Chereads / The President of The Fake Club / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

The President of The Fake Club

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Every school has cliques and clubs that associate those groups with the people in them. The band kids are plain out weird with too much energy, but they are some of the best people to talk to about… pretty much everything. The choir kids, how do I word them… they have that attitude and make fun of the band kids for being weird, but in all honesty they are a little bit of a madcap, but they'll never admit it. Drama kids. Ah yes, they are very entertaining to watch. I can't help but laugh at their acting skills. They either suck so much and it makes them appear talented or they either are so absorbed in their acting skills this thing called an ego lowers their chances of getting the 'good' roles. Football boys. Just no. Ninety percent of the time a football boy is dating a cheerleader. In most of those types of relationships, one cheats on another or they get too engrossed in those horrendous activities. Cheerleaders. Like I mentioned, a football boy is dating a cheerleader. I've never really comprehended how cheerleaders are. I should know, my little sister is one, but I've never liked listening to her blether on and one about that sport. Though, I must say, our cheer team has some sapid cookies they sell for a fundraiser.

Me? Yeah, I'm in a club. The extracurricular activity I'm in is called…. drumroll, please…. FCFJ. That stands for Fake Club For Jokes. Pretty original wouldn't I say. I am said president of fake club. So far for this 'club' we have 3 other people. Which I might add are the coolest people one could ever meet.

There is Wren. Wren is a 16-year-old who skipped seventh grade and is in eleventh, and is one of my bestest friends. I've known her since third grade. She is quite intelligent and loves to prank the staff at Westward High. That is our high school in case I forgot to mention.

Then there is classic Kurt. It is ironic because he is a huge fan of Nirvana. Kurt is in twelfth grade and is about to turn the astounding age of eighteen, he is quite old might I add. He was a football player but shortly joined this amazing club about two years ago. Kurt has some of the best luck that a human can have, and is usually the mom of the group and quite blunt.

The newest member is sweet sweet Ace. Ace is 16 and in tenth grade. He isn't anything special in his words but he's amazing. He can lie and make it appear like it wasn't a lie. He likes to yell at me for using extravagant words and has way too much sarcasm.

My name's Devin. It's quite humorous. I'm a girl. Like I said earlier, I'm 17 and I'm in 11 grade. I am the founder of FCFJ, therefore I am the president. The others said I should, but I wanted Kurt to be president since he's…. graduating. I will cry if I keep thinking like this.

Anyways. What does my spectacular club provide? The coolest homosapiens in all the universe... Let me think... What else does this totally not fake club accommodate, oh here's one. In Westward High, we're the kids who outsmart the big-brained kids and the teacher's pets.

One time Brooke, the teacher's pet, reminded Mrs. Reel about homework due over a week ago that no one did or the kids forgot about. "What Brooke?" Mrs. Reel asked. "You know the-" "THERE'S A FROG!!"A kid cut off and the kids began to scream. I saw Wren smirking crouching outside the classroom door and mouthing you're welcome as she let another frog loose in the room. "OMG GET THAT SLIMY THING OFF MY BOOK BAG!!" Emily screamed annoyingly. About 20 or so minutes passed and those frogs served their job well. They got the frogs out and the bell rang making everyone forget about the forgotten homework.

Ah, I remember that day like it was a week ago from yesterday, 'cause it was. 'Dev!! Quit doing what you're doing, we are having an emergency meeting!!' Ace texted me. 'Yea? What happened? Wait, don't tell me… One of you hooligans ripped the principal weave off!' I replied to the message. 'Just hurry up' Ace texted back.

"It appears I have some top-secret business to attend to future members of FCFJ…I shall return!" I screamed jumping out of my window. "She's so weird… Wanna play hungry, hungry hippo?" "I heard that Elin!!" I yelled back at my sister and her friend.

"Weew sorry for the delay… What seems to be the problem?" I interrupted my club members by whispering. "Hurry hurry, close the door and put something heavy on it, we mustn't let anyone hear us," Kurt said, puzzled. I did as I was told and Wren closed the curtains and Ace was turning on the Christmas lights making different shades of colors in the small tree house in the back of Kurt's backyard.

"Who stole what? Please say someone stole the weave from that wicked principal!" I smirked. "No... That is still in the process, wait till tomorrow and you can celebrate." Ace piped. "AhAH! NICE VOICE CRACK!" Wren laughed. "Thanks, 'been saving it for a special occasion." He sighed. "Guys stay on topic! We are in a meeting not getting drunk on apple juice." Kurt interrupted. "Oh yes. I shall inform our dear Devin of the current situation if you don't mind." Wren spoke with such elegance. "Go for it." "Ok…DEVIN!!! THERE'S A HUGE PROBLEM!! THERE'S ANOTHER CLUB OF KIDS CLAIMING TO BE US! THEY ARE DOING PRANKS EVEN WE WOULDN'T PLAN TO DO!! OH DEVIN WHAT SHOULD WE DO!!" Wren cried. "Woah Woah calm down, calm down…. What have these mongrels done so far?" I questioned, patting Wren's shoulder. "In simple turns… blew up the north wings food in the cafeteria, put live roaches in the school milk… Not a good idea." Kurt shivered at the thought of those imposters. "Yea you said it… I don't think that is a good combination of protein… They should have done mealworms for better flavor." I mumbled. "No, Devin... Just. No. Like Wren said, 'What are we going to do.'" Kurt asked. I smiled, "What will we do?" "That isn't a question…" "We'll catch those imposters and put them in an eternity of agonizing regret and torture for messing with the wrong club!!" I laughed, hoping my wicked side would be showing.

"Okay… I think it's passed your sleepy time," Ace butted in, patting my head. "No, I don't sleep… But if you wish to know I go to bed at 10:00, you didn't hear that from me though." I replied sticking my tongue out. "Sometimes I wonder about you…" Ace sighed. "But on a serious note… We'll just catch them and tell them to knock it off…" I paused, "I do have a feeling that they won't agree to terms with us easily if and when we catch them.." "Yeah, you're right… right about that," Wren said. "Does anyone know if it's someone doing these solitary or has assistance?" I questioned. "Big words, Devin we don't study huge words." Kurt reminded me. "OH! Sorry, do we know if it is one person or multiple people involved? Is that worded better?" "Yeah, it is… I believe it's multiple people who are involved, just a gut feeling.." Kurt said. Usually, Kurt's feelings from his gut are mostly correct which comes in handy. "Yeah I have that feeling as well…" "Same here" "Well we will work on this problem tomorrow at lunch," I said opening the door. "Till then suckers!" I screamed as I climbed down the ladder. "Sometimes I wonder about Dev… She's certainly is weird.." Ace told the others. "YOU CAN'T SAY ANYTHING ACEY POO! YOU ARE ALSO VERY ECCENTRIC!!" I screamed back. "WHY AND HOW DO YOU KNOW WORDS PEOPLE DON'T USE IN THEIR DAILY VOCABULARY!!" Ace argued back, starting to climb down the ladder. "Big words my butt…Sometimes I can't tell if you're speaking Latin or English!" I mocked back. "What? I think I speak like a normal person, it's you who doesn't." "Lies Lies Lies. It is always handy to have a gargantuan list of huge words. Who knows we might be in a book, we will never know," I smiled. "Look at the time it is 8:27 I think it's your bedtime." "Burn." "Gladly" "Stop fighting, I'm going to get a headache, oh too late." Kurt interrupted pulling all of us in a hug. "Dude what's your deal?" Wren asked. "Can't I just hug my friends?… But seriously, let's go home and think about those imposters and regroup tomorrow in the club room, and see if we have any leads on this mess." Kurt said. "Yeah Kurt's right, let's go home, I need to be back before I get in trouble for being out late," Wren smirked. "Ok! Bye guys! See y'all at school!!" I yelled. We started walking towards our homes after we said our goodbyes.

"Hey Ace, I'll drop you off since you live near my house if that is alright," I asked. "I… I guess so." We walked together in silence for prominently 2 minutes and 43 seconds till Ace started to blab on about stuff. "Ney Dev, why did you create this club?" He asked out of the blue. "Hm, I don't have an explanation for that one… I guess I never liked any of the clubs or things at that pri- I mean school." I paused. "What was your reason for joining this fake club?" "Fake? This club isn't fake, I mean we have a classroom that a teacher lets us use during lunch or when we can't make it to the tree house!" "Pfft, answer my question, why did you?" "I don't know… I guess the same reason why you created this club." "Oh just so you know, that's my aunt's room… I am her favorite niece… So it was kind of easy to convince her…" I smiled. "Well, here we are! I hope you have a stupefying night, Acey Poo~." I said. "Yeah, whatever that means goes to you. AND QUIT CALLING ME ACEY POO I DON'T LIKE IT!" "I know you don't, why do you think I call you that!" I giggled. Ace stood there for a minute confused or thinking of an insult to say back to me. I never realized how much taller he was compared to me. He's about six to eight inches taller than me. His hair's a golden brown with dark brown eyes that harmonize with his face structure. "Dev? Are you alright?" Ace asked tapping my shoulder repeatedly. "OH! yeah yeah. I am, zoned out for a minute. Did you ask something?" "Yeah… 'You sure you'll be fine walking in the dark?" "YEP! I can message you when I am home…" "Yah' please do, drunks will be out like mad tonight…" "Ok then see you tomorrow… I need to go watch Elin now, I wasn't supposed to leave her alone. BYE!!" I said and started jogging to my house. "Yeah, bye… I DON'T THINK YOU'VE BEEN THAT NORMAL BEFORE!!" He yelled.

"ELIN, I HAVE RETURNED FROM MY- Oh hello my dear mother and father, It appears you two have returned from your voyage from Spain." "Devin Lynn Carter, you most certainly have a lot of explaining to do on why your precious little sister was home alone~~" Mom fake cried cupping my face dramatically. "I very much apologize for that… My intimates needed my assistance on a matter of life or death affair." "OOo REALLY WHAT IS IT I WISH TO KNOW!" My dad screamed happily as he clapped his hands and danced in place. "You shall not know, you both might be involved, I can't let anyone know." I glared jokingly. "AW! SWEET PEA, LET YOUR DEAR OLD DADDY KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON!!!" He whined. "Please never refer to yourself as that again." I croaked, sliding past them and taking my shoes off, and carrying them upstairs to my room.

"Hey Elin I am very sorry for my unexpected leave," I said entering our shared room. "It's fine, how was your 'important matter'?" "Makes me displeased, to say the least… Someone is going around pretending to be our group and blaming us... 'Makes my blood boil." I told her as I put my shoes in my closet. "Ouch, that must suck. I hope you take those imposters down and put them in an eternity of horrendous pain. Heh, ain't you glad I used a big word, sis?" "Yeah, use more, they make you sound smart." I grabbed my phone out of my jacket pocket to message Ace.

'Hey, I got home." I texted. Almost as soon as I sent that message, he replied.'Ok that's good, have a good night.' the message read. 'Yeah, see you tomorrow' I plugged my phone up and took my jean jacket off, and threw it at my sister. "HEY! What was that for?!" She yelled. "Felt like it." She sighed and threw my jacket on the floor.

My sister and I are completely different. People don't believe we're siblings, she's seen as the prettier and more polite sister.

Me? You already know my personality, crazy, reckless, and annoying in my friends' words. She is only fifteen and has waist-long dyed blonde hair, you can only tell it's dyed 'cause her roots are brown, she's also a little shorter and thinner than me.

"I'm going to call my boyfriend, so shush." Elin yawned, as she and her boyfriend started to talk on the phone. I went to the bathroom and changed into a pair of pajamas and went to my side of the room and laid down and faced the wall, beginning to think of a plan to solve this mystery of the copycats, and gradually drifting into a dreamless sleep around midnight.