Chereads / Avatar harem x male reader / Chapter 64 - A milf request and missing child

Chapter 64 - A milf request and missing child

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Y/n slowly opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling of his hut. For a moment, he raised his hand and made a grabbing motion.

He thought about what happened when he connected to the soul tree yesterday. He was not sure what to think after that encounter.

He just tried shaking his head, trying to think of something else.

He thought about what Neteyam told him last night about what happened to lo'ak and Tsireya.

He wasn't mad or anything about Loak asking her out. Instead, he found it bold to ask her. because she was the clan leader's daughter.

At least he now knew why Loak looked at her like that yesterday.

He sighed before getting up but couldn't move his body for some reason.

Now that he thought about it, his chest felt slightly heavier than usual. He looked down at his chest, seeing Neteyam.

He was laying somewhat on him. Neteyam's face rested on his chest, and he held his hand around his waist.

y/n was lost on what to do at that moment.

He waited a moment while thinking of what to do. He went ahead and just tapped on his head.

Neteyam tried smacking his hand away, but y/n kept tapping his head, and after a bit, he finally opened his eyes.

He blinked several times before realizing Where he was and what he was doing. He jolted up and tried scooting away and accidentally fell off y/n bed.

Y/n: "Chuckle." you alright there, Neteyam?

Neteyam said nothing but slowly raised his hand, giving him a thumbs up.

Y/n was relieved that he was okay. He turned to stand up from his bed and walked over to him.

As Neteyam rubbed his head, he noticed that y/n had his hand out for him. He looked at it for a second before grabbing it and getting help.

Neteyam: t-thanks and sorry about…that

He looked away, avoiding y/n eyesight after such an embarrassing moment.

Y/n simply sighed before waving his hand around.

Y/n: don't worry about it. It was a simple mistake. After all, we were sharing a bed.

Y/n just patted his shoulder before heading over to his pile of stuff that he usually wears and started putting them on.

While wrapping his arm leaf band thing, he felt a slight shock of pain go through his body.

He stops only for a moment before continuing. It seemed like his arm would be messed up for a while.

At least the good news was he didn't have to worry about fighting for, hopefully, a long time.

Y/n turned to Neteyam. He was staring at y/n other shoulder.

Y/n: is something wrong?

Neteyam: I'm just wondering why you still wear that old blood cloth around your arm.

Y/n wrapped his pouch around his waist, pulled out the notebook, and started writing in it.

Y/n: oh well, I just keep it there because I feel it better shows character to people who see me.

Neteyam: I guess I can understand, but would you want a better-looking one?

Y/n: uh, yeah, sure, you can never have too many armbands….. well, there is this one time, but we don't talk about that time in human history.

Neteyam looked at y/n, trying to understand what he could mean, but before he could ask more about it. There was a knock at y/n door.

Neteyam: You think it's norm?

Y/n: no, I don't think so… oh, maybe it's Ronal. She wanted to talk to me about something.

Y/n walked over to his hut door and opened it. He saw a random sea, Navi. Wait, would it be racist to call a group of Navi normal and the other, aka sea Navi?

Man, he has been overthinking into stupid stuff like that recently.

Y/n: I don't think we met. Is there something you need?

Navi: Sorry to bother you. However, the Tsahìk requested your presents.

Y/n: oh, alright, uh, thanks for letting me know.

The navi nodded before walking away. Y/n sighed as he looked in the direction of the Sully's home.

He would have liked to see Kiri first, especially since she was conscious, but Ronal seemed adamant about seeing him.

He turned to look at Neteyam.

Y/n: I'm going to head over and see what Ronal wants with me. Do you think you can go and check in with Kiri for me?

Neteyam: you don't even need to ask.

Y/n smiled at him and gave him a thumbs-up while walking out of the place. 

While going over to Ronal place, he thought deeply about something. Something that was of grave importance.

So he and Neteyam shared the bed last night. Y/n had a question in his mind: was he a big spoon, or was he a small spoon?

He just hoped that he was at least the big spoon last night.

While walking, he accidentally bumped into someone or thought he did.

He looked back and saw tuk on the ground.

Y/n: oh hey, tuk, sorry about that. Are you alright?

Tuk seemed strange to him. She quickly hid something behind her back when he said her name.

She seemed incredibly nervous about something.

Tuk: o-oh y/n s-sorry, I wasn't paying attention.

Y/n: hey, it's alright, but is everything okay with you? You seemed troubled about something.

Tuk: N-No, everything is fine.

Y/n: well, if you say so. Oh, tuk, by the way

Tuk seemed to jump a little when he suddenly called her name.

Y/n: Do you want to work more on the little book for Kiri later?

Tuk: o-oh yeah, sure.

Y/n was about to say something else, but before he could, tuk suddenly started running away in the direction of the mangrove trees.

Speaking of the photo book for Kiri, y/n needed to remember where he had left it.

The last time he remembered having it was when he left the hut so Ronal could heal Kiri.

But afterward, he couldn't seem to remember. He just hoped that it was still at the sully's place.

Before he knew it, he was standing right outside Ronal's hut.

He walked up the little steps and leaned to the side, trying to look inside to see if she was there.

???: what are you doing?

Y/n almost fell over from leaning when he heard a voice behind him. He quickly turns to see Ronal staring at him.

She had some herbs and other ingredients.

Y/n: oh, sorry, it is just that I didn't see you from where I was standing and was just wondering if you were even inside.

She stared at him suspiciously, but there was a minor hint of something else behind her light bluish-green eyes.

She walked around him and Inside her hut and motioned with her hand for him to follow.

Y/n walked closely behind her and noticed Ronal's new body changes. Besides, the main one is with her stomach. 

Her ass looked to have gotten more prominent as well from how it seemed to push out from the loincloth piece that wrapped around her waist.

That wasn't the only thing that caught his eye as she stepped up on her tippy toes to put something in a high place.

Y/n got a glimpse at her breasts, seeing them look more prominent as well, but not by much. 

But the piece on her chest that hid anything important was barely even able to do that as her nipples seemed to almost pop out behind her chest piece.

Almost as if she could feel the sense of lust behind her, she seemed to take a slightly longer time before standing, usually as her tail swung sexually.

Y/n had a thought at that moment besides the one of him, Ronal, and Neytiri having a threesome. 

He thought about how she wouldn't do something like this on purpose…..would she?

Before he could entertain the thought, she finally turned to look at him.

She looked over his shoulder, seeing that her hut was still wide open for anyone to see inside.

Ronal: We have something to discuss involving Kiri, so if you would close the fold of my hut so no one could peer inside.

Y/n nodded as he did what she asked. The two of them were in the hut now without worrying about anyone listening.

She sat down on a chair and motioned him to do so. He sat a few feet away from her.

Ronal: How much do you know of Kiri's past?

Y/n: oh, uh, well, I have been told tidbits now and then.

Ronal: hmm, could you tell me about her before she arrived here?

Y/n: you sure you want to ask me about her? You could have asked Jake or Neytiri, her parents.

Ronal looked to the side in a way that made her seem to want to avoid the question.

Ronal: Unlike my late mate Tonowari, I'm not that close to them. But I'm closer to you from the talks we had. So I decided to ask you about her.

While y/n did feel that Ronal wanted to talk about Kiri, it felt like she wanted to ask about something else, as even then, it made more sense to talk to them about her.

Y/n: well, from what I heard, Kiri was extremely gifted with her connections to eywa. She could just walk up to an ikran and tame it without so much of a fight from it.

Ronal: Can you talk a bit more about her connection with eywa?

Y/n: uh, sure, she has moments where she disappears and reappears with an exciting thing happening, such as grass sending light out or animals like the fishes following her body movement.

Ronal: hmm interesting 

Y/n: She also mentioned how she felt Eywa's heartbeat when she listened to the waves. Is this something she should be concerned about?

Ronal: No, from everything you have said, it is precisely as you said she was gifted with a stronger connection with eywa. 

Ronal: As Tsahìk, It is my duty to interpret the will of Eywa, and from what I have seen firsthand and now what I have heard about Kiri, it is my belief that eywa seems to work through Kiri.

Y/n thought about how sometimes Kiri acted weirder than usual, like when working on her mother's lab computer. 

It was almost like a switch flip in her head, and she started acting like a different person before acting normal.

Y/n: hmm, that is definitely a possibility.

She nodded at him before looking elsewhere, almost like she was thinking of something.

After this conversation with Ronal, he should check with Kiri to see how she is doing.

Y/n thought they were done talking, so he stood up and was about to walk away before feeling Ronal grab his hand.

He looked back and saw for a moment a different kind of Ronal. She seemed like she was embarrassed by something.

Ronal: There is something private I want to discuss with you, it is a very private matter.

Y/n: oh, uh, of course.

He sat back down in the chair, looking at her. As he looked at her she placed her hands together onto her thighs and fiddled with her hands together.

It was like he was seeing a completely different side to her.

Ronal: Now, as I said, this is a very private matter, and what is said shouldn't leave this room understood.

Y/n: of course, I won't mention this to anyone 

Ronal: Well, before Tonowari died, he would mention how much of a great warrior you are, and he respected you quite a lot.

He was waiting to see where this conversation was going, but he had an idea of what this was about and it might explain something he saw a while back.

Ronal couldn't believe what she was about to ask of him, mainly because of this matter, but it must be because her body made her more vulnerable.

Ronal: And he asks you to take care of his family for him, right? Well, that would be his daughter and son. But that also means me his mate, and I need your help involving my…. Pregnancy.

Y/n: what do you mean by that?

He knew what she was trying to say but wanted to hear it from her lips.

Ronal: my body has started to…. Crave a feeling that I can't get rid of on my own, and well, I had my mate, but now I don't, and since he trusted you, I'm putting my trust into you as well with this request.

Y/n: Okay, but I need you to tell me what you want.

She looked flustered, understanding what y/n meant by what she meant. She swallowed some saliva before speaking.

Ronal: simple put, what I'm asking for is….for you to…..mate with me to calm down these feelings.

Y/n couldn't help but smirk a little at her request. At the same time, y/n did respect Ronal, mate. 

Y/n did like having sex, and well, technically, he is still doing what he said, which was to watch over his family for him. He is simply helping Ronal out.

Two Navi burst into the hut before y/n could respond to what she was saying.

Jake: Sorry for intruding on you, Ronal, but ... .Y/n?

Right behind him was Neytiri.

Y/n: Well, something more important is happening. We can talk later, Ronal.

She didn't say anything. She simply stood up. She moved her hair and looked over at the two Navi.

Ronal: You better have a good reason for interrupting a meeting of a Tsahìk Jake sully!

Jake: Oh, sorry, Ronal. We didn't mean to, but it's just our kid tuk, and we can't seem to find her.

Ronal: So why don't you look for your daughter instead of coming to me?

She raised an eyebrow at him, showing a hint of frustration at suddenly barging into her home.

Neytiri walked forward, looking at y/n and then back at Ronal.

Neytiri: We have looked and asked around but have yet to see her, so we came to ask for a clan search.

Ronal gave a judging stare at Neytiri. Before standing up and walking in front of Neytiri. 

She was just a few inches away from Neytiri. If she had not been pregnant, she might have stepped closer to Neytiri and had her chest against hers.

Neytiri hissed at Ronal, trying to show some sort of dominance in the situation.

Ronal: it has not even been a day since something terrible happened to your family. Don't you know how to take care of your kids? 

Neytiri looked away from Ronal stare. She grabbed her arm nervously but knew what Ronal was saying was right.

After all, she has failed her family on multiple occasions. 

She was starting to feel like she wasn't good enough to be their mother anymore. 

After all, what kind of mother can't protect her kids, know where they are, or even…. Messing around with another person.

After watching the encounter, Jake finally steps in and puts his hand out, trying to keep them away from each other.

Jake: All we ask is some help looking for tuk.

Ronal stood there thinking about what they were asking while her mate would have agreed. She is not like him.

Y/n suddenly stood up and walked over. 

Y/n: well, whether or not you have the clan's support, I will help you look for her.

Jake: thank you, y/n, that means a lot to us.

Y/n: of course.

Ronal: Very well. I will have my clan start looking around at one another.

Neytiri: thank you

Ronal: I must watch out for my clan, which includes you and your kids. It is up to you to keep better track of them.

Neytiri's tail went limp after hearing Ronal's last comment.

Y/n: well, what are we waiting for? We have a child missing.

The four started walking to the hut's entrance, but not before Ronal said anything else.

Ronal: let me know your answer is y/n when you decide.

Y/n: of course, I will think "long and hard" about what you asked 

In reality, he had already said yes in the first nanosecond when he heard her ask. But he decided just to wait, plus she might get more desperate to crave that feeling she has.

*a few minutes later*

Y/n was leaning against the building as Ronal had rounded up Navi from the clan to have them start looking, and well, Jake was gone entirely, leaving just him and Neytiri.

She glanced over at y/n, curious about his and Ronal's talk.

Y/n: yes?

Neytiri: why did you meet with Ronal, and why was the hut closed off?

Y/n: A private matter.

Neytiri: And what may that private matter be?

Y/n: "exaggerate gasp* Neytiri, am I detecting some sort of jealousy from you?

Neytiri looked away, but she suddenly remembered what Ronal said earlier. She looked towards the ground.

Y/n looked at her and felt bad after seeing her sad by his comment. He replaced his hand on her shoulder which she looked at before looking at him.

Y/n: sorry, I was just joking. I didn't mean to make you sad.

Neytiri: "chuckled lightly." No, that's not it, it just…. She's right I'm a terrible mother. The life my kids have to endure because of me. Isn't the life they should be living?

Y/n: you're not a terrible mother, Neytiri, and I would know what one is like.

He noticed a small tear about to fall down her face. He placed his hand on her face and wiped it away with his thumb.

Y/n: you have sacrificed much for your kids, more than any mother could do. You gave up your clan, home, and life to come here just for them. 

Y/n: if anything, I'm horrible for trying to get in the middle of your family. Heck, I'm the reason you even cheat on your mate.

She placed her hand on top of him, still on her face. 

Neytiri: You're not at fault for that. I was already dissatisfied with my love life. After you're not wrong, I could have stopped this thing with you and mean, but I decided to keep pushing for it.

Y/n: So, well, look, no matter what, you're a great mother. You just need to see it in a positive light instead of a negative one.

She softly smiles at him. Y/n saw her look happy for the first time in a while. They slowly started inching their faces forward before Neytiri's lips met his.

She felt the warmth that she hadn't felt for a long time. 

Neytiri parted her lips for y/n, and as he did the same, their tongues touched each other in the middle and mixed saliva.

A small moan escaped her mouth as they kept kissing, not noticing someone was watching. Well, actually, y/n could feel the stare.

It reminded him of that time when he fuck Neytiri and Kiri, and when he looked, all he saw was a sea Navi tail hiding away.

Y/n pulled away from Neytiri, leaving her panting, her chest steadily rising up and down.

Y/n: Don't worry, we will find her.

He gave her a reassuring smile which helped her feel more calm.

Neytiri: Thank you. I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

Y/n: How is Kiri?

Neytiri: She is improving, but we have not told her about tuk.

Y/n: it's for the better.

She nodded, agreeing with him.

*sometime later *

Ronal had everyone spread out looking for tuk. Everyone was out looking at different places close by.

Y/n stood where he last saw tuk, remembering how she looked panicked by something, then ran off into the mangrove forest.

Y/n started walking in the same direction as she did, following the tracks she left behind.

While walking, he started humming to himself, which gave him time to think about how everything had been lately.

How he survived and won a fight against the leader of those Navi hybrid things. Though he did mess up his body during the fight, sadly, he did not come out unscathed.

He took a moment to look at his shoulder, where he had been shot while he ran away.

He already knew he needed to give his body time to relax, and ever since coming to this clan, he felt like he was in constant fights.

Whether it was practice or when he was fighting for his life. He just felt like he had more adventure in this chapter of his life than ever before.

He was nervous about what the future holds after all, he was sure his life was coming to a close soon, especially when everything seemed like it was coming together.

From Kiri, looking exactly like how she did in that vision or the soul tree underwear.

He also couldn't forget about how it looked like Neteyam was almost killed in his other vision.

But the one thing he was sure about was he definitely had a lot of sex planned.

The trail of footsteps ended at a tree. He looked up and started grabbing onto the bark and climbing it till he reached a tree branch.

He saw that the moss on the tree branch looked as if it had been disturbed by something recently.

He walked carefully along the tree branches, and as he did, he heard a faint cry.

He looked around, trying to find the source of the crying. He started walking in the direction of the crying.

He eventually looked down below, and saw tuk hugging her knees to her chest while holding something else.

Y/n walked over to the bark of the tree and started climbing down then and walked over.

As he walked over, he accidentally stepped on a twig, causing tuk to look up and see him standing a few feet away.

(image here)

Tuk: Y/n?

Y/n: hey, tuk, why are you all alone in this place?

She didn't respond. Instead, she looked away.

Y/n simply walked over and sat down next to her. He glanced over before wrapping his right arm around her and pulled her in while rubbing her head.

Y/n: what's wrong tuk?

Tuk:…." small sniffing" y/n, do you think I'm annoying?

Y/n: huh, why would you ask that?

Tuk: it's just no one seems to want to hang around me.

Y/n: what are you talking about you got me, Kiri, and your brothers.

Tuk: that's only because they are family; even then, they don't want to hang around me.

Y/n: hey, that's not true didn't they invite you to go with them to Loak thing?

Tuk: that's only because they think I would tell Mom about them not inviting me.

Y/n: would you?

Tuk: probably.

Y/n: look, tuk you're not annoying, alright, you're just fine with how you are now.

She seemed to get even more down about something.

She gripped the thing that was on her lap.

Y/n: what do you get there?

She didn't say anything, she just passed it to him. Y/n was surprised to see it was the photo book that he was going to give to Kiri.

Tuk: I just miss how things used to be. 

Y/n: yeah, I do as well.

He glanced at his shoulder before looking back over to tuk.

Tuk: It just feels like everything bad has been happening recently.

Y/n: well, tuk, that is just how life is. No matter how hard it may get, there is always a better time waiting.

Tuk: You think so?

Y/n: yeah, I know, so after all, my life sucked a lot before coming here, while it may have its ups and down. I can say that meeting you is definitely up.

She softly smiled at him to which y/n patted her head.

Y/n: how about this if we head back sometime when I'm available, you and I can hang out.

Tuk: You mean it?!

Y/n: yeah, of course 

Tuk: That's a pinky promise!

Y/n put a hand on the tree to help himself up.

Tuk: ow!

Y/n looked over at tuk, seeing her grabbing her foot. Y/n crouched down, looking her leg over.

Y/n: what's wrong?

Tuk: I hurt myself earlier, and my leg still hurts.

He grabbed her leg, looked it over, and saw she had a cut on her ankle which looked swollen.

Y/n: yeah, that looks painful what did you do?

Tuk: I-I fell from the tree.

Y/n: hmm, I see.

Probably, her ankle got cut when she fell, most likely from a random small tree branch.

He looked around for anything to use for her leg but couldn't find anything. He sighed and then looked at his shoulder.

He grabbed the leaves bandage carefully, taking it apart before removing it from his shoulder and wrapping it around her ankle.

Tuk: You sure? What about your shoulder?

Y/n: it's fine, don't worry about me. 

After making sure it was secured to her ankle. He knew she wouldn't be able to walk with him back to the clan.

Y/n: okay, tuk, I'm going to carry you back, so wrap your legs around my waist and keep them locked aright 

She nodded as he grabbed her and lifted her. She did as he asked, making sure she locked her legs around his waist.

Y/n put a hand on her lower back for support as she wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder.

With his free hand, he patted her upper back and then began making his way back to the clan.

While walking he felt his shoulders starting to hurt without the medical leaves. He was going to need to get a new, fresh one for his shoulder.

He glanced over at the wound, seeing the dry blood and scabbed on his wound.

He sighed and turned his focus back to where he was walking as it started becoming dark, making it harder to see.

Tuk kept her eyes open while she kept resting her head on his shoulder without knowing her tail wrapped around y/n right hand.

Y/n just shook his head with a small smile.

After some time, they eventually made it back to the clan. The night sky had already fallen, making it completely unseeable.

Y/n was walking through the village. Some Navi were talking, and one went away, most likely to let Ronal know the child was safe.

After a few more minutes of walking, y/n saw Neytiri and Jake running over.

Y/n tapped on tuk head as she pulled away from his shoulder to look around.

Neytiri: Oh my sweet baby, you're safe, thank eywa.

Jake: Nice job, y/n, on find here.

Y/n went to pass tuk to Neytiri, who had her arms opened to exchange people for tuk to hold on to.

Jake: tuk, what happened with your leg?

Tuk: I-i-I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to w-worry about me. I just wanted some alone time, and I got hurt.

Neytiri: Just as long as you're safe, then that's fine, my baby.

Neytiri held tuk tighter to herself.

Y/n: she said that she hurt herself when she fell from a tree.

Jake: just as long as she is safe. But tuk, don't ever do that again you had us worried to death about you.

Neytiri: We better take her back home and check her leg out.

Jake nodded before looking at y/n and nodding to him as well.

Tuk: w-wait! Y/n your book.

She held it tightly to herself when y/n walked with her back to the clan. She passed it over to y/n, which he grabbed.

Y/n: thanks, tuk just make sure you get better, alright, and come see me when you can so we can finish this.

Tuk: yes!

Neytiri and Jake walked away leaving y/n by himself. He sighed as he started walking back to his home. He grabbed his right shoulder and tried massaging it a bit.

He felt like he was forgetting something that he needed to do.

Word count 4851