn't try hard enough and now, I don't know what to do." Looking at the grave I feel like a madman. I mean, here I am screaming and crying to pieces of stone.

spending a few minutes in silence, I watch the wind blow the cup away. Leaving the graveyard, I arrived back home.

Walking to my desk I open a drawer. inside is a notepad named. [Dream maker] Originally Millie and I wanted to make something that would allow one to dream, but we never finished it. not to mention that I have no idea if it would even work. In dreams, a person can see and do anything they can imagine. Even meeting dead people. or father shot us down as it's wrong to play with one's mind but we just put it away as another project we never finished.

Opening it I check the old notes and wonder.

"Why did we even want to do this? this is basically a drug!"

I mean Bromine and other chemicals, they're basically a drug. Not to mention that some of them are basically impossible to get like the Nightmare flower. The nightmare flower is a rare flower that grows in a Tropical forest with high magic density. These parts of the world are controlled by elves and even the few that are in human territories are harvested for their leaves that cause sleep without dreams like anesthesia.

"Getting there is more than impossible not to mention that most of this is highly illegal and the numbers are all wrong." Looking over the calculations, I Understand something.

That this Dream Maker drug that I and Millie thought up is nothing but a crazy dream. "I should just focus on studying so I can get into..."

'Wait? I didn't get into Fallanitg. I don't have a backup school that I can get into. Aren't my chances at getting into school Zero now?!' Realizing that I have no career or goal in mind I feel lost. Almost abandoned. All the hard work that I spent in an attempt to get accepted into Fallantig ended just like that. Looking back at the book I decided

"Maybe I should try it, what's the worst that could happen right?" Looking at the notepad I take it with me. There's only one place in the world that I know of where I can get these ingredients. My family home, The Nordstorm Estate.

I was kicked out of the family after my Sister Millie died and I was forced to take a fake name Southstorm. I despised my family so much that I changed my First name to Ren. But even though I was kicked out of the family it wasn't a full-sided decision as my mother would never allow this to happen.

Leaving the apartment I bump into Someone. "I'm sorry." trying to walk past them. They take a step to block my path. Looking at the man I see his long white beard with his gray hair and Ice cold eyes. "Grandfather" Immediately losing my demeanor I frowned.

My grandfather Joseph Nordstorm the Patriarch and founder of the Nordstorm family. it could be said that his word is the law within the family yet he let me be kicked out.

"What do you need, Joseph?" Seemingly not pleased by my answer he replies. "Call me Grandpa for Christ's sake.

What did I ever do to you?" He wonders with his old yet gentle smile. "Nothing that's the problem!" I replied. "You're mad that I let you be kicked out of the family, but trust me you being kicked out, even I couldn't stop. The elders have too much power ever since your mother fell ill not to mention that our Main family is losing its support from the side families."

Trying to justify his ignorance I speak up "You founded the family they think of you as their hero! you just have to say a word and they will listen!" Shaking his head, Joseph Continues. "I'm not here to argue with you about this, I'm here as the principal of Fallanti giving you the option to enter even though you failed the exam. That's the least I can do for you, Raven."

That broke me, hearing my grandfather use the real name that I left behind, I yelled at him. "NEVER! if I ever enter the Fallanting school ground it's gonna be as Raven Nordstorm! I will not use the fake name you have given me! I will succeed and get back cause that's what Millie Your Granddaughter would want! I will not listen to any other family members other than mother and Millie! not even you FOUNDER!" Seemingly displeased by my answer Joseph Shakes his head. "I like your pride as Nordstrom but still that won't happen, I will still think of you as my grandson but the chances of you becoming a Nordstorm again are the same as your mother curing." Saying that his body turns into ice and melts.

'The main family technique Ice projection, he wasn't even here no wonder they call him the strongest wizard of mankind' out of spite I step on the poodle and head for the family estate.

The Nordstorm family estate is located north over the river.

I live in the lower areas of the Great city named Aquaria.

So hopping on a bus I think. The last station on this bus line is about 500m from the estate. Deciding to take a nap I let my heavy eyes close for the first time after a long time of not sleeping. I have a nice dream of myself playing the violin.


Bumping into me is my younger sister Millie. "I don't want to learn how to play the violin!" crying in my ear, I responded. *sigh* "I know you don't like playing the violin but it's our family instrument we're supposed to perform at the family event 2 months from now and yet you still haven't learned anything!"

"But Raven! I hate it when you're able to play professionally only after 3 months of training, yet I can't even strike the correct notes!" Smiling at her I replied. "But you're talented in magic, one of a kind you're called after all. You can cast magic that some adults are struggling with, so I think God gave all your talent into magic and none in the musical department." Trying to cheer her up she frowns.

"I hate God! if he gave me equal talents to yours then I wouldn't have to suffer like this!"

Feeling a vein pop on my forehead, I take a deep breath "What do you want to do?" Raising her hand in the air she yells. "I want to play with Magic!" Sighing I repeat myself. "Millie You know you're supposed to learn how to play the violin." "But I don't want to learn!" "Well too bad! Millie I didn't want to teach you anyways." Seeing Millie frown she asks "Can't you at least tell me how you managed to learn violin in 6 months? I mean you are a year older than me but still, you're 12!" I was surprised by the question I answered. "What are you talking about? It's simple, just remember the notes?"

As if I'm crazy MIllie says "Remember? Remember? How am I supposed to remember 3 SHEETS of notes in 5 minutes?!"

Shrugging, I reply "I have a photographic memory. allowing me to remember anything by just looking at it." Making sure to rub that fact in, I smile. Seeing Mille's reaction was priceless "That's cheating! Why is it that you can just look over something, and remember it?! While others have to read it over and over!"I try calming Millie down to no avail. "Oh common Millie, it's not that bad." "Yes, it is! I bet that if I gave you a Rubik's cube, you'd even remember the pattern on it." Wondering if it is possible, I answer.

"Maybe, I didn't try it before." Throwing me a scrambled Rubik's cube, I look at it. "How long do I have?"

Ripping the cube out of my hands Millie smirks. "That's enough!" Smiling back I asked, "Okay Millie, how am I supposed to prove that I remembered it?" Giving me a piece of paper she says "Draw it"

"Draw it?" Being surprised by this request, I start to doubt my ability to remember. "Yes, draw it from all sides!" Smirking at me I sigh. "Fine, I will draw it." Taking a piece of paper I start drawing. It took a few minutes but I finished it. "Done, Is it correct?." Millie's stare tells me everything I need to know. "That's not fair, what did you do with the real Raven?!" Saying that she started to lightly punch me in the stomach. "How did you even remember it? You looked at it for less than 3 seconds! I mea-" Pulling her off I get serious again.

"Okay enough of that, pick up the violin and play."

Looking at me with her puppy eyes she says "But Ren, I don't know how to play!" "Read the sheets, it's as simple as that." "but still!." "No, but Millie, it's our duty as the members of the Nordstorm family to learn a musical instrument for public parties." "But" "I said no buts think how our father would feel about this?"

"Fine….." Finally seeing Millie step down I smile in victory

"Good no-"


"Sir please wake up." Opening my eyes I see the bus driver

"Sir this is the last station please leave the bus." Looking around I see that the bus has arrived at the last station.

"I'm so sorry!" Running out of the bus, I look around. "I wasn't here for a long time."

The large green hills are covered in spruce. Walking up the hill behind the bus stop, I saw it. The compound estate of the Nordstorm Family.

Before I was kicked out, I was part of the Ruling Nordstorm family, who are known for their powers in ice magic. My younger sister Millie was a genius amongst geniuses. I was born with a clear lack of talent in magic, even more lacking in the ice element, after MIllie's passing our family kinda crumbled. Mother got a deep depression and hasn't left her room since. While father…. he just copes in his way.

Our family is one of the 12 Ruling families of Humanity.

There are 4 rankings of family statuses, The Ruling families

are the most powerful ones. There are only 12 of them, each having one member in the council that decides the future of humanity.

Arriving in front of a large gate I ring the bell and after a few seconds, a voice answers. "Yes?" "It's me, Raven, open the gate, Maxwell." Hearing me, Maxwell responded, "Ah Young master Raven, I will inform your father about your arrival."

"No wait, I don't want to meet my father!" Before I can tell him not to, the gate opens. Maxwell the head butler of our family. entering the house I see Maxwell standing on the side

"Your father awaits you in his office, young master Raven." seeing Maxwell I ask. "Great, how's the mother? and how's the youngest member of the family, Lily?."

"Mother is slowly recovering from the shock and young lady Lily is preparing for her first school days." Smiling I continue

"That's great, I'm glad to hear that. You might want to do some gardening 'cause I suspect that things are gonna get loud." Knowing my father, I don't want anyone listening to our yelling. "I will do as you say, Young Master Raven." As he walks off, I take a deep breath and enter my father's office. Looking up from all the paperwork my father says.

"Didn't I teach you how to knock Raven?"

"To my knowledge, you have stripped me of my Name, since then I go by Ren Southstorm, remember that."

"That name was not given to you! You've been stripped of your surname as a Nordstorm as you do not have the blood of Nordstorms!"

"I know father. Because of that the future head of the family was supposed to be Millie the middle child and I accepted that. But she passed away now there's none else but me. but you exiled me without the permission of my mother."

"Raven, the mother is not in a state where she can decide things and I didn't exile you! The Elders did if it was up to me you would still be here!"


"...." as father says nothing I compose myself. 'I let my emotions take control' Taking in a deep breath, I speak.

"Father no, Arthur Nordstorm we both know that neither of us has the Nordstorm blood, as you married into the family. Mother is the current head, you're just an acting head."

"RAVEN!" I know that I'm not in power here, you don't have to tell me that!" Standing up he yells.

"Exactly you aren't capable, why did Mother even marry such a fool as yourself?" I yell back. "RAVEN!" "God can't you say something else than my old name!" "Raven is a name given to you by your mother not by me So why do you hate it so much?!" "And I see no reason why I should call you father!"

"FINE! just so you know-" *Knock Knock*

In the middle of our heated argument, a knocking sound resounds through the room "WHAT!?" "WHAT!?"

Both yelling at the door we see Maxwell come in

"I'm sorry to bother you but the Appleton family is here wanting to speak to you both."

"WHAT? Why both of us?!" "That's my line father!"

"Enough, both of you! Please keep some face for the Nordstorm family! our guests are waiting in the guest room."

Looking at my father I see that we both don't want to do this. ""How about you send someone else Maxwell?"" Talking at the same time, we look at Maxwell. "Like who? your almost 6-year-old sister/daughter? or your mentally ill mother?"

"..." not knowing how to reply, I looked at my father.

"I'm working with you only because the survival of the family depends on it, Raven." Pointing his finger at me, I reply.

"The same goes for me. What would Millie think if the family would be destroyed over this?"

As Maxwell smiles he thinks, They truly are father and son

"Okay, leave the talking to me. Raven, if I want you to say yes I will step on your foot, and if I want you to say No I will kick you." Stabbing my finger into his chest I speak. "HUH?! and why do you think I will agree to this?! To my knowledge, I have been doing mother's work until you guys kicked me out! So why should you be the one to do the talking?!"

"Just sit there and do as I say and we will survive another day okay S O N?"

"FINE!" but never say "son." like that ever again!" Finally agreeing we ask maxwell. "Great, Maxwell, take us to our guests."

Entering a large room I spot 2 people sitting on a couch 'Jessica Appleton family prodigy, and his Mother Petra Appleton nicknamed the with of destruction'

"We are sorry for making you wait, Ms. and Ms. Appleton. May I know your purpose for this sudden visit?"

Looking at my father I can understand that he doesn't want to make the Appletons angry since they are known for their short temper, but acting like that makes us look like we are weak compared to them!

Sitting on the opposite couch, Ms. Appleton starts to speak. "We came to discuss the position that families are in at the corresponding moment."

"And that is?" Father asks "As you know our faction is breaking apart and we are losing power significantly within the human domain."

Humanities factions. There are 3 main ones and there are 6 smaller functions. Democrats the strongest faction, the People's Socialist movement Faction, and the Aristocrats. Our family is part of a sub-branch of the Democratic side, the United Front faction which believes in strengthening the military to protect mankind against its many enemies. Mainly the elves to the west.

Sadly The United fronts ideas are overlooked with the causal talk that even though we are at war there have been no major battles in 20 years.

Uh, our faction is losing many members and we have only one Person In the Ruling Council of mankind though they have their hands tight up right now.

"So? What are the Appletons planning to do about it?"

"You see Mr. Nordstrom, the democratic faction, is asking us to give up the Idea of the United front. With the Fallanting academy's door soon opening, they want as many kids to support the democratic faction there. United as one."

Seemingly confused by the situation, father asked. "and?"

"We've got a proposal for the Nordstrom family, to strengthen the bond with the democratic families. Our Appleton family will join the democrats under the premise of strengthening our bonds." While Ms. Appleton is speaking. I wonder.

'That doesn't help our faction, what's so ever, are they just trying to save their skin?'

"I still don't see where the Nordstorm comes into play."

"A political marriage between your oldest and our middle daughter Jessica. To my knowledge your son Raven is going to be a student there in a few days and the age difference between the two is around 1 year."


Looking at Jessica sitting in front of me. I do see that she's pretty, but seeing my father's face that truly considering this.

I realize how bad of a situation this is. 'Don't you dare father This is a trap!' While yelling inside my head, father speaks. "What do you think Raven?" Feeling father step on my foot, I know that he wants to agree, but I kick my father and speak.

"I Believe that we should talk with the elders of our family before we give you our answer." Looking at Miss Appleton I can see her eyebrows curl upwards and her lips tighten. 'So it was like this!'

I can see my Father glare at me as if I just doomed us all

"Fine, just so you know. We are giving this option to all the members of the faction so you better hurry or you will be at loss, let's go, Jess."

"Ah Yes, mother!" As They leave the room My father picks me up by the shoulders and screams.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! What are we going to do?! This was a great chance to strengthen our position! Within the faction and keep our relations with the democrats! Yet you had to fuck it all up didn't you?!"

"You are the fool father here! and don't call mother a bitch!"

"WHAT!?..... 'I called my wife a b*****?'.....RAVEN DO YOU NOT REALIZE IN WHAT SITUATION WE ARE ARE FAMILY IS FALLING APART!" Shaking me violently, I answer.

"They tried to take advantage of it trying to save their skin." "EXPLAIN!" Pulling me to a stop I feel my brain hit the inside of my skull. 'Sometimes I truly wish that father wasn't so dumb'

"The Appleton family is in the same situation as us, their family is losing ground. Many businesses are joining the democratic faction so what would be the best option for them so that the business stays loyal to their family?"

"Join the democrats so that the business doesn't change the families for the other in a different faction?"

"Correct and what's the best way to not upset the business that supports our faction?"

"To….. I don't know?" Scratching the back of his head he laughs. Sighing, I continue "That's why I was chosen to take care of the family affairs and not you." "That's rude!" Taking offense to my comment, I shake my head.

"Right, Right, to put it simply they would join the democrats and marry off their middle daughter to us so they can say

"We still support the United front but we will apply the democratic way so that we look loyal to them but we still believe in the united front so we married off our daughter for the good of the faction's relationships. While in reality, they are trying to flee the sinking ship with their goods while keeping the respect of the ones that truly support the United front."

" I" "So you Father have almost destroyed the Nordstrom family, for the 6th time." "...." seeing father stay silent I sigh "I'm going home I don't even remember why I came in the first place… NO wait I do. Do we have any nightmare flowers?" Asking, my father responded "The what?" Looking confused as ever. Maxwell enters the room and sighs

"I'm sorry young master Raven but only 3 ruling families are allowed to process the nightmare flower and we are not one."

"I see well thanks for trying." Walking home I once again hop on the bus and think. 'There's only one place that I can think of now and that's the black market. The problem?

I have no idea how to get there. not mentioning the entire danger of the dark web. Turning on my computer. I activate my VPN and start going from sketchy links to sketchy links.

After a few minutes of browsing the internet, I found something.

[To access the black market one needs a special browser]

'Special Browser?' Looking around more I find a sketchy download link. clicking on it downloads a folder on my computer.

Opening the folder there's an app. running it my computer turn's dark for a second only to restart and open with a web browser named [Tor Browser] it asks for a nickname, so I put Raven. After all, it's nothing but a nickname to me now.


[Welcome Raven]

Looking around the site I feel lost. It looks like a shopping site with pop-ups asking for things from help, mercenaries, chemicals, and others. next to my name is a number of Credits. or the money used in the black market. I have zero using the exchange button. I exchanged half of my life's savings 15k Yemons in exchange for 7.5k Credits. After that 2 buttons catch my eye, make a public request, or hire someone.

Pressing on the public request I make a request for 1 Nightmare Flower, a Reward of 5k credits.

Suddenly a messaging chat room pops up. Someone named The Rat types. [you're new to the black market aren't you?]

I Was shocked by the question so I answered. [what makes you think so?] Getting a spine chill I feel as if they're smiling at me. [Simple: You don't know the prices of things. Nightmare plants are rare, they even go for 50k, yet you want it for 5k. That's ten times less than the market prices, but I want to know something. Why do you need such a useless plant?] Reading The Rat's answer, I realize that they're experienced on the black market. Maybe I can ask them for help [Nightmare flower might be useless in your eyes but in my eyes, there's potential for a new drug that will be on equal grounds with the old drugs]

Not getting a response I start to think. 'Did I sound crazy? or did I offend them in some way?' But all my worries disappear when they type. [I want to see that Idea of yours so let me send you a gift] Wondering what they meant, they leave the chat room before I can ask. A few minutes go by and I hear something bump into my window. Opening it a Drone flies into my room with a cardboard box. Dropping the box it flies away.

"What is this?" *Vrrrrr* Suddenly vibrating it scares the hell out of me. Opening it I see a brick-like phone. Answering it, I ask. "Who's there?"

"Your accesskey to the dark side of this rotten world."