Davies had always been extremely handsome, but due to his apathetic face and his 'don't come near me' aura, he had always been successful in making sure that he wasn't treated like a living deity everywhere he went.
Unfortunately, while hanging out with Tisha and going along with her whims... which had actually ended up being quite fun, though he'd never consciously admit it first, he had ended up breaking out of his apathetic character and had ended up with the very rare but genuine smile on his face.
The smile had successfully changed the aura he was giving off and had unleashed his attractiveness to the extreme, both to the women and to the questionable males, leading to obvious looks of hunger that he was getting from all the women and questionable males around him.
The unquestionable males, on the other hand just stared at him in a daze as they thought deep and hard about their life and contemplated suicide.