Chereads / Transformers: Dawn Of A New Era / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: The Battle For Freedom

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: The Battle For Freedom

In The Autobot Capitol Of Iacon-On The Planet Cybertron

Iacon was under siege! There was complete and utter chaos in all sectors across the city as Autobot forces struggled to maintain some form of order. Where is Shadowstorm in all this chaos you might ask yourself? He's in the north-east sector of the city accompanied by The Elite Guard to stop The Decepticons from reaching their main base.

Shadowstorm transformed, firing at a group of Decepticons with his plasma cannon.

"Air teams! Take flight!"

"You heard him, let's move!" , Silverbot ordered.

"Yes sir!", Fireflight , Air Raid , Skydive and Slingshot replied , before transforming and taking off.

The team was at first doing pretty well , until a bunch of seekers appeared.

Luckily the Autobots also have more air support , as a bunch of Autobot Aerial Squadrons appeared , blasting away the cons.

"Warpath, take a team with you and provide cover to our troops currently pinned down. As for any available Elite Guard forces, you're with me. We'll take out their main assault force. They will only have Iacon over my lifeless body. And that's a promise , now let's move!" , Shadowstorm ordered , activating his ion blaster.

"Yes sir!", The Elite Guard troopers replied, rushing into battle.

Meanwhile With Ironhide's Team

"Sir, what's the plan?", A trooper questioned, doging some enemy fire.

"Devide and conquer. You split up and take out as many Decepticons as possible while the more trained soldiers along with me will take on the tougher opponents.

Let's do this!", Ironhide said , activating his cannon.

Suddenly two Decepticons, Circuitcrusher and Gyrogrinder appeared, along with a few enemy soldiers.

"Let's crush these puny little Autobots!", Circuitcrusher yelled as Gyrogrinder nodded in agreement.

Ironhide smirked.

"Idiotic scrapheaps.", The Autobot Security Chief thought to himself.

A though battle then ensued, Ironhide and Circuitcrusher wrestling with each other.

"Commander, I'm currently engaged in a battle with the Decepticon heavy hitter Circuitcrusher, permission to execute?" , He asked Shadowstorm via comms.

"Granted, same with Gyrogrinder." , Shadowstorm replied.

Ironhide nodded and made short work out of the two Decepticons.

At Cybertron Intelligence Headquarters

Shadowstorm went inside and spoke with an Intelligence agent called High Wire , who showed him a recently intercepted transmission between Megatron and an unknown unaffiliated Cybertronian.

"Now's the chance … the Autobots don't suspect a thing … Iacon is yours for the taking … Attack now and Shadowstorm's armies will fall down before you like worthless scrap. Excellent work. … Your contribution to the Decepticon Cause is highly appreciated. No problem … just don't forget my payment."

"Oh, we don't suspect a thing. Guess again.", Shadowstorm thought to himself smirking.

He then left to stop both the Cons and their helper.

At The Elite Guard's Headquarters-A Few Minutes Later

Shadowstorm went inside and made his way to the control room.

In The Control Room

He started typing and with the use of five search programs and three different access codes, the code was cracked, and the agent identified.

It was the bounty hunter Lockdown.

Shadowstorm narrowed his optics at the image, vowing to destroy Lockdown once and for all.

Meanwhile Aboard Loockdown's Ship, In Deep Space

Lockdown sat in his ship's cockpit with a satisfied smirk.

"Once Shadowstorm's taken care of , I'll be the most feared bounty hunter in every known galaxy. I , The Grand Lockdown , who singlehandedly captured and beat the Autobot Supreme Commander."

"Now set a course for Cybertron."

"At once Master Lockdown.", The Computer replied.

Back On The Planet Cybertron

The Autobots managed to repel The Cons , but suddenly , Lockdown's ship appeared out of nowhere.

"Open fire!", Thunderblade ordered, as the Defense Cannons started firing at the ship.

On Lockdown's Ship

Seeing the "Resistance" , The Bounty Hunter couldn't help but laugh.

"So, the fools are attempting a resistance? Hahahaha! You want to play Autobots? Very well, let's play."

He pressed a button and the ion cannon fired at the Autobots.

On The Ground

Seeing the coming danger, Thunderblade jumped out of the way and told the others.


They did so and avoided the cannon.

Shadowstorm appeared and glared up at the warship.

Back On Lockdown's Ship

"So, the mighty Shadowstorm decided to show himself. Well, let's see how mighty he really is.", Lockdown smirked and activated his visor.

He went down to the planet's surface to battle his long time enemy and upon arrival found himself face to face with Shadowstorm and a large team of soldiers.

"This is between us two.", The Bounty Hunter stated , giving the commander a glare.

"I know.", Shadowstorm replied calmly and with a hand motion, ordered his troops to stand down , before activating his own visor , which had a black outline with the visor itself being blue.

He then activated his blade and swung it at the Bounty Hunter, only for the attack to be blocked by Lockdown's own blade.

Lockdown then threw an ion grenade.

It exploded, causing some heavy damage.

They shot at each other, before starting to trade blows.

Shadowstorm punched him hard and forced The Bounty Hunter to his knees, before ramming his blade into Lockdown's chest , thus extinguishing his spark.

Lockdown then fell to the ground dead.

The fight was over. At least for now.