Chereads / Avatar harem x male reader / Chapter 40 - sea front and the milf front

Chapter 40 - sea front and the milf front

Opening his eyes he stretched his body squirming from how good it was.

The only thing he disliked was his new living area since he had no bed anymore and his back hurt from the hard ground.

hearing knocking at his door he could hear two voices. He gets up and walks over to the door and opens it.

Two people were standing there Kiri and Tsireya. They were both standing there waiting for him. Kiri seems agitated about another girl wanting to talk to him

Y/n Oh hey there you two… what are you both doing here

Tsireya: don't you remember we will be beginning you and the other training in our ways

Y/n: oh yeah I must have forgotten that. You said you would wake me up for it in the morning. What about you Kiri?

Kiri: I said I would wake you up but Tsireya was here already.

Y/n: oh well there's always another time. Lead the way Tsireya.

They walked down a path leading to some familiar faces that were waiting for them and one of them ran over to him.

Tuk: Y/n! Y/n! Aren't you excited about this? It's going to be a lot of fun. I can't wait.

The two Navi boys were looking at them.

aonung: Rotxo do you see that he even has the littlest of them wanting him, what a weird family.

neteyam who was listening disliked them talking about his sister like that. but he knew not to push it….loak on the other hand had something to say

Lo'ak: is that a problem that both of my sisters like him huh don't be pissed about him being able to get girls to like him.

Tsireya: Hey calm down you two especially you, aonung they are guests and Father wants us to help them learn ways you can't be disrespectful to them.

aonung: I know, I know

Tsireya: good now come on everyone let's begin with simply going underwater.

Tsireya, Aonung, and Rotxo simply just walked off into the water. y/n was the first to walk over look into the water and shrug he looked back at the other and flipped off into the water. (showing his dominance)

Neteyam and Lo'ak looked at each other.

Neteyam: come on can't have y/n be ahead of us.

They ran and jumped off into the water.

Loak: woo hoo

Behind them were Kiri and Tuk jumping in after them.

Y/n looked around seeing the small fish, squids, and many more swimming around.

Looks like his training for the RDA is coming in handy. He has been trained to hold his breath underwater….they had to last 10 minutes minimum.

Since he was in a new body it has not been used like that so it may not last that long.

The water looked so beautiful, especially from this angle it looked so different from there.

He noticed Kiri was swimming away from the group and she looked like she was being pulled somewhere else

He looked at the others as they were swimming away from them. looking back at Kiri he followed close to her.

She was into everything that was swimming around her. There was one that looked like a stingray swimming around the two.

Kiri pointed at it like a little kid wanting to show off to their parents. Y/n simply nodded at her as he thought it was cool as well.

But then he realized that all of Kiri's things blocking her chest were staying down.

Shouldn't they be floating up? Now that was Pandora's greatest mystery.

She was enjoying herself so much. It was great as she has been kinda down on the way there but seeing her like that was good.

Before he knew it they were under there for a couple of minutes he had to go back up to get some air in his lungs.

Kiri followed close behind him they both gasped for air looking around y/n spotted Neteyam he was waving at the both of them.

They both made their way over to the group.

Neteyam: careful you two had me worried there we were just thinking about where you guys were till we saw you both pop up from the water

Y/n: sorry I saw this knucklehead heading somewhere else so I stayed with her. Did not want her going somewhere who knows where.

He gives a soft hit on the top of her head.

Kiri: hey.

Y/n: well anyway what are we doing next?

Tsireya: For now just keep swimming, follow us, and try to steady your breathing.

They dive back down into the water swimming around a sea creature of some kind that came up to y/n who was at the back of the group.

So they did not see it going to him at first he just looked at it as it did the same. The creature was dark blue; it reminded him of his ikran(last known as the banshee) except a sea version of it.

He could feel a connection of some kind between them. y/n brought his hand up and slowly moved it to the creature's head. It looked at it for a moment then moved its head to his hand.

It seems super chirpy in the water as it makes sounds. It starts to nuzzle itself into his hand. I was super happy to be there.

The skin of the creature felt like it was sticking to his hand. It was a very weird feeling. He noticed something interesting about the animal. It was missing one of its back fins and looked like something was trying to eat it from the way the missing fin had healed.

He grabbed it queue and brought them together they wrapped around each other looking like they were completely connected

He felt it as it was breathing through its gills and it felt its heart beating then he saw something almost like it was his memory.


A creature can be seen swimming around as it has been for the past couple of years. It had trouble swimming because it was attacked when it was younger, losing its fin.

This made it an outcast among the other animals. It tried to swim over to some other but they snapped back at it. Making it run away. This caused it to be sad as it can't make friends with its other creatures.

It swam up to the surface looking around, seeing everything up there. It swims over to a stone that was sticking out of the water using that as a set as water washed onto the stone letting it breathe up there.

It found this spot when it was scared of what could happen to it.

It sat there thinking about what it wanted to do. How would it find a partner if they would all leave it and none would even go to her of their free will?

Not only that it had trouble with swimming so it was much harder to hunt. At the moment the only thing it had going for it was death.

It lay on the stone crying to itself like it had been doing for the past couple of years. That when something lands on its head blocking its eyes

It was scared it quickly spun around to get it off looking at the thing that fell on its eye it was a piece of cloth with blood on it.

Looking up there was some unknown creature flying above it and its eyes landed on a Navi boy…well to it. It looked like a Navi boy.

Its eyes stuck for a couple of seconds looking at him feeling a sense of similarity.

It felt that they both have scars ... .scars that affect them both physically, and mentally. It felt that he could be one that would take her and not push her away.

It looked down at the splashing water seeing the cloth falling deeper and deeper.

It thinks for a moment and hops off into the water diving down into the water. With it missing one of its fins it was harder to swim fast but it still could make up for it.

It retracted its fins so it would go faster than the normal one like it can go.

The cloth was within its reach and it stretched its head out as much as it could then grabbed it.

Its fins stretched back out using its speed to surface back up to the surface it looked around not seeing the flying creatures anywhere.

It had no idea where the young Navi was when it saw a group of Navi surrounding something. It made its way to an opening in the group.

It saw the young man and it kept watch of what was happening. After everything was done it saw that the young man was living in the clan.

It felt happy that I would be able to meet him again. It made its way back home, placed the cloth close by, and waited for him to come down into the water.


He opens his eyes and looks at the creature. It was looking at him. He uses his hand to communicate. He was not sure but it felt like how he should talk to it.

Well besides that he was underwater.

Y/n: y… had been waiting for me?

It nodded its head looking at him all happy.

Y/n: well you were right I feel like there is a connection there girl and I think your missing fin is awesome.

It looked at him then swam around it till it was on its other side and showed its missing fin.

Y/n: now I'm not saying that I can but maybe I can try to make you something to fix your missing fin girl.

It sprung up looking at him all happy and started to rob his body or more like nuzzle on his chest.

Y/n: calm down girl it will maybe be a while before that happens but I promise I'll do it for you.

It tries to pull him somewhere, not sure where. It looked back y/n then swam under him to put it on her back.

He was not sure what was the best way to be on it so he just did his best to not fall off.

He tapped on the side of it. It looked back at him and it knew what he wanted as they were both connected, they worked as one.

It swam up to the surface letting y/n get some air into his lungs then they swam back down, going slow for y/n not to fall off of it.

He could tell it was trying to show off so that he would see how cool the creature was.

It led him back to a cave. The cave was an open space. It seemed like this was home from what he remembered from the memory that it showed him.

Hopping off it and detaching his queue the creature left to go to a spot behind some rock. It looked like it was scavenging for stuff till it seemed to find what it was looking for.

It swam back to him, opening his mouth. A red cloth was there he grabbed it and looked at it. It was the cloth that he lost. He kinda forgot about it till he saw memories that it fell off of him.

He patted its head making it chirp happily. He reconnects his and the creatures' queue.

Hopping back onto it he wanted to show off to the others so he had it swim to the last spot he saw them.

*somewhere else*

Neteyam was looking around when swimming and noticed that they were missing a person he realized that y/n was missing from the group.

He swam over to lo'ak and tapped on his shoulder. He turned me around to look at Neteyam, and he pointed up.

They both swam to the surface gasping for air lo'ak looked at Neteyam

Lo'ak: what is it?

Neteyam: Have you seen y/n around? I haven't seen him for a bit now.

Lo'ak: now that you mention it I have not seen him as well.

The others came back up to see what was happening.

Tsireya: Is everything alright?

Aonung: Still having problems with air, huh?

Neteyam: No it's just that we have not seen y/n for a while now.

Tuk was in the back just floating on the water. Kiri was looking off at something almost as if she was getting a feeling of something.

Tsireya: We should look for him, it would not be good if he ended up outside the reef

Kiri: He will be alright. I can feel it.

The group was looking at her for a couple of seconds as she was still looking out at something.

Aonung: look at that they also have a weird girl with them as well

Rotxo: Yeah, a really weird girl.

The two brothers were looking at them for how they were talking about their sister

Tsireya: Stop it now you two

While the group was talking above Y/n saw them he wanted to look cool to show off. He patted the side of the creature it knew what he wanted to do so it swam as fast as it could so it would jump over the group.

y/n brace for the creatures to jump. It gave one final push with its fins and they both were launched out of the water jumping over the group.

Their faces were something to see. Neteyam looked impressed like he was seeing his homie doing something cool. Loak was more shocked than any.

Kiri was amazed by the taming creatures and seeing y/n looking cool. Tuk was looking at the creatures wanting to play with them.

Aonung and Rotxo did not say anything as they hated how he was making faster progress than they did when they were kids

Tsireya was kinda like Kiri she was looking at him amazed by his advancements.

y/n lands safely on the creature as they land on the water it swims back to the group with him on it.

Y/n: what is going on up here?

The first person to say anything was Tuk she splashed and burst out of the water.

Tuk: Y/n! Y/n! Can I pet it!!!!

The creature was concerned about this girl as it felt like she was moving too fast Y/n calmed it down.

Y/n: you can tuk but be slow about it you're scaring her

Tuk: Understood

She slowly put her hand on its neck petting it. Tsireya swam over to him looking at the creature. She put her hand on its side.

She moved her hand along its body till it got to a missing fin.

Tsireya: looks like you were able to make a connection with an IIu a special one even more.

Y/n: Yeah she found me

He gives it a head rub making it squeal. It could feel an intense stare as he looked at Kiri but she was not making that feel she was looking at him with a smile.

He looked behind him seeing the giant mangrove tree and he tried to focus his gaze on the feeling. He could make out a creature.

If he was writing the creature that was staring at him was no other than his ikran it was staring at the IIu.

This was interesting as his ikran was jealous of the Ilu. It will be interesting to see what happens between them. Now he really can say he has seen everything.

Y/n: hey sorry as much as I would like to stay I'm getting a bit tired I'm going to head back.

Tsireya: Are you alright?

Y/n: uh yeah no I'm fine I'm just feeling kinda tired is all.

Tsireya: Well then I wish you a good night's rest.

Y/n: you as well Tsireya I look forward to learning more about your way of living and maybe sometime you could teach me your way of talking underwater. You're good at it.

Tsireya seems to have a faint blush at his last comment

Tsireya: y-yeah we can do it sometime.

Y/n: All alright see you later everyone.

He had his Ilu swim him to the tree roots so that he could climb on the Floor.

Turning around, giving his thanks to the creature, and seeing it later It spun in a circle and divided.

There was another reason he wanted to get back; he wanted to check in with Neytiri.

She looked sad the last time he saw her so maybe he can further make his relationship with her better.

Even with the one they have right now. Walking over to where they live he gives a quick knock and then walks in.

He saw Neytiri by herself setting up their new home.

Y/n: hey Neytiri where is Jake shouldn't he be here with you?

She turns around surprised to see him.

neytiri: he is out learning the way of this clan.

Y/n: shouldn't you be out there as well then?

neytiri: I would but I have to wait till Ronal says I am.

Y/n: Man that has to be horrible since you can do anything

Neytiri: it feels like I'm just sitting around waiting for nothing to happen.

He stepped closer to her so that they were looking face to face.

Y/n: how do you feel about all of this?

neytiri:*sighs* how would you if you were a strong leader now reduce to hiding

Y/n: there is nothing I can say about that neytiri. You have made a hard sacrifice for your family. I know it must be horrible to be doing this but your family is safe and so is your clan back home.

Neytiri: You're right, at least my family is safe. Thank you y/n for talking to me about this

Y/n: always here for you in more ways than one

She looks away from him and knows what he means when he says more in one way.

Y/n looks at her for a moment and gets a bold idea. He walks up to her, making her take a foot back into the wall.

She looked behind herself however there was a loud thump next to her. Looking at the sound she saw y/n having his hand on the wall.

Next to her head almost in a pinning position(it is called Kabedon in anime)

They're only a couple of inches away from each other.

Y/n: you know what you wear is making you look sexy right now you know that you don't.

He hadn't seen her wear this type of clothes before they were more revealing than what she had in the past.

(image insert here)

(Basically, she wore something like this without the neck piece)

Neytiri: I-it just some normal clothing style for me.

He used his other hand to tilt her head up at him. Her ears leaned back and her tail was just going straight down. Almost as if her body was submitting.

Her mind thought it was not…not fully thought that will take time.

Y/n: so you chose to wear something that incredibly reveals your chest. If I had known better, I would've thought that you were teasing me.

His face was slowly inching closer to her as he continued to tilt her head at him.

Neytiri: N-no it's nothing like that

Y/n: how would you explain the change in how you dressed your lower body? You just wear the loin cloth at all times now

Neytiri: I just want to wear something more free.

Y/n: well still it makes all your best quality stand out

His face had gotten even closer to hers lips inches away from each other.

But she quickly puts her hand in between them.

Neytiri: Y/n wait we can't do that I already have my mate and family.

Y/n: *sighs* Neytiri every time I see you and Jake it seems like you are always at odds somehow. As you said yourself he never said anything about what you're losing to come here.

Y/n: even when you were defending him he still made you look bad in front of Ronal.

Y/n: as for your family I'm sure you already noticed how I had sex with both of your daughters yet you did nothing. You even started to fantasize about me doing it with you. I saw the memories.

She had realized what he meant about the soul tree being people's memories that they make with the person.

There must've been side effects with not doing it with the rest of the clan since there were only five of them that were connected up to the tree.

Neytiri: I…..I

She couldn't come up with words to say back about that.

Y/n: but still shouldn't someone as gorgeous as you still have fun?

He picked her chin up, making her look at him. By now their bodies were pushed up against each other.

Neytiri: bu-

He cut her off before she could say anything else that would make her think twice about this.

His lips push against hers. She had her hand on his chest trying to push him off but it weakened as the kiss was starting to turn into a make-out.

He pushed his tongue into her mouth feeling hers mixing with his as she started to fall more into it

Y/n heard footsteps approaching and quickly backed off stepping to the side to make it look like she was just resting against the wall and he was talking next to her.

Neytiri was still kinda in and out of it by the time the first step got loud enough a Navi woman stepped into the room.

She looked at the place till her eyes landed on the two.

The woman was Ronal. She looked at him with distaste because of his not being Navi.

Her eye landed on Neytiri and she had a small drool on her face. Ronal looked at her weirdly but shrugged it off not knowing that she was.

Ronal: neytiri I'll take you tomorrow to teach you how to tame your own Ilu tomorrow.

neytiri:u-uh thank you Ronal for taking your time out of the day to do so.

She nodded, turned around and left.

Neytiri looked at y/n almost as if she was ready to get back to what they were doing, however, y/n had other plans.

Y/n: Man I'm feeling really tired I should get some sleep

She looked at him confused about the sudden change and left her there when her emotions were high.

Y/n took what he could from her memories and made a plan about how he should work her out to be.

Y/n knew that it would be easier to just play in and do it fulfilling what she wanted, however y/n did not want to do it the easy way.

If Neytiri was going to do it with him she had to choose to do it with him.

It would show that she was willing to drop what she had her husband to go and do it with another man with her making the choice.

Before he left he said one final thing to Neytiri.

Y/n: you need to make the choice all I will do is just tease you till you make it.

With that he left heading to his new home he was thinking about something it was Ronal.

Now he thought that she was hot as well. She had the biggest breasts that he had seen a Navi have.

But there was one thing she was pregnant he did not notice at first but after seeing her again he could see she was pregnant with a kid.

She looked to be about 6-7 months pregnant right now. Her baby bump was starting to kick in, he could tell.

Now he is always interested in trying new things but this was big.

But a question was how would he even get her to want to do anything with him… he can already tell she will be having that bitch attitude for a long while towards him.

He got his new home opening and closing the door behind him. He laid down on the ground and closed his eyes and he needed to think about how he would even go about with Ronal.

Word count 4296

Now I'm going to be real with all of you we are most likely going to blackmail Ronal

There is no way she will even do anything with him seeing as she is having a child growing in her show she loves her husband.

Just want to say sorry if you dislike that kind of stuff. This was my original plan for Neytiri back before anything was planned for her.

Now just to say it again we will be having blackmail in this story with her sorry in advance if you hate that stuff

Finally, I will be going on a break after this chapter, just for Christmas so I can relax and spend some holiday with family don't worry though we will be having a Christmas chapter for next week hopefully you enjoy it

keep reading my avatar lovers