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kingdom of honey and daggers

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When the game is more then just a game. Wolf the only player with the worst loot drop in the history, after losing his job in the film and media Industry for his serious injuries. he works everyday in vital reality to make money as a streamer. after making it big he was at the studio that fired him. on his way out something happens to make him spring into one last action in earth leading to his death and a reward. waking up in a new world or maybe a video game. but he is now a she, her luck in drops continues till meeting the one preson to change everything the woman is the demon queen with a bounty of 100 trillion imperial gold coins. As Wolfs new benefactor she supplies wolf with equipment and gear, anything Wolf wants. Wolf craves out a life for herself, but then Wolf discovers this world is a video game just released in the world she comes from. this world will die if she does nothing and those she loves will be gone.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Aloud explosion followed but an angry young man's voice.

"You useless undergeared piece of *Beep*. No gear is worth this."

Stand around is a team of 6 people in futuristic armor and guns, they are a raid team in the last raid on Pluto in Destiny 4. This is a full dive VR video game Wolf, is the raid leader but also the one being berated by The young angry man. Wolf's armor is black carbon fiber looking with gold trim and the armor is cracked looking as if light is trying to escape the black carbon fiber parts. The Man to wolfs right steps between them

"Look Slim, he may not have the exotic gear that you think is required but he has beaten the raid and has been the best shot caller we had since starting".

"Shut the *Beep*, Zan. the Big bad luck wolf is *beep*" Slim responds before pulling out his ghost and returning to orbit.

Zan walks over the catwalk they are on and places hands on the railing looking over and a boss and swarm of robotic enemies. Zan's armor is the polar opposite of Wolf's pure white with an ironman looking power unit in the chest. With black trim. Wolf has pulled up a menu and is sending a message as he leans against the wall after the respawn.

Looking past his menu.

"Anyone else have a problem with how things are going?"

The other 3 men look at eachother. The one closest to Zan speaks up first.

"Wolf you know I have no problem raiding with you." He is well measured in his voice, calm and collected at all times, The man's armor is a midnight blue colour, it seems to be suited to look like a military style uniform clean and tight. The man next to Wolf speaks.

"Sorry Slim believes in gear not player skill. Wolf, I would rather run with you Monkey and Zan then Slim from now on if i am honest." the man Motions to Zan and the last to speak.

"And you Phaz?" Wolf nods asking the final in their current party.

The final man Phaz seems to always be adjusting his gear. Phaz's gear looks like a hunter with far too many straps to undo and redo. Knives and sheaths everywhere.

"I have no problem, that guy was the problem, he was out of position the whole time. I have a friend who can fill in. He is a great raider."

"Don't worry, I already got someone coming" Wolf's voice seems to smirk as he points to a teleport effect that starts to happen next to them.

"WHAT'S UP *BEEP* !?!" a woman's voice comes over their voice chat. Monkey throws back his head.

"God it is Jessica"

"Hey Stellar, it is Pluto raid final boss. Slim guy number 6 bailed after being out of reactor range, claimed my gear isn't up to par. You know the type." Wolf says standing up right. Stellar's armor is form fitting and her helmet is sleek and more round. Her armor is Bright Golden with white making her stand out from the Dark ice blue walls and flooring when cutting through the fog that just kinda stagnates around them.

Wolf starts to walk Leaving both Phaz and Party member 5 in Shock at Stellar.

"Let's go guys, we know what to do. Phaze your on add clear with Monkey. Zan and Darky keep The reactor going. Me and Staller are on Boss damage." Wolf starts walking down the stairs. As he walks down 3 forms fall past him, Stellar, Zan and monkey jumps landing before the boss area. The boss area is a Retranlar arena with holes in the floor, a reactor a ⅓ of the way in on the left that is in ruin and a matching reactor in disrepair on the right. The object for 2 of the team is to keep it running so the boss can be damaged. The Boss is a flying Robotic head. As the fight starts wolf and Staller help clear the Robotic Enemies. As the battle rages more and more enemies spawn making a light show that will cause confusion on the battlefield if not for a set plan and confidence in your skills. As the lazer and bullets fly the whole floor is swarmed with enemies as soon as the bosses shield is down Staller and wolf pull out there heavy machine guns and lay into the boss they take the boss to ¼ health as the run out of ammo and then and explosion blasts everyone into the railing.

"Ok get that reactor going again Zan '' Stellar cries from her position leaning on the railing trying to find a foothold. Zan takes off for the reactor and drops his healing rift as Darky drops a smoke grande on them so the vanish and loss of aggro. Wolf drops his healing rift on the edge as Steller finds her footing and holds up a mobile barrier shielding hers and Wolf in his rift. Monkey and Phaz both hold mobile barriers back to back defending each other just as the reactor gets going both Monkey and Phaz barriers fail as they fight to kill the hoard. Monkey is first to go down as Phaz tries to revive him and he goes down as well."Wolf full charge" Stellar yells pushing through. She continues to fire into the boss and they push through wolf clears some and the adds. As soon as the reach the middle of the area Stellars barrier fails both Wolf and Stellar jump and drop grandes, this are mine grandes so the float where they are place Wolf and Stellar use them to boost higher by jumping on them. The Grandes get push into the enemies below killing them. Zan and Darky are about to fall lossing health quickly. Stellar pulls out a exotic weapon Eagle heart a power hand cannon and starts laying into the boss. Wolf Fires his auto rifle into the boss, with 1% helath Zan Darky and Stellar are gun down The weapon Eagle Heart leaves Stellars hand becoming a Retrievable weapon Wolf dives and Grabs it as his auto rifle runs out. A Prompt pops up. Exotic weapon dropped by Stellar: Eagle Heart. Stat: God roll. Damage 3000 stability 100%, Mag Power rounds, Perks Dragonfly and Heavy Rounds If you win will you return this weapon? Yes or no? If you dont it is your and no ill effects will suffer as this would be the first weapon you have ever acquired this way. Next weapon will take a 5% state debuff. Wolf without reading the prompt for the 1 million times selects no. As he hits the ground a large shield enemy is bearing down on him he turns and shoots the boss in the eye, it dies just as its shield comes back up. Eagle heart leaves his hand and his team respawns with a chest in front of them in the center of the arena.

"You should have Kept it Big bad Luck Wolf." Stellar shaking her head at him.

"Nope, and don't call me that" wolf walks past and opens the chest and everyone sees their loot screen. Everyone seems to have Gotten the exotic Time worn and Eagle heart.

"Man that is super Rare 2 exotics, glad everyone finally got them though" Phaz says.

"Not everyone" Zan looks at 3 piece of uncommon gear being dumped by Wolf.

"God *Beep* dammit Wolf" Stellar says. I got another God roll Eagle heart, you cant have 2 you should have taken it.

"it is fine" Wolf shrugs, not caring about the loot.

Here the screen pauses.

"And so this is another one of your many Clips Is it Wolf. or should i say Big bad Luck wolf?". A Female news anchor says. She is sitting next to a man in his 30s. He is slightly overweight, has a clean shaven face and Head wearing an Oxygen mask.

"Please don't call me that. It is just Wolf. I am only called that because My luck with the Random Number Generator never gives good rolls."

"Haha, if you say so Wolf, Are you sure that the games just dont hate you?" she asks dizzily.

"I don't think it is possible for a game to have hate as it is an inanimate object. I just have Bad luck."

"So I was meaning to ask you, You seem to combine real world athletics in your game play but you clearly are not Athletic in any way? The Woman asks as if trying to slide a dagger between his ribs.

Wolf's eyes narrow but looks past the Female news anchor.

"That isn't necessarily true, before i wore this mask. I was a Martial Artist and worked on farms up till i was 20 years old and went to college. I was hurt pretty bad just before college. Didn't know I wasn't supposed to be in this kinda pain. My health deteratied from there. But I can push past this when I need to." Wolf puts on a smile and happy sounding voice, though his tongue is sharp and tipped with venom.

"So you're not some useless lay about?" she seems to be goating him on.

Wolf leans back and seems to be looking for something.

"You see, I may hurt and doctors may want to require me to be not independent at all. But I will always be more than my injuries and what people say i am." he says not talking to her but whatever he is looking at.

"Well that is all we have time for today, stay tuned for next for Stellar The Guardian of Cosplay and top model gamer." The news Anchor smiles for a minute till the on air light goes off. Before anyone can say anything Wolf gets up and leaves.

The World has changed since the Early 2010s. Video games made huge leaps and bounds with a Pandemic that hit in 2020, following that and Millennials take hits for younger generation not being able to afford house and now there is a job crisis as the population exploded with the "IGen" they started having kids let and right there is no work for anyway under the age of 60 with nano regeneration. Millennials hold all technical jobs and with 99% of manual labor now automated there is only one line of work for people really entertainment. The instudery took a big hit in 2020, now if you're offline for more then two days you are history. No one cares for breaks in their entertainment. Video games and Full Dive VR have given lots of people much needed income support. 40 years ago about this would have been unheard of in 2010. Now that it is 2051 and this world is way different, then my Millennial father grew up in. There are no retirement plans, you work to death. Companies dropped the we care act pretty quickly, and now it is just do your job. I am guess the assume everyone is stupid only goes on for so long before people start caughting on. Five years ago i was a rising start producer till they told me to "take care of myself", in other words "Fuck you we dont like you." They thought I was out till one Day the Big bad luck wolf feed came up on their Radar. God, I hate that nickname.

After making his way out of the tv Studio. He starts walking to his hotel to the south of the TV studio only a few hundred meters away. As he pulls his oxygen tank behind him something caught his eye, out of the corner of his eye he sees a little girl chasing a ball into the busy street without thinking wolf rips off his oxygen mask. And dashing in the busy street as a semi truck is about to hit the girl he shoves both her and the ball out. As she goes flying he could swear she smirks as he hears.

"Yes a worthy one. You will be rewarded" as the truck impacts him killing him instantly.

A moment later Wolf sits up blocking the light with the hand, waking with a splitting headache. "I thought I was dead" As Wolf speaks there is odd realizations that that was a feminine voice coming from their mouth. Looking down and examining themselves. Wolf has a slim farm worker muscular female figure. As looking down at the desert floor she realizes that there is a health bar and Heads up Display.

"A GAME!?!?"
