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*Pov: Tsireya*
Tsireya stood before Y/n Marui, her hand clutching her chest as she calmed herself. She didn't want to show too much excitement, fearing it might scare off her potential mate.
While Y/n had already invited her to join his group of women, she still didn't want to come on too strong and risk him taking back his words.
Her hand on her chest stretched out toward the outer doorway, and she tapped the wood a few times to signal that she was there.
She waited a moment but didn't hear a response, so she tapped again. This time, there was a thud from inside.
She straightened her posture to appear more presentable, wearing the hair beads that Y/n had given her just a few days ago. They gleamed in the sunlight.
She perked up when she saw a hand grasping at the fold that concealed anything inside from the outside.
The hand moved the fold aside as Y/n stepped outside, but instead of looking like his usual self, he didn't seem well.
Her eyes scanned him from head to toe, pausing briefly midway to glance at his abs, though that wasn't the main point. The blue skin on his face appeared much lighter than usual, and he seemed sluggish.
Tsireya: Y/n, you don't look so well; what's wrong?
Y/n: Nothing's wrong, Tsireya. I… just stayed up too late last night.
Tsireya: I've seen others lacking sleep, and this isn't it, Y/n.
Y/n: Look, Tsireya.
He stretched out his hands, grabbing hers and bringing them together as one.
Y/n: I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me. I'll be okay! *coughs* Plus, don't we have some kids to teach, don't we?
While he was right about teaching kids, she didn't want him to come along if he wasn't at 100%.
Tsireya: No.
Y/n: Huh?
Tsireya: You heard me.
Y/n: You really aren't going to drop this, are you?
Tsireya: I care deeply for you, Y/n, and if you're not feeling well, we can postpone our time together.
Y/n: How about this, then? As soon as our date ends, I'll head back here, and you can get your mother to check on me.
Tsireya: And what if I say no?
Y/n: Well, I'll still be here, but I won't ask Ronal to check on me.
Tsireya: And what's stopping me from telling my mother even if I say no?
Y/n: Then I'll just have to hide from her.
So the choice was to go on their date as planned, allowing him to get the help he needed, or risk no help.
Tsireya: Do you promise, straight after?
Y/n: Yes, straight after. You have my word.
Tsireya raised her hand to his face level and planted a kiss, unable to help but look away with a blush as Y/n grinned goofily.
Tsireya: Fine, but I'm taking you straight to my mom if anything happens. Got it?
Y/n: haha, of course! I would expect nothing less from you, Tsireya. It's one of the things I like most about you.
Her face only seemed to grow hotter with every compliment she received. She shook her head to calm herself before leading Y/n to the place where they would teach some of the kid Na'vi.
Along the way, Y/n decided to change the subject.
Y/n: So, where did you go right after our talk last night?
Tsireya: Oh, well, I went after my brothers to explain to our mother what happened with Loak. But she wouldn't have any of it.
Y/n: I can't blame her after what we saw; it was… horrific.
Tsireya eyed Y/n with a sense of caring as she wondered what had happened.
Y/n: Did Ronal tell you what we saw?
Tsireya: No, she wouldn't say a word. She said, "We must be more careful when gathering herbs and food." What happened?
Y/n glanced at her, noticing her anticipation for an answer.
Y/n: Well, I'm not entirely sure I should be telling you this, but since it's you... *sighs* The Sky People attacked one of the smaller clans in the area.
Tsireya listened, her mouth silent.
Y/n: And while thankfully no one was killed, it seemed like they planned to keep attacking the clans in the reef.
Tsireya: What could cause them to commit such a violent act?
Y/n: We're not too sure.
Tsireya: Well, at least we will have the Great Mother with us if they try to attack us, though I wish we wouldn't need that protection.
Tsireya's eyes slowly shifted from the path in front of them to the ground as she continued to think about what Y/n had just told her.
However, before she could really think about anything, she felt Y/n place his hand on her shoulder, prompting her to shift her gaze towards him.
Y/n: Hey, don't worry; we'll be safe.
Y/n's gentle hand on her shoulder brought a wave of reassurance, letting her know they would be just fine together. She felt comforted by the thought that he would always be there for her, no matter what happened.
Y/n: How about you tell me what we are teaching the kids we'll be seeing soon?
Tsireya: Well, today we are teaching them how to cook a flat skate fish.
Y/n: Hmm, I thought hunting and cooking were tasks for the parents.
Tsireya: The parents are often away, so as a clan, we support each other by teaching skills that parents may not be able to impart, whether they're out hunting or for other reasons.
She glanced back at Y/n, startled to find him already looking at her, which made her cheeks flush.
Tsireya: D-Do I have something on my face?
Y/n: Other than the adorable girl with the hair beads I gifted you, no. I'm just struggling to picture how both you and Kiri will grow into women like your mothers.
Tsireya: talking about another woman while on a date with one is quite bold of you.
Y/n: Oh uh well you know… Sorry?
Tsireya: I'm just kidding y/n I like it when your bold it what I like about you and… I hope to see it when we eventually meet.
Y/n: Copying what I said from earlier, aren't you?
Tsireya: Hehe. But don't worry, I get what you mean, my mother wasn't always the woman she once was.
Y/n: Really?
Tsireya: Yes, there are stories of a much kinder version of her. She even helped an Ilu that got trapped underneath a pile of rocks.
Y/N: huh, I guess people aren't born to be what they are; they are made to be who they are.
Tsireya: uh huh.
Y/n: Though you did sound a lot like your mother back there.
Tsireya: I did which part?
Before y/n could explain they were already a few feet away from an open Marui. Unlike the ones that people sleep in, there were many different ways to get inside.
Y/n: So, which part am I going to help you with?
Tsireya: cooking of course dummy.
Y/n: Well, before we head inside with all the kids I see running around, I should let you know that I don't actually have much experience cooking Navi food.
Tsireya: Don't worry, you can just give me the things I need.
The pair walked inside, and many of the children ran up to Tsireya. She smiled, waving at a few kids and giving head pats to others.
Tsireya: Calm down, kids. Did you finish what I asked you to do last time?
Kid1: Yes, Ms. Tsireya.
Kid2: My Ilu ate my homework.
Tsireya: Again?
Kid3: I've got mine right here!
The rest of the children either agreed or stayed silent until Tsireya called them out.
Tsireya: Great job, kids. Before we start, I want to introduce my friend who is going to help us.
Kid1: Why does he look dead?
Kid2: He's kinda cute.
Kid3: EW, save the crush talk for later!
Kid4: Are you going to be mate partners with Tsireya?
Y/n gave a cricket smile at the kids as they kept talking about him. He had a feeling that this was going to take quite some time.
*timeskip of an excruciating cooking session*
Tsireya: Alright, kids, remember our discussion and practice for the next time.
Tsireya observed the children leaving, leaving her alone with Y/n. However, when she glanced at him, he was off to the side, coughing quietly. He was trying hard to conceal it from her.
Watching Y/n endure this made her heart ache. He was clearly not suffering from a cold, yet he remained stubborn about it, despite the situation relating to his health.
She just needed to ensure their time together didn't extend too long so she could bring him to her mother as soon as possible.
Tsireya: Thanks again for coming with me to help speed up the process of teaching the kids so we can spend the time together you promised me.
Y/n: I already missed it once; I don't want to miss it again.
Y/n: So what should we do now? I didn't have time to plan for this, so I'm sorry about that.
Tsireya: No, it's okay, Y/n. I've wanted to show you a place in the mangrove forest for a while now, and I think you'll really like it.
Y/n: Well then, lead the way.
Tsireya smiled brightly as she led the way, and Y/n followed closely behind. Along the journey, Tsireya glanced over her shoulder to check in with Y/n, ensuring he was still following and hadn't passed out randomly behind her.
Then she got an interesting idea to tease him a little with her body. Since her loincloth left little to the imagination, she decided to spice things up as she swayed her hips from side to side.
Her tail, typical for a navi, concealed her backside, ensuring he couldn't catch a glimpse of anything that might be considered revealing from behind.
She looked back at him with a knowing smile, indicating she was aware of her effect on him before flashing him a cute grin.
As they ventured deeper into the forest, Tsireya approached one step at a time, almost gratefully. As she walked, she couldn't help but reveal an elegant side to y/n. She wanted to convey that she was different from Kiri.
Eventually, they reached a small clearing where sunlight filtered through a break in the roots of the giant mangrove trees.
The ground was a network of rivers converging, while small ponds dotted the area beside them. Then there was the spot where they stood, resembling a small cliff that overlooked the whole scene.
She looked back at y/n with excitement, like a child proudly showing off a treasured possession. y/n's eyes took in everything before they took a deep breath of the air.
Y/n: woah, this is something Tsireya, it really is something, all right.
Tsireya: This is a spot I visit when I need to escape from everything. I wanted to share it with you—a place where you can find silence to think without distractions.
Tsireya: Come, have a seat.
She walked to the cliff's edge and sat down with her back to the scenery. Y/n sat in front of her, taking in the expansive beauty surrounding them, with Tsireya positioned perfectly in the midst of it all.
Y/n: just beautiful.
(image here)
Tsireya: Hmm?
y/n smiled softly at her before lifting his hand to her cheek, caressing her face gently. Her cheeks flushed red, but instead of pulling away, her hand rested on his as she closed her eyes.
In that moment, the only feeling she craved was y/n's touch.
She opened her eyes again, this time with a daring look. She shifted his hand slightly towards her lip, prompting his thumb to pull down just a bit, revealing the pink underside of her lip.
The sound of her tail slapping the ground echoed as it hit repeatedly, making her feelings about the entire situation quite evident.
She leaned into his touch, perhaps a bit too much, and suddenly toppled forward. Fortunately, y/n was there to catch her, wrapping his arms around her just as her face made contact with his chest.
Y/n: "Teasingly" A little eager, are we?
Tsireya: I'm really sorry, y/n. I didn't mean to do that.
She attempted to pull back from his grip on her, but y/n held her closer instead. To her surprise, she didn't mind it. She ceased her struggle and leaned her head against his chest, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat, it was lovely.
The sounds of the many animals could be heard as they stayed quite for a bit, enjoying each other's company.
Y/n: It's interesting how we were like this under that bellspring not too long ago.
Tsireya: Hehe, yeah, I guess the rumors are true.
Y/n: What rumors?
Tsireya: It was said that the small fragments from a bellspring bring luck.
Y/n: Haha, I guess so since we're here together right now. But you mentioned a fragment of a bellspring; is there a bigger one?
Tsireya: Hmm, yeah, there is, but they're not found here; they're in the far west from here.
Y/n: Really? That's quite far. How did you get it then?
Tsireya: Well, every now and then, a group of traders from the Tlalim clan comes by on Medusoid, and one had a small sapling of a bellspring, which is the one you saw a few days ago.
Y/n: Huh, that's interesting. A clan riding Medusoid? I never thought I'd see that, and I doubt I will again.
Tsireya opened her eyes and looked at Y/n's face in confusion at his last statement.
Tsireya: Don't worry, Y/n. They come by a few times every other moon cycle.
Y/n looked down at her with a slight smirk, but that quickly faded away.
Tsireya: Y/n, could I ask you something?
Y/n: Of course you can.
Tsireya: You're a sky person, right?
Y/n: Oh, uh, well, I thought it was pretty obvious since I don't look at all like Loak, Kiri, or Tuk. But yes, I am.
Tsireya: It's just that I've never seen a sky person disguised as us before, so I wasn't sure how it looks or works.
Y/n: Well, a while back, something happened that made me fully use this body at all times.
Tsireya: do you regret… choosing to look like one of us?
Y/N: Honestly, no. It feels like I have a second chance at being a new me, in a way. I don't regret it a single bit. After all, don't you like this version of me?
Tsireya: There are definitely parts of you that I like about this body, but I wouldn't have minded meeting you in your other one… Is that also why you wanted to have multiple partners?
Y/n: In a way yes back on the plant where I come from I wasn't the very least popular in no way and my life sucked so now with a new way to live Im taking adavnges of it.
Tsireya: I looked more into that story I mentioned a while back.
Y/n: of the one that supposedly revolved around one guy with multiple mates right?
Tsireya: Yes, the story goes like this: There was once a clan where, in the very center of the clan, there was one male. He took on many mates to please himself, and while he took in many, one got upset by the amount of attention she received, so in a fit of anger, she murdered him.
Y/n: Huh, that's really interesting.
Tsireya: Yes, but I'm sure that, unlike that guy, you would be able to balance your time evenly with anyone who might become your mate.
Y/n: You think so?
Tsireya: I know so~
Tsireya's breasts pressed against his chest, and although the coral chest piece obstructed them, the warmth and snugness of her breasts could still be felt from the way she rubbed her body against him.
Because Tsireya was Metkayina, her body adapted to their way of life, resulting in her chest being naturally larger; however, this also meant her breasts were more prominent than Kiri's, despite being in the same age range.
While trying to show off her body, she didn't notice y/n's hands sliding along the ground before suddenly grabbing her firm behind, which caused her to jump in surprise.
This was her first time doing something this lewd, and while she wasn't sure where to go from here. y/n seemed to have already a idea as he kept groping her ass while somtime squeezing it a little cuasing Tsireya to gasps out.
Her tail swatted between y/n's legs, causing him to laugh while Tsireya attempted to conceal her obvious embarrassment about her tail's antics.
y/n playfully traced his fingers along her tail, causing Tsireya's body to shiver pleasantly. The sensation made her feel a warmth spreading from within her from such a daring touch.
Despite her desire to continue, she knew she had to stop everything for several reasons. Firstly, y/n was not in a suitable state for mating, and secondly, she simply wasn't ready for it yet.
Tsireya: W-Wait ah~ a moment, Y/n.
She gently placed her hand over his, which was exploring her backside. Y/n paused, confusion in his eyes, but then his expression softened with concern. He shifted his hand from her tail to her face.
Y/n: What's the matter?
Tsireya: I... I'm not ready to mate yet. I want to wait for the perfect moment for us.
She watched as his eyes darted away as if he were deep in thought. A hint of sadness crossed his face before he returned to his somewhat neutral expression.
Y/n: Don't worry; we can wait until you're ready.
His thumb traced her cheek while he smiled softly, kissing her forehead.
Although she liked the feeling of his lips against her skin, she sensed something was off.
After pulling away, she placed her hands on his shoulders and brought her head close to his, noticing that his forehead felt unusually hot.
The warmth radiating from his forehead was unlike that of a common cold or fever.
She pulled back and regarded him thoughtfully. Y/n's eyes drifted away from her gaze, but he seemed to know he was caught.
Tsireya: We should return. You need rest, y/n, and my mother's help. This… whatever you have isn't normal.
Y/n stared at her for a moment before letting out a resigned sigh.
Y/n: Alright, let's head back.
Tsireya smiled, pushing herself off y/n as she observed him struggle slightly to get up, stumbling forward. She quickly moved to support him.
As she wrapped his arm around her shoulder, they exchanged glances and smiled, sharing a laugh as they slowly retraced their steps back.
As they stumbled out of the giant mangrove forest, the sun was slowly setting, and the sunset was visible to anyone. While they tried to head back towards y/n marui, one of Ronal's Navi helpers stopped them.
Navi: Hold it, Y/n, and you as well, Tsireya.
Y/n: Is something the matter?
Navi: Ronal wants you to head straight to her marui right now.
Tsireya: this is out of nowhere, how come?
Navi: Well, I've been looking for you two for a while now, and she wanted you to appear before her at sunset, which is now.
Tsireya: Oh well, thank you for telling us.
The navi woman nodded as she walked back in the direction they came from.
Tsireya: Well, at least mother can check you out when she sees you.
*small timeskip, POV Y/n*
As they approached Ronal Marui, she was nowhere to be found. Y/n exchanged a glance with Tsireya, who appeared unfazed as they entered.
Everything around him began to blur, and the world started to spin. Y/n wanted to laugh, but found it challenging.
The duo waited for a while until they spotted Ronal approaching, and to Y/n's surprise, Loak and Neteyam followed closely behind her, along with Aonung.
Y/n exchanged a glance with Neteyam, who looked equally confused about the situation.
Ronal marched into her home, her face set in a stern expression. She quickly turned to look at the five teenagers before her.
Her eyes narrowed as they scanned each person in front of her.
Ronal: How long have you known about this blatant exchange involving this boy?
Her gaze pierced through Loak, who faced her unyielding stare, making everyone present hold their breath.
Loak: What do you mean? Know what?
Possibly the most horrible response to Ronal, Loak pretended not to understand her accusation.
Y/n's heart skipped as he heard footsteps approaching from behind the group.
Turning his head, he spotted Jake and Neytiri, but their demeanor seemed off; despite their presence for their children, they appeared to be giving each other the cold shoulder.
Neytiri stood apart from Jake, yet close enough to indicate her support for her child, while Jake positioned himself nearby, ready to intervene if necessary.
Ronal: Do you really think I'm a fool?!
Loak: N-No, ma'am.
Ronal: Aonung, Tsireya, how could you allow this? Let him bond with the outsider?
Tsireya looked down in disappointment, while Aonung simply turned away.
Loak: Which outsider are you referring to?
Aside from the intense heat, the only thought racing through y/n's mind was, "Holy shit, Loak, be quiet!" His words only seemed to make things worse.
With the heat weighing down on him, y/n felt indifferent to the entire situation.
Ronal straightened up, crossed her arms beneath her chest, and glared at the boy.
Ronal: The Payakan, you imbecile! You've made friends with an outsider! Do you have any idea why he's considered an outsider? He has killed!
Loak: No, you're mistaken.
Jake: Loak, stop it!
Loak: No, Payakan was merely defending himself against those who were attacking him.
Ronal: Tsireya tell him.
Loak looked over to someone he considered a close friend, she looked for a moment before looking at loak.
Tsireya: no matter how or why it happened, loak tulkun can't kill no matter what.
Y/n watched as things were going down, his breathing becoming more challenging.
Ronal: listen to my wisdom, boy, do not continue seeing Payakan, do you understand me?
Loak stayed quite before speaking up.
Loak: No, you're wrong about him.
Jake: That's enough, Ronal. Please don't punish him; I'll make sure he doesn't do it again.
Ronal shot a stern glare at Jake before raising her hand, flicking him off in a way that clearly said, "Go ahead."
Jake took him by the arm, but Ronal had one last remark before they left.
Ronal: You're nothing like your father.
Jake paused briefly before continuing to pull him along. Neteyam trailed closely behind, waving slightly at y/n, who sluggishly returned the gesture while wiping sweat from his forehead.
Tsireya turned to y/n, but before she could fully face him, a loud crash echoed, and y/n felt his body go limp, crashing hard into the ground.
Tsireya dashed over and flipped him over, discovering y/n in pain, drenched in sweat, with a clear expression of discomfort.
Ronal quickly joined her, crouching down to examine him.
Ronal: What's wrong with him, Tsireya?!
Tsireya: I have no idea; he's been like this all day.
Footsteps approached as Neteyam, having heard the commotion, ran over to investigate, only to find his best friend lying on the ground in agony.
Neteyam: Y/n! Ronal, is there anything I can do?!
He immediately sprang into action, eager to help.
Ronal: Fetch my equipment from under that table over there.
Neteyam rushed to retrieve the supplies while Ronal continued to inspect y/n's body for any signs of what had occurred.
She gently brushed her hand against his arm, eliciting a whimper from y/n.
Ronal examined his arm closely, removing the armband to reveal a terrible-looking injury that seemed to be infected with something she recognized.
The chaos attracted attention, and many Na'vi gathered to watch as Ronal set to work.
Word count: 4111