Chereads / Avatar harem x male reader / Chapter 60 - Kiri second date and a bit aout the past

Chapter 60 - Kiri second date and a bit aout the past

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*warning touchy subject about suicide in this chapter *

Y/n was standing on rocks looking around at the ocean while Kiri was walking close to the sea looking at the sand.

Y/n had a small smile on his face seeing her just having fun and looking more innocent compared to how devious she was yesterday.

He grabbed his neck rubbing it as he felt the bite mark still there.

He heard footsteps coming up from behind him. He took a glance seeing Neteyam coming up to him.

Y/n: hey Neteyam how are you doing after the whole thing yesterday?

Neteyam: Not well. I've avoided my father since then because we got into another fight.

Y/n: fuck man that sucks I'm sorry to hear that. What was it about?

Neteyam: don't worry about me, I don't want you to focus on my problem when you're going to have your lone time with her.

Neteyam steps up onto the rock next y/n joins him to see the view.

Y/n: you sure?

Neteyam: yeah don't worry I'll just not be at my home for a while

Y/n: well hey don't worry and if you want when I leave you can take my hut till I come back.

Neteyam: You sure?

Y/n: yeah it's fine, not like anyone will be using it.

Neteyam: thanks

Y/n: it's no problem besides after all what are homies for? Were you able to look deeper into that place you mentioned yesterday?

Neteyam: yeah uh after I left home last night I decided to check the spot out. It's really nice it will remind her of our home before.

Y/n: oh that's good.

Neteyam: but I would recommend you to go at night, that is when it is at its best.

Y/n: oh alright yeah I'll probably hang out around here for a few then start making our way over.

Neteyam: So when do you plan to head back to our old clan?

Y/n: honestly probably right after our date. Because it would be night already and the chance of Jake seeing me heading out would be very low

Neteyam: All right, well you better come say goodbye to me before leaving.

He hit y/n on his shoulder making y/n give him a look before she just shook his head with a small smile.

Y/n: yeah, yeah don't worry I'll make sure to give you a goodbye kiss while I'm at it will make you feel better before I leave.

He said jokingly but he didn't hear a response from Neteyam so he took a glance at him seeing that he was slightly looking away from y/n but he could see a slight bush in his face.

Y/n closed his eyes before patting Neteyam's back.

Y/n: ok so where is this place?

Neteyam: I-it's uh i-it's sorry hold on I need a moment.

Neteyam tried calming down his breath after a couple of minutes he looked back at y/n.

Seeing him watching Kiri who was submerged under the water watching the fish again.

Neteyam: ok uh so if you….

Neteyam went ahead and explained to y/n where he had to go to get to the place.

Y/n: ok that's not too far away so that good thanks for doing this.

Neteyam looked down.

Neteyam: well like I said I would help you with her and I plan to keep my word.

Y/n patted his back as they both looked at Kiri.

Y/n: thanks for doing that, I mean that. Well, anyway I should be off spending my time with her before I leave.

Neteyam: alright well I will see you both later then.

Y/n hopped off the rocks before doing a quick turn to look at Neteyam.

Y/n: well then you better be at that spot where we first arrived if you plan to see me off.

Neteyam: yeah I wouldn't miss it.

y/n smiled at Neteyam as he turned around to turn his focus onto Kiri. Kiri was looking in the water and felt footsteps approaching. She lifted her head and looked at where y/n was just standing to see him walking over to her. 

She turned on her side and grabbed her loincloth, putting the end of it in between her thighs to prevent it from falling to her side and showing off a bit too much as Neteyam was still around.

(Image here)

(even though it is not in the photo. Imagine the loincloth is where the underwear is in the photo because before I said they don't wear any underwear.)

Y/n: you know you look sexy like that it hard to take my eyes off you when you're posing in such a way

Kiri: that's what I was trying to go for so you really can't take your eyes off me even after last night~

Y/n: even after last night you look just as appetizing as you usually do.

Her ears folded back as he said those words, and her tail swung around happy at his words about her.

Kiri: so what do you got planned for just us tonight~

Y/n: well I can't go around spoiling what we got planned for today. But I want to tell you first that I plan to head out tonight so we won't be able to do your favorite activity that we usually do.

She stared at him for a couple of seconds before she figured out what he was saying. She simply smiled at him, not bothered by it.

Kiri: y/n it's fine if we don't mate just as long as we get to spend time together is good enough for me.

y/n: oh uh alright then I'll keep that in mind for anything in the future. So what were you doing while I was waiting for Neteyam?

Kiri: I was just listening to the waves.

y/n: oh how come?

Kiri: Well I just listen to the waves, it's soothing, and because well never mind you would think it weird.

She looked down almost saddened by the idea of him thinking she was weird.

y/n crouches down and places his hand on her face making her look at him 

Y/n: I love you because of some of the quirky weirdness that you have sometimes so tell me it's fine.

She took a moment to take a breath in before opening her mouth to say something. 

Kiri: Well it's just that I feel like I can feel eywa heart beating when I look at or feel the water.

He couldn't say he understood what she meant by that but he played along just for her.

Y/n: oh well that's interesting. What is it like?

Kiri: It's kinda like when we were at the soul tree when we were trying to transfer you to your new body. Every time I pushed down on your chest I felt something kinda Like there was someone with me.

Y/n: so you feel that when you look or feel the water?

Kiri: Yeah, except I feel a heartbeat of sorts when I look at it. 

y/n: well I can't say I know what it is like but hey you're able to make you more unique never forget that Kiri.

Kiri: yeah your right It really does make me unique

Y/n: but anyways you up for a bit of swimming while we pass some time?

Kiri: Of course and with you even better.

Y/n: let's head to the reed and look around for a bit then make our way back alright.

She nodded her head at him as he walked past her while she was getting up and walked over to catch up with him. y/n dived into the water with Kiri doing the same.

The two were swimming for a bit after which y/n put his hand up to stop her. She looked at him confused as he turned to her.

Y/n: Let's race first person to get to the reef wins.

Kiri: What do I win if I beat you?

y/n shrugged his shoulders as he suddenly put three fingers up and started counting down catching her off guard as his fingers started dropping down one after the other till none were up. 

The two started swimming as fast as they could trying to beat the other. 

After a couple of minutes, y/n had to swim up, giving up the lead that he had and taking in some air. When he went back down, Kiri was beating him.

She was already a few feet ahead of him y/n pushed himself as hard as he could but he couldn't catch up to her. It didn't help that every time he passed one of the sea plants it seemed like they were trying to grab onto him to slow him down.

He shook that feeling off as he just tried to get to the reef. 

After a while, they both reach the reef y/n getting there a bit later than Kiri. As she saw him approaching her she pointed up at the surface which y/n nodded his head and started swimming up.

He popped his head out of the water shaking the water off his face. Till Kiri did the same thing but accidentally splashed water onto him.

He looked at her with a deadpan look on his face as she realized what she had done.

Kiri: oh sorry about that y/n

y/n: "sighs" It's fine It doesn't matter after all we will probably be heading back down anyway getting wet again.

Kiri: oh yeah huh well anyways what did I win for beating you here first hmm~

y/n: well what do you want~

He wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him. Her body pushed against his feeling, her skin rubbing against his almost feeling kinda slippery due to the water. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she leaned closer to him.

Kiri: Can it be anything?

Y/n: anything you want

She leaned closer to him, her lips inches away from his. He could feel her breathing on his lips.

Kiri: I think I know what I want.

She got closer, her lips pushing against his feelings and she melted into the kiss. 

Her chest pushed against his. The longer they spent like that the more she leaned into the kiss the more that y/n was lying on the water while she was on him straddling on top of him.

Her tail was curving upward a bit showing a bit of excitement about the kiss.b

y/n moved his hands to her lower back as she tightened her arms around his neck. They were stuck together like that for a few minutes.

y/n pulled away from the kiss looking at Kiri she was panting a bit almost like she wanted more and to keep going.

Y/n moved his hands to the sides of her waist. She looked down placing her hand on his looking at his face but was caught off guard by his smile.

(Image here)

(How his face is looking)

He suddenly lifted her from her waist and threw her over himself. Y/n got off his back and turned to see Kiri coming up and having to spit water out of her mouth.

She turned to look for him before realizing she was looking in the wrong direction and turned to see him still with a smug look on his face.

She tried splashing water at him but he dived down into the water taking a glance and seeing her coming after him.

He could tell that she was having fun chasing him. He turned to look forward to see where he was going only to smack into a bolder.

He rubbed his face as he felt something hit into his body. He looked back seeing Kiri had already caught up with him.

Y/n rolled his eyes as he spotted one of those jellyfish things that helped them breathe longer underwater.

Y/n went and grabbed it. As much as he wanted to try it on, he decided to give it to Kiri. Swimming over to her he grabbed her shoulder making her turn her back to him.

She was watching the whole thing over her shoulder as he placed it on her body.

He made sure to do it exactly like how Tsireya did it before just in case he gave her a questionable thumbs up which she just nodded her head at him showing that it was working,

Y/n took a moment to look around, seeing the fish swimming by the two and the reef looking very beautiful from the glowing parts of them.

Y/n turned back to Kiri only to notice that she was gone. He just shook his head for a moment and started looking around for her.

She was having one of her moments again. Well, he was pretty sure it was since she usually disappears when it happens she couldn't have gone far.

After a couple of minutes, he found her doing the same thing that she was doing when they went out last time to help Ronal.

He found her crouching down on one of the large coral parts of the reef, her hand stretched out into a group of fish that were swimming by.

(image here)

It was almost like she was guiding them along. Y/n noticed her eyes kinda glowing which was strange he didn't remember that part of the body being affected by the darkness.

He swam closer to her stretching his arm out and grabbed her shoulder causing her to jolt up for a moment.

She turned and saw him just swimming there next to her. She is looked down for a moment at the fish before looking back at y/n

Y/n: let's head back to the clan area.

Kiri: oh…uh alright yeah right behind you.

Y/n turned away from her and started swimming back to the clans. Kiri took another glance at the fish before swimming to catch up with y/n.

*later, brought to you by Loak and tuk fighting over fish*

The night was starting to set in from how the sky was much darker then when they went in.

Y/n was standing on the beach waiting for his body to dry off. He looked over and saw Kiri was drying her hair squeezing the water out of it.

He stood up and walked over to Kiri standing only a few feet away from her.

Y/n: Are you ready to head to our last spot of the night?

Kiri: Yeah, I'm ready.

The two started making their way through the clan as they had to go through it to reach the place Kiri was mostly just following where y/n was walking.

Y/n: hey so I couldn't help but notice that you got rid of your thing that was covering your legs during the celebration yesterday.

Kiri: Oh my shawl? I only wore it yesterday because there were so many people around. 

Y/n: oh yeah huh I forgot you were shy when there were a lot of people around.

Kiri: Well I won't say shy, it's just I'm still getting used to this new clan and everything. I was more comfortable back home because I knew everyone but here I don't.

Y/n: well hey that's fine if you're still getting used to the people here I mean I certainly am. It is not easy to get over something you're used to. I know what it's like.

She noticed that y/n stare drifted downwards.

Kiri: You do?

Y/n: yeah it was when I first moved out of my mother's place I just barely made enough to get my own place. It was very difficult to live there considering it was not the best and…. Very lonely.

Kiri: hey don't worry about the past y/n what happened in life happens the best thing you can do is focus on the future. After all "place her hand on her upper right chest" What we experience in life is what makes us who we are.

y/n couldn't help but chuckle a bit after hearing what she said. She tilted her head at him from his laughing.

Kiri: what?

Y/n: no it's just that you sound like Mo'at that is all.

Kiri: You think so?

Y/n: well more like a Tsahìk you because they are wise and stuff.

y/n felt something hit his back. He took a quick look seeing Kiri's tail on his side. Looking back up at her she crossed her arms.

Kiri:  You're making me sound old y/n!

Y/n: wait no that is not what I meant as a compliment.

Seeing how y/n was panicking at her response she brought her hand up a bit trying to hide her laughter.

Y/n looked at her realizing she was just messing around with him.

Kiri: I'm "laughing" Sorry y/n "laughing " I couldn't help but tease you a bit.

Y/n: fine next time I won't compliment you about your appearance.

Kiri: ah! Wait please don't y/n I'm sorry I want to hear more about the thing you like about me.

He gave her a side glare seeing her doing almost sad dog eyes. Y/n look in his eyes changed back to his normal more relaxed kinda stare. 

Y/n: alright apologies accepted. But as punishment no compliment

Kiri: aw….well still thanks y/n it was nice to hear that.

Y/n: you would have been the next one after Neytiri wouldn't you?

Kiri: no not me I'm not blood-related to her so the next one would have been tuk

Y/n grabbed at his chin trying to think about that.

Y/n: yeah no I can't imagine tuk being all wise and understanding of eywa.

Kiri: hey come on tuk can be a Tsahìk she just needs to put the time into it.

Y/n: if anyone, I think you're the best fit to be a Tsahìk.

He could see a light blush on her face.

Kiri: y-you really think so?

Y/n: I know so, Kiri you seemed the most connected to anything around you whether it's plants or animals.

Kiri: You know when I was younger I was able to tame an ikran.

Y/n: isn't that something every Navi does?

Kiri: well yeah but for me I did it when I was young and you want to hear how I did it.

She was looking up at him waiting for a response.

Y/n: how did you do it?

Kiri: Well I don't fully remember but Father and Neytiri said that I simply asked them to be my friend.

Y/n: woah that's… I'm not sure what to say that is just crazy to hear, especially after I tamed one and experienced bonding with them.

Kiri: yeah I'm not fully sure how I did it but I simply did.

Y/n hit his shoulder onto hers as they kept walking the path into the giant mangrove forest.

Y/n: see that's just another reason why you would make a perfect Tsahìk not only that what I saw earlier looks remarkably like how those fishes follow your hands.

She couldn't help but blush at his words and hear the whole thing from his perspective in detail.

Kiri: Maybe so but I wasn't fully conscious when I did it. It simply just happened is all.

Y/n: you can say all you want Kiri but didn't your old outfit match that of what a Tsahìk would wear?

She felt embarrassed as y/n seemed like he knew a lot about her. Even though she was embarrassed about it she was happy to hear how interested y/n was about her.

Kiri: my old outfit…" looks away from him" Yes it was inspired by what they wore.

Y/n placed his hand on her head catching her off guard she looked up at him with the sunset glare behind him.

From the way she saw him she just wanted at that moment she wanted him to force her down and fuck her right there and then and fuck her b**** out then ***** also *****

(Author: ok who the fuck put this down when I wasn't looking)

She felt her body heating up the longer she looked at him.

Y/n: you just need to have some confidence in yourself Kiri trust me when I say you would be perfect for it.  As long as I'm around I will always be there to support you to reach that kinda thing if that is what you want.

Kiri:…. Maybe sometime in the future, I would like to be Tsahìk but you're right as long as we are together there is nothing to worry about.

Y/n went to remove his hand off her head but she grabbed it and pulled it down back on her head.

Kiri: keep it there I like the feeling 

Y/n complied with her request after all he had no reason to take it off besides just doing that for nothing.

Kiri: you know y/n I haven't really asked many questions about you before you came here to Pandora…do you mind if I ask?

Y/n: yeah of course you can.

Kiri: What made you decide to come here?

Y/n: Oh well I heard about this spot from your brothers

Kiri: No, what made you decide to come to Pandora?

She didn't hear much of a response so she looked at him seeing his eyes were slightly hollow.

Kiri: You don't need to talk about it if you don't want to, I can understand.

He took a deep breath in before he looked at her.

Y/n: N-no it's fine I trust you after all and I want to share this with you but I want to warn you it is pretty dark

Kiri grabs his hand, holding it close to her body.

Kiri: if it is painful then share your pain with me y/n. No matter what it may be, I will be there for you.

Y/n: "sighs" Alright this was one of my lowest moments I ever had and…. I almost ended up killing myself during that moment. 

*flashback: a few days after his birthday. First pov  Warning suicidal*

I was leaning against the tram guard railing. I lifted my head to look at the smog sky taking in a deep breath. 

I was already so used to the smell that I could tell if something was going to change and that day I could tell it was going to rain later.

I plunge my hand into my pocket, grab a cigarette box, and take a cigarette out.

I didn't usually smoke but why not try it out for once in my life and finally see what's up with it?

I put it into my mouth and pulled a lighter out of my other pocket to light it up. The taste of it… was lifeless, nothing interesting.

I opened my jacket slightly and took a letter out and opened it.

I reread the letter. It just did the same thing as the first time I read it….

It read "We are here to inform you that you are to leave the premises of the building as soon as possible. "

It went on a bit longer just about things I already knew. I was already late on the payment. What else could I do?

What a great fucking birthday week to me.

I pulled my phone out and started typing on it and pulled it close to my ear as it was ringing.

After a few moments, it went straight to voicemail as usual.

Y/n: hey Mom it is me your son calling just want to call to let you know I never got any calls from you on my birthday… or the one before that one.

Y/n: oh sorry where are my manners anyway how are you doing good I hope?  I just wanted to update you on my life a bit you know.

Y/n: uh well work has been pretty good the manager gave me a raise so I'm making $5.01 can you believe that one cent more I can do so much now with that money.

Y/n: oh yeah so how was your vacation to Europe? Was it just as good as the other time when you left me home?

I felt my face getting wet.

Y/n: Anyway, my place is doing pretty good. I might have found a better place to be so that's good right? Well, I don't want to take much of your time since I know how busy you are. I'll call you again…. Sometimes

I stopped the call and went to phone calls seeing that she hadn't called me in over 8 years. She is probably too busy, yeah that must be she will call me later I'm sure.

I decided to check what notifications I had got and I got….nothing. 

I took a deep fresh breath in as I felt a water droplet on my face looking up and seeing that it was starting to rain.

Well, I better get to it then. I looked down at the water below. There was not a lot but it was enough to do the deed.

Looking down I can feel the thought starting to pick up in my head.

Y/n thoughts: jump, do it you have nothing, no home no family no friends.

Y/n thoughts: do it you baby what are you good for?

Y/n thoughts: come on you have nothing to live for just jump off.

I felt my body lean a bit forward taking a look around as I felt the world turn upside down feeling the air on my skin.

This…it was nice and peaceful. 

I felt water surrounding my body. It was almost like darkness surrounding everything.

All that was left was silence.





Y/n thoughts: what are we doing we can't end like this.

Y/n thoughts: wake up move anything we can't die like a loser.

Y/n thoughts: we could be better. We are better than this.

Y/n thoughts: you need to move now!

My eyes opened as I quickly looked around seeing what was happening and why I jumped.

The water was moving faster now as the rain started to make the water rise much larger.

I quickly started swimming as fast as I could. My life depended on this. I need to move.

I was using every fiber in my body to push as hard as it could.

I felt as if the air in my lungs started slipping away. Till I saw the surface I pushed as hard as I could, popping my head out and taking deep breaths.

I looked around, noticing a ladder on the side I swam as quickly as I could grabbing onto it and lifting myself.

After climbing up the ladder I turned around to look at the water. It was much bigger now, almost looking like a rapid River.

I felt as if my body was getting weaker, most likely adrenaline running out. I slowly walked over to an alleyway resting and sitting down next to a dumpster I noticed a flier on the wall.

Getting up I looked at what the flier had to say.

Y/n: yes now that is a way to die on an alien planet why not I got nothing left.

*present third person*

The two had stopped walking and Kiri was looking at him with sadness in her eyes. She never thought about people just ending their lives like that.

She placed her hand on his chest looking at him from a downward angle before she wrapped her arms around him.

Y/n: it makes me sound weak doesn't it?

Kiri: no it doesn't.

Y/n: I know it does Kiri I can tell from your look.

Kiri: no y/n… I now see you for who you are.

Kiri: You aren't weak, you pushed on forward even when you were at such a vulnerable part of your life.

Y/n: but I only did it so I would die here.

Kiri: Maybe so but you still choose at that very moment that you want to live and now look at what has happened. You have friends and people who consider you family.

Kiri: as you said before as you are there for me I will always be there for you you got it y/n

Y/n: y-yeah I got it

Kiri: great now let's keep going 

Y/n: you sure even after that whole thing?

Kiri: It's fine. Y/n it doesn't bother me one bit instead it shows me that you trusted me enough to share this with me and I'm happy enough about it. Now come on and show me what you have planned.

Kiri went forward a bit as y/n was still standing there for a moment. He wiped his tears away as he watched Kiri walk away.

His life was so much better than before and he was going to protect that.


The sun was completely gone now and the plants were looking quite lively with their glowing effects.

Y/n was holding Kiri's hand as the two were walking through the place. Y/n had Kiri close her eyes as he led her through the area.

Y/n: we are almost there just a bit longer.

Kiri: I trust you y/n so just lead the way.

After a few more minutes of walking, y/n found the spot and it was really beautiful looking. He led her to a small clearing spot. 

He took a quick Look around making sure nothing dangerous was around. After making sure it was safe he turned to Kiri.

Y/n: ok you can open your eyes now.

Y/n walked a few feet back and stretched his arms out almost like he was surprising her. She slowly opened her eyes seeing y/n there in front of her.

She looked around amazed by the view of nature around her. Small vines were falling down the tree. There were those plants that shrink when touched.

Even one of those big leaves but slightly small because this was not a jungle forest like what she was used to.

She turned to look at him. Y/n could see how happy she was to be surrounded by something she knew.

(Image here)

 Y/n could see how happy she was to be surrounded by something she knew.

Kiri: this is such a beautiful place y/n it reminds me of home so much.

Y/n: I thought you would like it.

She turned and slowly walked over to the big leaf, her fingers reaching out and gliding across the underside of it.

As her other hand reached out pulling the leaf a bit down as water started sliding out of it. Kiri was drinking some of the water from it.

Y/n had a smile on his face watching her walking around and touching everything.

Y/n went and sat down on the ground before laying down on it. Though he felt uncomfortable for some reason he moved around a bit.

After a few minutes, he figured out why it was because he was lying on his tail.

He was sure that he laid down before, didn't he?

He let out a sigh as he lay on his side just watching Kiri.

He thought about the stuff he was going to need to do when he made his trip back to the other clan.

It would probably be a good idea to see Norm about the stuff he needs to fix his Ilu tail up. Also maybe he can see about other gifts he can get while he is there.

After all, he had only about two weeks or so before Pandora Christmas.

If he was to make it back he was going to need to travel with no brakes for sleeping.

He grabbed at his forehead, massaging it feeling a bit of pain trying to think about the whole thing. Suddenly he felt something lying next to him and hugging him from behind.

He took a look seeing Kiri lay there next to him.

Y/n: you done already?

Kiri: no but I just wanted to be with you right now.

Y/n: oh alright 

He flipped onto his opposite side to look at Kiri while they were next to each other.

Their forehead were touching each other as y/n grabbed her hand holding it in his while she did the same.

Kiri: You know you never told me why you were heading back.

Y/n: oh I'm sorry I forgot to tell you.

Kiri: It's fine so why are you heading back?

Y/n: well you told me that your guy's Pandora Christmas thing was coming up so I wanted to go and make something for my Ilu to help it swim like it used to with its tail being half gone.

Kiri: aw that is so sweet of you y/n.

Y/n: hehe thanks but I'm also going to see if there is anything I can get for you guys while I'm there.

Kiri: you don't need to get me anything y/n as long as I'm with you that's all I want.

Y/n: no such thing Kiri everyone gets something even you. 

Kiri: Well it's also because I know you would get me anything I ask for so that's why I'm not really too fussy about it.

Y/n: well I'll get you something small. I have already been thinking about it for a while. It's nothing too amazing but it will be something you can use any time.

Kiri: aw well thanks y/n whatever it is I'll be happy to take it.

Y/n: how about me and you go looking around this place for a bit more before making our way back?

Kiri: Mhm

They got up and started walking around listening to the sound from the animals around as they looked at the planet.

Kiri spent most of the time explaining plants to y/n. He could tell she enjoyed it so he was asking about different plants as they walked. 

After a while, they decided that they spent enough time looking around and decided to head back down.

Y/n went to his hut grabbing his backpack for extra space for anything he might need.

Kiri helped him by helping him get his stuff and they both started making their way to the spot where they first arrived.

The pair noticed a familiar brother who was waiting in the area.

Neteyam: Hey there lovebird how did you turn together hmm? Good, I hope.

Kiri: Neteyam!

She walked over and hugged him.

Kiri: What are you doing here?

Neteyam: y/n told me he would be leaving at night and at this spot so I came to wish him off.

Y/n walked over to him both looking at each other as y/n raised his hand while Neteyam did the same as they slapped their hand into each both smiling while doing that.

Y/n turned back to look at the giant trees as he made a whistling sound. After a few moments, he could see his ikran flapping her wings making her way over to the group.

As it got closer it landed in an open area not too far from the group.

Y/n walked over to his ikran. It looks at it before it lets out a happy screech before rubbing its head over him.

He let out a small sigh with a smile on his face before rubbing its head hearing it make a purring sound of some kind.

Y/n started to place his stuff on his ikran making sure his stuff was secure while Kiri was talking to Neteyam about how their day went without mentioning the one thing that he told her.

After y/n was done he walked over to the two.

Neteyam: So are you heading out now?

Y/n: yeah I'm about ready just came over to say goodbye.

Neteyam: Right well you better not somehow get hurt or almost die again you hear me.

Y/n: yeah, yeah I hear you don't worry it should be mostly a fine trip.

Neteyam: good

Neteyam took a few steps back, giving the two space for each other. 

Y/n looked at Kiri as she hugged him and kissed him on his cheek.

Kiri: Just make sure you come back in one piece.

Y/n: yeah don't worry I'll see you soon.

He was about to pull away before Kiri stopped him.

Kiri: wait.

He looked at her confused as she pulled him close whispering something into his ear.

After a moment he pulled away.

Y/n: I already know it's kinda hard not to notice from how he acts sometimes but you don't need to worry. I'll be there for him.

Kiri: Alright, well stay safe on your trip for me.

Y/n: don't worry about it, I'll be fine.

Y/n started walking over to his ikran hopping onto it connecting his queue to it and looking at the sky.

Then the ikran started flapping its wings rising from the ground and getting ready to fly. Y/n took a look at the two one more time before he set off flying into the open sea.

Y/n: alright girl it's just you and me for a while. Do you think you can get us back there if we don't take breaks?

It let out a screech responding to him.

Y/n: alright good girl then if you need breaks let me know alright I don't want you to pass out or anything like that from exhaustion.

Y/n patted its neck as they set off back to where they came from 

Word count 6456

Big thanks to my Patreon supporters





Charles Linder




Damen hurts