The Backstreet - Lucius's crew in the slum districts of Severia, made of kids who are runaways, orphans and homless kids.
Severia- A major port city in the Aurelian Empire
Golden Boys- From the Central district in Severia a collection of rich kids who formed a gang to have fun and be mischievous
Hobin's Crew - A gang of older children 14-20 from the port district
The Dark flower- An adult gang known for drug, human and organ trafficking
Peace Corp - The city guards who oversee and police the city
Mana- the fundamental energy that allows Mages and Aura practitioners to use their aura and magic spells. Mana is abundant throughout the Savatar continent, and is in the air certain places have higher concentration.
Aura Practitioners- Those who are gifted or use a high level aura practicing method are born with the ability to be Aura practitioners. It strengthens the body using a form of magic, aura can be accumulated at a faster pace then magicians but it has poor range and most practitioners barely reach the level of aura manifestation outside the body. Aura users, accumulate aura throughout their body in points, nicknamed stars, the amount of stars is proportional to how much mana you have
Aura Users Ranks
Transcendent rank (12 stars) - ?
Legendary rank (11 stars) Aura field, body is virtually indestructible to any attacks below Hero rank, or Archmage.
Hero rank (10stars) - Aura field (able to create a field using focus of their aura suppressing those weaker them, and when in the field they have full sight of the field no matter the obstructions)
Higher User (9 stars) - Aura weapons
Grand master (8 stars) - Aura weapons ( no longer need to use a weapon to focus aura through, can now create weapons made of aura from thin air)
Master (7 stars) - Aura manifestation
Expert (6 stars) - Aura manifestation (able project aura off their weapon a distance, also when most get a elemental affinity to go with their aura)
Great Aura knight (5 stars) - Aura strengthening
Aura Knight (4 stars) - Aura strengthening (able to coat a weapon with aura)
Rank 3 (3 star) - Body strengthening period
Rank 2 (2 star) - Body strengthening period
Rank 1 (1 star) - Body strengthening period
Magicians- Or Mages, are rarer then Aura Practitioners, can manifest magic outside the body with ease using spells, take longer to progress then Aura Practitioners, are stronger then Aura practitioners of the same level in mid to long range combat. Are born with bodies that can take in mana easier. Instead of absorbing an accumulating mana like aura practitioners they build magic circles around their heart and when they need to cast spells they draw in magic power from the environment and the circles protect heart from exploding from mana , the more magic circles a mage has the more mana they can take in.
Mage ranks-
Magion- 10th circle - ?
Archmage 9th circle - Fireball spell, able to wipe out a neighborhood
Grand Mage- 8th circle - Fireball spell, able to wipe out a soccer field
Greater Mage- 7th circle - Fireball spell, able to wipe out a large building
Top Mage - 6th circle
High Mage - 5th circle - Fireball spell, equivalent of a grenade
Middle tier Mage- 4th circle
Lesser Mage -3rd circle - Fireball spell, equivalent of a catapult shot
Low Mage -2nd circle
Mage - 1st circle