Shi yun looked at the shattered vase on the floor.
"You're in do much trouble now"Yan yu said.
"I didn't do it purposely "Shi yun said
"I won't punish you, you'll wait for master to come back and you mustn't clear shattered glass "She said and smirked.
"But I didn't do it purposely how much is the vase"She said
"It's priceless , the vase was given to the demon lord by the emperor of Spiritual realm when the demon realm helped chase away red demons"Yan yu said and turned to go
Shi yun knelt down and picked the glass and pricked her finger.
"Ow"She winced in pain and Yan yu turned back .
"I told you not to touch it didn't I"Yan yu Said she walked to her and used her spiritual essence to heal her.
Qian Tianqi and Qi Zhi yuan walked into the dark realm where there was nothing like day it was always dark and it was more evil than the demon realm but since Qian Tianqi reign it was otherwise , the demon realm became the most powerful realm, since then they've been rivals.
Qi Zhi yuan looked around like a thief before walking but Qian Tianqi walked so confidently he suddenly felt a pain in his chest region he held his chest .
"Are you ok?"Qi Zhi yuan said
"I'm ok "He said
'Why was she hurt ? is she hurt because I said I won't buy her the street food ?'he thought
Qian Tianqi hasn't been confused since he was born and now he's here trying to figure out if a girl wants street food or not.
They continued walking suddenly thousands of men surrounded them.
A black snake appeared and crawled toward them a black fog appeared and it changed into a woman,she had pure white skin and her hanfu was black.
"Qian Tianqi"She said as she walked to his front.
"I thought you were the demon lord and that you were so superior but still you sneak into the dark realm"She said and smirked.
"you could have come to palace first"She said
"Zhi ruo I would have come to the palace but who would welcome me "He said
"You helped us before so why won't we welcome you"She said smiling.
"But who would trust a woman who changed her husband to a snake"He said
"Enough ! kill them"She commanded
Qian Tianqi snapped his finger and they all froze .
"Fools"He said and walked out
"Qian Tianqi "Qi Zhi yuan said and followed him.
"Qi Zhi yuan we're here for a reason"Qian Tianqi said
Qian Tianqi and Qi Zhi yuan continued walking after a while they got to their destination.
After Yan yu healed her cut Shi yun secretly packed the broken glass and disposed it she went to her room and walked to and fro looking for a reasonable excuse she was either going to die or suffer for the rest of her life.
Zhi ruo came back to life after few minutes when he left.
"Qian Tianqi you're such a fool , don't you know the difference between Sixty thousand and six hundred thousand"She said she freed the remaining soldiers.
"Release the Red beast we have company"Zhi ruo said
The soldiers all vanished to the palace.
Qian Tianqi used his spiritual essence to break down the barriers and they walked into the other realm .
The evil realm.
[A/n: There's nothing like the evil realm not that I know of it's just a fiction enjoy the rest of the story]
The evil realm was a dark realm darker than the dark realm it can be said as a dungeon for the dark realm .
"Qian Tianqi since when does this realm exist"Qi Zhi yuan asked though he was a traveller he visited realms and study them just in case the demon realm was attacked, but he's never been to here before.
Qian Tianqi didn't reply they continued moving they got to a gate and it opened without the help of any one,Qi Zhi yuan took a step forward and an arrow came from the left but Qian Tianqi used him spiritual essence to stop the arrow from harming any of them .
"How did you know that arrow was coming"Qi Zhi yuan said Qian Tianqi didn't reply.
"Have you been here before"He said
Qian Tianqi finally walked in and Qi Zhi yuan followed him they both stopped in front of a cage .
"Qian Tianqi I knew you were here "A voice said
The snake in the cage came forward , it was trapped in it normally it would crawl out of it but it couldn't because every gap was covered.
"Don't waste my time you know what I'm here for"He said
"Still as arrogant as when I last saw you"it said
"Did you mean the last time you betrayed my father"He said
"I'll help you but you have to change me back "he said
"Qian Tianqi .."Qi Zhi yuan didn't complete his sentence Qian Tianqi shunned him with a 'shhhh'. The whole place was silent nothing but the growls of Red beast was heard.
"Are those.."Qi Zhi yuan said
"Red beast"Qian Tianqi said
"Do you think you won already"Zhi ruo said she released the beast and they ran towards Qian Tianqi and Qi Zhi yuan.
The Red beast was the most powerful beast in all realm ,they were powerful enough to cut out the soul line of a spiritual being.
"Qian Tianqi let's leave"Qi Zhi yuan said.
The beast came towards them but Qian Tianqi used his spiritual essence to push them away.
"Qian Tianqi let's leave now"Qi Zhi yuan said Qian Tianqi vanished from the realm with Qi Zhi yuan .
They both appeared in the demon realm .
"Commander Yan yu the demon lord is back "A guard said and they both disappeared.
Shi yun heard what the guard said she walked to the Study room .
Qian Tianqi and Qi Zhi yuan went into the palace.
"Qian Tianqi next time you're going on such journey I suggest I should stay here instead"Qi Zhi yuan said
"The point is that you're a coward"Qian Tianqi said
"Coward we nearly got killed and we didn't even get what we went there for"Qi Zhi yuan said
"I wouldn't say that if I were you"He said and brought out the snake .
"You brought it"He said
"Yes I took it while you were panicking"Qian Tianqi said
"But won't Zhi ruo find out"he said.
"She won't and if she does her essence is not enough to come into the demon realm "Qian Tianqi said
Qian Tianqi trapped the snake in a cage .
"Not again"It lamented
"That's where you belong"He said.
"Master you're back"Yan yu said as she bowed
Qian Tianqi walked to the study room but before he went in he noticed the vase on the shelf gone.
"Where's the vase"Qian Tianqi said
Yan yu cleared her throat.
"Yan yu where's the vase"Qian Tianqi said
"Um..."Yan yu didn't complete her sentence
"I broke it "Shi yun said looking at the ground .
~ oooh you're in so much trouble now ~