At a depth of three thousand meters, the seabed is shrouded in near-total darkness, where visibility is limited to occasional glimpses of light resembling stars in an infinite sky.
Deep-sea creatures emit these faint light spots, the only illumination sources in this realm.
Amidst this dark expanse, a colossal snapping turtle can be seen slowly swimming as if searching for something on the ocean floor.
Overlord has been assigned a mission by its master, Liu Yong, to scour the area surrounding a cave with a radius of fifty kilometres in search of exposed diamond veins or sunken ships.
As the third day of the search commences, the Overlord has already covered a vast territory within the fifty-kilometre radius yet has failed to find any diamond veins or sunken ships.
Consequently, Liu Yong has instructed the Overlord to expand its search area, hoping that it may eventually uncover some treasures.