Chereads / Avatar harem x male reader / Chapter 70 - clan problems and fallout

Chapter 70 - clan problems and fallout

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Y/n slowly opened his eyes, feeling tiredness slowly fade out of him. He stretched his arms out and yawned before touching his bed.

Instead of feeling the fabric of his bed as usual, he felt his hands land on a soft but smooth surface.

It gave off a warm body heat. He saw two female Navi sleeping away after last night's actions.

His hand landed on their firm but slim waistline, causing the two to lean more towards his body.

Their tail rested on his body, almost like they were trying to keep warm by sticking together.

He moved his hands along their bodies, sending a shiver through them before resting them on their shoulders.

He kissed Kiri on the head. Even while she was sleeping, she felt his love and responded by smiling softly at him.

Kiri: y...y/n

He turned his head away from her so that he could listen better with his ear.

Kiri: hmm, right there, baby keeping on fu-

He chopped her head, which caused her to wake up suddenly. She leaned up a bit to look around sleeplessly as she rubbed the spot on her head.

Kiri: Ow...what was that for?

Y/n: Let's just start getting ready for the day.

Kiri: I don't want to... let's just stay here like this. It's so lovely.

She laid back down and turned inward to him, nuzzling her face into his neck.

Y/n: As much as I wanted to, Jake will wonder where you and Neytiri are at.

Neytiri turned onto her stomach and stretched like a cat before slowly opening her eyes.

Neytiri: hmm.... he is right Kiri. I told your father why I was going to be gone. But since you haven't, you had better start getting dressed.

Kiri glared at Neytiri, fully aware of what she was attempting. Neytiri wanted to ensure she had y/n all to herself.

Although Kiri was okay sharing her y/n with others, she still felt insecure about her body compared to the others who had mated with him.

What did she have to offer compared to Neytiri?

She looked down, distracted by that line of thought, before feeling Y/N''s hand on her shoulder. She looked towards him and saw the warm and sweet smile that she come to know.

Y/n: don't worry. I also need to get ready.

Kiri: really?

Y/n: Yes, just last night, before I returned here, I met with Tsireya, and she officially responded to my proposal about... you know, me, you, and her.

Neytiri: You ask the Tsahìk daughter to be one of your mates?!

Neytiri's expression was a mix of confusion and shock at his audacity to make such a request of Ronal's daughter.

Y/N: Yeah, well, it hadn't stopped me from being so bold before... especially with a certain Navi.

His hand squeezed her behind firmly but authoritatively as her tail flicked around excitingly. She hid her face into the surface of the bed.

Kiri: So what did she say?

Y/n: she said yes.

Kiri: That's my stud!

Y/n: Thank you! I'll be here all week.

Kiri laughed at his stupid joke. The two looked at each other as they slowly leaned in for a kiss, their mouths inches apart.

Suddenly, the curtains to his maruis were pushed to the side as a Navi walked. The curtain fell right back into place behind them.

The Navi's eyes narrowed as they took in the scene before them.

The three froze on the spot for the suddenness of the intrusion.

Luckily, however, the Navi who walked in was already too familiar with the actions of y/n.

Ronal: My instincts were right about what was happening in this marui.

Y/n simply leaned back onto his bed and watched Ronal and Neytiri interact. Seeing as they had already been somewhat unfriendly with each other.

Neytiri's eyes expressed an overwhelming dread of being exposed for not being committed to her mate. Ronal crossed her arms underneath her chest and gave off an authoritative stare.

Ronal: Neytiri the mate of "Toruk Makto".

She said in a mocking tone. Neytiri thought for a moment as she tried to swallow some saliva down before finally speaking with a hint of defiance in her voice.

Neytiri: Ronal the widow of Tonowari

Neytiri stood from y/n bed and kept her eyes on Ronal.

The only awkward part was that Neytiri...was still naked. But it didn't seem to bother her as she made a hissing noise at Ronal.

It was almost reminiscent of when the two first met each other on the shore.

Before anything could happen, however, Ronal looked toward y/n.

Ronal: Y/n, come, I need your assistance. As for you, Neytiri, be thankful that y/n was convincing enough for me not to share such a matter with your mate.

Neytiri: it must have been compelling if you're going against eywa wishes as Tsahìk.

Ronal: you wouldn't know of such guidance as one who abandoned your way.

Neytiri's ears flickered back, almost like she was submitting to her words, as Neytiri turned away from the two.

Y/n: Wait, Ronal. What do you need from me?

Ronal: You have ikran, yes?

Y/n: That right, I do?

Ronal: good, then come, we must make our way to a nearby clan.

Y/n: Oh, uh, well, alright. Kiri?

Kiri: yes?

Kiri had been sitting in the bed almost like a teenager getting caught in the act as she covered herself with the fur blanket.

Y/n: do you think you can tell Tsireya I won't probably make it back in time?

She gave a thumbs up to him as her tail poked out from beside her.

Y/n nodded as he chased after Ronal, leaving the two Navi women alone.

Neytiri: Kiri.

Kiri: y-yes?

Neytiri: Be with your brothers. I need a moment to myself.

Kiri: O-oh, okay!

Kiri quickly stood and went to put her loincloth and other stuff back onto her body.

She could still smell the scent of y/n seeds on her body, which she knew she would need to quickly get rid of before seeing anyone.

She quickly made her way out of the maruis, leaving Neytiri alone.

Neytiri's demeanor softened as she walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed.

She peered down at her hands, wondering how her life came to this.

She was a legendary Omaticaya clan warrior, toruk makto's partner, and a highly respected figure.

What is left for her now?

She was no longer a part of her clan, and her mate showed little interest in her. It was easy for others to disregard her feelings just like that.

Tears trickled down Neytiri's face as her hands clenched tightly.

*pov y/n*

Y/n walked closely beside Ronal, sporting a stern yet worried look on her face, which also instilled a sense of unease in him.

He felt that her expression wasn't related to what had just happened since she already knew about the whole situation between him and Neytiri.

They headed toward the clan's shore area while she gazed at him.

Ronal: call forth your flying beast. We don't have time to waste.

Y/n: What's the rush, ronal? You haven't explained why we're heading out or where we are even going.

Ronal: I'll explain, but we must leave now to find out what has happened.

Y/n didn't respond, knowing she must have a reason for going to this clan.

He glanced over his shoulder and whistled toward the trees leading into the island. There was silence for a moment until a shadow appeared above them.

The black figure suddenly dove toward the ground, flapped its wings, and landed beside him, letting out a screech.

Y/N smiled as he walked over and scratched the underside of its face a few times.

Y/n: How, my girl?

It performed a small tap dance of some kind, expressing how it felt; however, it stopped when it noticed Ronal standing a few feet behind him.

Y/n: Hey, she alright, okay?

His ikran reacted by turning its head away from them, almost in a jealous manner.

Y/n chuckled softly as he climbed onto its back and settled into the saddle. He then turned to Ronal and extended his hand toward her.

Ronal didn't waste any time as she climbed onto the creature for the first time.

Y/n: Alright, so where exactly is this clan?

Ronal: it's south from here.

Y/n: All right, just make sure you hold onto me.

He patted his ikran's neck before grabbing its queue and connecting to it, and just like that, they set off into the sky.

Y/n noticed that Ronal wasn't holding onto him properly, which made sense since she was unaccustomed to ikran, given that they had their ilu and skimwings.

He took one of her hands and placed it on his stomach.

Y/n: Be careful, Ronal. I don't want you to fall off because you're not holding on correctly.

Ronal: My knowledge of the ikran is limited since I'm not supposed to use such a creature.

She scooted closer to him, her body pressed against his as he felt the softness of her breasts.

While she couldn't see his expression because she was behind him, y/n had a wide grin on his face.

No matter the time or event, there's always a moment for some mild action. However, he couldn't dwell on the warm feeling for long as he needed to stay engaged in the conversation.

Y/n: "cough" T-then why are we using my ikran instead of our usual sea-life companions

Ronal: These creatures are much faster, and we need to reach the clan before any more harm can befall them.

Y/n: So, what exactly happened to this clan?

Ronal: From what I've gathered, the sky people were attacking them, so they sent a messenger to me; however, that was all I could gather from what the person told me.

Y/n's demeanor changed slightly as he looked down, thinking about what the Na'vi scout had said to him.

Y/n: I... I think I'm to blame for this.

Ronal: What makes you say that?

Y/n: Yesterday, after our session, a scout approached me asking about our "meeting" and whether we were finished. I decided to tell him that you needed rest and shouldn't worry about this until tomorrow, but I had him inform me about what he observed.

Y/n: He mentioned that a massive sky demon machine was spotted closer than usual, and now look—the sky people are attacking a village. I should have let him tell you sooner.

Ronal remained silent, contemplating his words.

Ronal: You shouldn't blame yourself for these monsters. It's true that the sky demons rarely venture this far, which is concerning.

Ronal: The best thing you can do now, y/n, is simply help. That's all anyone can do when situations like this arise.

y/n thought deeply about her words, and she was right.

y/n smiled a little because, after all, Ronal is still a tsahìk, so it made sense that she had wisdom in her words.

He took a deep breath for a moment, then decided to talk to Ronal about another topic.

Y/n: Ronal, don't you think you went a little overboard with what you said to Neytiri?

Ronal: While I don't know what "overboard" means, I believe you're referring to what happened earlier.

Y/n: Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. You were pretty rough with your words.

Ronal: Just because I let such an action go without consequences doesn't mean I support the fake union. Such a disgusting union shouldn't exist. It should only happen upon the mate's death or the union's end.

Y/n: You shouldn't blame her since she wasn't at fault. I was the one who started the whole thing, so you should be tough on me, not her.

Ronal: Everything I said was based on facts, which wasn't the only reason I'm like this with her.

Y/n: well then why?

Ronal: How would you feel if you saw the Forest Navi land on your clan's beach, begging for sanctuary from a war they were currently involved in? Running like cowards, and not only were you given such a place, but you chose not to learn our ways of living while you kept using your old forest customs. And on top of that, you're mated to a Toruk Makto.

Y/n: Uh, well. Yeah, I see your point.

The pair fell silent for a moment before Ronal spoke up again.

Ronal: It's not like I'm trying to be harsh towards her, Y/n. You have to understand the situation I'm in.

Y/N: I get your point, and it doesn't help that terrible things have happened since we arrived.



Y/n: My dick was so impressive that you chose to keep my and Neytiri's situation under wraps from Jake?

Ronal: Don't let it get to your head... but yes, it was very... satisfying. I haven't experienced that feeling in quite some time.

Y/n couldn't help but smirk mischievously at the fact that he had now fucked two different women that have had kids... and technically in the future, both daughters as well,

And it is not like he is going to have sex with anyone else besides the four girls he knows. It would be crazy if he fucked a grieving milf Navi that may or may not be slightly crazy and be wearing red paint on her body.... Right?

That line of thought was short-lived; however, as Ronal pointed out, the clan was on an island before them.

Y/n could see the flames and smoke rising from the island as he had his ikran descend closer to the ground.

As his ikran made its way to the shoreline, y/n was stunned by the sight before him. Along the water, there were dozens of dead Ilu and skimwings.

The smoke he had seen before came from the maruis, burning to ash.

On the shore, there were many Na'vi.

The children cowered behind their mothers while the male Na'vi worked hard to extinguish the fire.

His ikran landed on the sandy beach as y/n unhooked his queue from his flying companion. As he jumped down to the ground, he turned to help Ronal, but she had already dismounted from the creature.

Now that he was closer, he could see some of the Na'vi had their hands tied with metal clamps while others tried to free them.

Some people watched the two new arrivals as Ronal wasted no time and approached a specific spot, which y/n followed closely behind her.

As they walked, y/n felt their stares as if he were some sort of repulsive creature. It was different from how the other Navi usually sees him... it felt unusual.

Ronal suddenly stopped, raising her hand so he could do the same.

In front of the two was a male and female navi.

Ronal: Tsu'lan.

Tsu'lan: T-T-They burned everything....

Ronal: Why have the sky people come to your village?

Tsu'lan: They came, destroying everything just to get us to talk about someone.

Ronal: Did you tell them?

Tsu'lan: No, as Tonowari has asked us to keep silent about this person.

Ronal: Tonowari?

Ronal was taken aback slightly by the mention of her past mate, especially since she was hearing something he hadn't told her.

Tsu'lan: He told us never to reveal Jake Sully's location.

Ronal glares at y/n, which he tries to ignore as he walks near the burning maruis. He watched as the building slowly fell apart; the heat blasted in his face, but the strange thing was that he felt unusually hot.

His eyes drift toward the armband Neteyam made for him. He grabs it and peels it off to reveal his skin underneath, seeing a dark mixture that looks almost infected.

He quickly covers it back up and, without much thought, walks back over to Ronal.

Tsu'lan: Ronal, I must ask why you brought this demon.

Ronal: Because he could get me here faster, and his insight into these demons might help us figure out why they come here. However, I will be the one to question him later. For now, we must help your people.

Tsu'lan: Y-yes, Ronal. First, we need to get my people out of these iron contraptions.

Y/n: I-I can help with that. Let me see your hands.

Tsu'lan flinched away from Y/n, looking worriedly at him before finally closing his eyes and pushing his hands out toward him so he could take off the clamps.

If he remembered correctly, the clamps operated through a sequence of button presses. Although it had been a while since he practiced the button sequence, he should still be able to recall it.

He pressed the buttons in the order of up, up, right, left, down, up. As he pressed the final button, the clamps around his hands opened and fell to the ground.

Tsu'lan grabbed his wrist, massaging it before looking back up at y/n.

Tsu'lan: Thank you.

Y/n: Just trying to do the right thing. But Tsu'lan, there's something that's been bothering me since we arrived.

Tsu'lan: I'll answer if I can.

Y/n: I'm used to the feeling I get when showing up because, well, I'm not like you. But this feeling your clan is giving off—why do they seem more scared of me than usual?

Tsu'lan: It's not you, my friend. It's just that when the sky people showed up, they saw people like you.

Y/n: Me?

Tsu'lan: Yes, the one who wears fake skin.

It couldn't be who he was thinking of.

Y/n: Was there anything else strange about this group?

Tsu'lan: Well, among them was one who could speak our language.

Ronal had been listening in on their conversation. She narrowed her eyes, feeling that there was more going on than the sullies had told them when they first arrived.

Y/n stood silent for a moment, processing what he had just been told. Everything aligned with the premonition he had about Spider now being in the area, along with everyone appearing much the same from it.

It was starting to seem like his days were numbered. He sighed, reflecting on how he needed to finish the photo album soon, perhaps even tonight, if he had the time.

Ronal: The others from my clan should be here soon to assist with rebuilding your clan, Tsu'lan. I'll be taking y/n here to question the purpose of the sky, people. Have my clan help where needed.

Tsu'lan: Thank you for the support, Ronal.

Ronal: It is as the Great Mother would have wanted it.

Ronal turned with grace as she walked over, grabbing y/n by the arm like he was a child in trouble.

They walked along the shoreline far enough so that no one could overhear, allowing Ronal to keep an eye out for her clan.

Ronal: Did you and the Sullies bring this destruction here?!

Y/n: What? No... at least I didn't.

Ronal: Then why are the sky people looking for Jake, Sully?!

Y/n was at a crossroads at that moment; should he tell her?


Ronal: Speak!

Y/n: "sighs." Fine. Before leaving the Omaticaya, Jake had his family threatened by a man like me who seemed determined to catch him. So Jake believed it was best for us to leave in order to protect his family, which is why we came here.

Ronal: I knew bringing outsiders into the clan was a terrible idea, but Tonowari insisted. Now, look at what has happened to our home.

She glances at the destruction caused by the rda. Navi was left with no homes or ways to live.

Y/n: Would you have done the same if your family was a threat, even more so if they targeted your clan?

Ronal: No, we would stand and fight as one!

She rubbed her forehead, massaging it as if she were having a migraine.

The two stood silently; the only sound was the sea water crashing.

Ronal: "Sigh. If I had known this before getting to know you better, I would have tossed you out for the danger you all pose to my clan.

Y/n: and???

Ronal: And now I'm pretty fond of the dynamic between us, and you carry a sense of wisdom behind your slick tongue.

Y/n wasn't entirely sure what she meant, but he hoped it was a good thing that would help convince her to let them stay.

Ronal: Unlike the Sullies, Eywa won't ignore her children, so neither will I.

Y/n: So you're going to keep letting us stay?

Ronal: Yes, but just know that if you stay on my good side, you better be ready to be drained and empty.

(Y/n honest reaction.)

At the rate Y/n was going with his sex life, he'd be shooting blanks. He let out a slight cough before speaking up.

Y/n: Does that mean our little arrangement will continue after your child is born?

Ronal: If you keep up with me, you might see that happen.

Yeah, he was either in a good situation or a bad one. Only time would tell... well, time did tell, but he couldn't share that with anyone.

Without much of a warring, y/n felt a drip of water hit his body before it started raining down water. While a surprise, it was welcome after all, it would help with the fires.

Suddenly, a loud bullhorn echoed through the air. As they looked back, they saw that the Ronal clan was finally arriving and ready to help.

Ronal: Come, we can discuss this later.

Y/n nodded as they walked toward the other Navi to start helping them rebuild.

*Time skip courtesy of Loak connecting his queue to a space whale.*

Y/n was returning his ikran to the beach along the Metkayina shore. Both he and Ronal dismounted from the creature.

The rain worsened as time went on since it began. They had contributed as much as possible before calling it a day.

The two made their way up from the shore. Ronal intended to go to her Marui to reflect on the day's events and devise a plan to address the clans' new challenges.

A few individuals walked over to the two, and as they got closer, it became clearer who they were. They were Tsireya and Aonung, as well as that one friend whose name was escaping him.

Tsireya's eyes met his briefly before a slight blush crept onto her face. He couldn't help but smile slightly at how sweet she was.

Aonung: Mother, there's something we need to tell you.

Before he could say anything more, however, Ronal raised her hand to silence him.

Ronal: Not now, Aonung. There are more important things I need to focus on.

Aonung: But Mom!

Ronal: Not now! You can tell me tomorrow about whatever you're trying to say. I just need some rest.

Ronal continued marching forward toward her home, leaving y/n standing there with the other three.

Aonung let out a small huff before running after her with his friend. Tsireya was about to follow them, but y/n took her hand, causing her to stop.

Y/n: Hold on, Tsireya, I want to apologize for today.

Tsireya's gaze stayed on him as she listened.

Y/n: I know I promised today would be your day, but something happened—

Tsireya: It's okay. Kiri mentioned that my mother took you away to help her with something. If anyone needed your attention, it would be my mother, so thank you for helping her today.

Y/n: Still, it feels terrible I couldn't make your day memorable.

Tsireya: *chuckles cutely* Just spending time and talking with you is enough for me.

Y/n smirked, lifted her hand, and kissed it, to which she smiled back.

Y/n: How was your day?

Tsireya: I spent most of it with my brother and your friends, catching up on what Loak has been doing lately.

Y/n: Oh.

Tsireya: Actually, my brother wants to talk to Mother about that.

Y/n: Really? Why?

Tsireya: We saw Loak enter Payakan's mouth, where the queue is, and we can only assume they must have bonded.

Y/n was taken aback, realizing he had never viewed Loak that way, yet he wouldn't judge him for it.

Y/n: Is that a bad thing?

Tsireya: Since Payakan is an outcast, we're not supposed to interact with him. Loak is breaking our clan's rules, and Mother won't be pleased about that.

Y/n: I'm not sure what to say.

Tsireya: You don't need to say anything; it just happened.

Y/n: Well, we can deal with it later. You don't have to worry about it for now... So, what about tomorrow?

Tsireya tilts her head, puzzled.

Tsireya: What do you mean by tomorrow?

Y/N: If you're available, we could spend some time together.

Tsireya's eyes light up with excitement before her expression turns thoughtful.

Tsireya: Unfortunately, I can't. I need to assist the children in learning some basics about our culture.

Y/n: Well... maybe I can help, and afterward, we can spend time together?

Tsireya: You would do that for me? Just for us to have some time together?

Y/n: Absolutely, Tsireya. Plus, it's great practice for when I have kids in the future.

Tsireya's face flushes bright red at the mention of children. Trying to mask her reaction, she covers her face to hide her alarmed expression.

Y/n notices Tsireya's anxiousness as he scratches his cheek, a slight smile creeping across his face.

She quickly tried coughing to hide her expression as she turned away from him.

Tsireya: we-well then I w-will come by y-your home in the morning.

Y/n: I can't wait for it.

Tsireya hurried away, leaving y/n alone. Ideally, he would go home, but first, he needs to see someone.

He strolled across the bouncy floor until he reached a Marui. Peering inside, he noticed two individuals before knocking on the wooden frame as he stepped further.

Y/n: Jake

Jake: Oh, y/n, did you need something?

Y/n's gaze shifted to Neytiri, who appeared to emanate a different kind of energy compared to that morning, radiating a sense of sadness.

Y/n: There's something you should be aware of... regarding Quaritch.

Jake's expression grew tense at the name Quaritch while Neytiri's ears perked up, and she tightened her grip on her loincloth.

Jake: What about him?

Y/n: Earlier, Ronal had me help her with a nearby clan that was attacked, and along with them was Spider.

Jake: Are you sure about that?

Y/n: A person I spoke to mentioned a human-speaking Na'vi.

Jake: How is the clan that was attacked?

Y/n: Besides some scratches and bruises, they're fine... Well, they also lost all their homes because they were burned down and Ilu was killed.

Y/n: Jake, we need to do something, or this will only get worse. We need to fight back!

Jake: No, we can't; they'll find us if we do.

Neytiri: He's right, Jake. We can't continue hiding among strangers while they take the blows for us.

Jake: Neytiri, don't forget why we came here: to protect our children.

Neytiri: Our kids won't be safe as long as he keeps pursuing us.

Jake: Damn it, Neytiri! We need to support one another instead of creating divisions. We are safe here.

Y/n: Jake, you don't have much choice in this either.

Jake: What did you say?!

Y/n: Ronal knows they're coming for you, and she's ready to fight back.

Jake: No, they can't.

Y/n: Ronal has already made her decision.

Neytiri: For once, we agree on how this should be handled.

Jake: Neytiri, what's happened to you? We used to agree, but now we can't even see eye to eye.

Neytiri: What happened to the man I once admired? There's no fire left in you. Now we crawl like vermin.

(Y/n reaction)

Y/n gradually retreats from the escalating conversation between the two, which has become increasingly intense.

Although he didn't intend for things to blow up as they did—especially since he was genuinely serious about the issue—he views the situation involving their relationship as an opportunity. He feels pleased to be driving Neytiri further away from Jake, positioning himself to swoop in and claim her for himself.

At the very least, he achieved his intention of informing Jake about the escalating issue.

When he returned home, he slipped beneath the curtains. His eyes scanned the room to ensure he was alone, and then he approached and opened a small space in the ground.

He retrieved the photo album he had been working on for Kiri over the past week. However, he paused midway and placed the book on a small table.

Glancing at his arm, he realized the pain had intensified. As he unwrapped the armband, its condition became evident.

It had a purplish hue with greenish undertones and was oozing pus. But that wasn't the only discomfort he felt; his head was also beginning to throb.

He simply sighed, knowing it was inconsequential since his days were numbered.

*Days left: 3*

Word count: 4985

Took about a 2 day break in the middle of writing which as you couldsee made this late. Sorry everyone but hey we have our next lemon soon...

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