The Seeking was once a proud prince, living a life of luxury in a powerful kingdom. However, his world was turned upside down when his family was betrayed and murdered by a close ally. Driven by a thirst for vengeance, the Seeking left behind his former life and set out on a journey to reclaim what was lost.
As the Seeking pressed on, his thoughts drifted back to the events that had led him to this point. He remembered the day when his kingdom was overrun by the enemy forces, and his family was brutally murdered. He had narrowly escaped with his life, but he was left with a thirst for vengeance.
He shook his head, clearing his thoughts as he reached a fork in the road. The left path led to a dark and ominous forest, while the right path led to a seemingly never-ending desert. He took a deep breath and decided to take the path to the left, towards the forest.
The forest was dense and dark, but the Seeking pressed on, his sword at the ready. Suddenly, he heard the sound of twigs snapping and leaves rustling. He spun around, his sword held high, as a massive beast emerged from the shadows. The Seeking's eyes widened as he recognized the monster, for it was one of the most feared creatures in the land. He braced himself for the fight of his life.
To be continued...