Chereads / Avatar harem x male reader / Chapter 39 - Leaving for a better place and Destiny

Chapter 39 - Leaving for a better place and Destiny

There is a poll at the end of this chapter about what to do for a certain character please answer it if you would now enjoy this chapter


*First person*

Kiri: If only you had never met me you would still be alive.

My eyes bolt open looking at the roof of the hut. My breath was heavy, and I did my best to slow it down. After a couple of minutes, it finally slowed down a bit.

It was that dream again this would make it the third time that it happened since I left that cave when we were exploring.

It still seems so real but the question was is it real? Letting out a sigh it tried to grab my inner nose but something was stopping my hand from going up. Trying my other hand it was the same result.

Y/n: what in the world?

Looking down at my hand I see Kiri on one side hugging it looking at my other hand I see Tuk hugging it. Now this was an interesting thing happening here. Feels like I'm kinda fucked here.

But I need to wake them up for the ceremony. Looking up I hear footsteps coming closer to the door. Till it swings open.

Neteyam: Y/n wake up we need to head…..out soon

He looks at him and sees Kiri and Tuk on both sides of him

Neteyam: I'm sorry for bothering you.

He says that as walks back closing the door.

Left him there with a now-waking Kiri and Tuk.

Kiri: morning

Tuk: morning

Tuk still looked like she was waking up as she said that. Fuck might as well be the one to question what happening.

Y/n: hey uh why are both of you guys in my home?

Kiri: Oh, that was because of me. I was going to come over to sleep next to you like we used to but Tuk was still scared. So I brought her with me so she would not be scared by herself.

Tuk: Kiri said that you are nice to sleep with and she was right.

Kiri: Tuk!

It's funny because I saw Tuk already sleeping with my avatar. I guess it has been a couple of days since she has slept with it. But still, some of what she said must be from when she slept with it.

Y/n: you both need to get ready for the ceremony you are part of.

They both seemed to be conflicted. Tuk looked sad however Kiri looked not sure about this. They both get up and walk out of the hut probably heading there.

Getting up I grabbed what I had brought with me. Opening the backpack I looked into it, seeing some of the stuff I made with the printer before I destroyed the place. Grabbing the medpack I walk over and bandage my cut from when I was being shot at.

*third-person Timeskip*

Y/n sat up in a tree close by to watch the ceremony Since he was never accepted into the clan he can't take part in it. Jake was standing on the high part of the Tree of Souls.

He stood next to the new clan leader. He raised a bone-shaped knife and struck it down on his chest almost looking like he stabbed him.

From what y/n was told about this, it was a sign that his clan leader Toruk Makto was officially dead or something like that.

They walked between the two sides of groups of people seeing them off.

Neytiri looked like she was almost in tears. Walking beside her was Tuk who was hugging her. Behind Kiri, she was wearing something that he had never seen her wear before.

It seemed to cover her upper body. Maybe it was because this was something important or she felt self-conscious about her body with everyone looking at them.

It could have been just that she was cold. They were making their way over to the spot where they were meeting.

Dropping down from the tree he walks over to meet up with the other. When he saw Jake he saw a slash on his chest.

Neytiri was wearing some kind of long clothing or something that really reminded him of a poncho but long it covered almost all of her body

She was the first to get on her banshee with Tuk being with her as she has not got her banshee.

The others were doing the same and getting ready to set out. Y/n walked over to him and it was looking at him wanting attention.

He rubs her chin causing it to do a somewhat purring sound.

Y/n: I'm going to need you to do your best alright?

Seeming to understand it shook his head. He gives it a pat on the side of its head and gets on her. He waited for everyone else to be done.

After a while they were set Jake looked back at everyone and then nodded they started to have their banshee follow him as they took off from the jungle region.

The Banshee flowed in the wind, flapping its wings as they reached the end of the jungle; it switched over from a jungle to the open sea. The next couple of days would be a long time as all they would see for a while was water.

The others were looking back at the jungle as they left it behind.

The waves were splashing against each other. While others were just flowing. Now and then they would see random land chunks that they would need to go around.

Y/n could tell how his banshee pushed itself to keep up with the others. He gives her a couple of rubs on her head making her let out a big happy screech

Banshee: RAWR! RAWR! RAWR!

Y/n: hey calm down girls thanks for doing your best keep it up.

His banshee always loved it when he gave it compliments. Kiri watched what happened and she kinda looked jealous about how it was getting compliments.

Y/n noticed how she was becoming jealous. He saw that as cute how she felt like that over an animal.

Y/n: hey can you bring me close to that one over there

He pointed to Kiri Banshee.

Banshee: RAWR!

It flapped its wings as fast as it could reach. It knew what he was trying to do already as they were connected by the queue.

He gets up and balances on his banshee and walks over as Kiri watches what is happening he walks on to her banshee and sits behind Kiri.

He hugs her from behind and puts his head on her shoulder looking at her.

Y/n: why look so jealous, huh Kiri?

He had a smug grin on his face as she still had a somewhat pouting one.

Kiri: No idea what you're talking about.

Y/n: oh so you saying you were not getting jealous about my banshee getting pets and cuddles hmmm.

Kiri: No, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Y/n: it's alright you can hide it all you want. By the way, I was wondering what this is.

She looks down at what he is talking about. It was a special piece of clothing that she made.

Kiri: oh this I was working on it for a while now. I just don't like it when everyone is staring at me.

Y/n: hey it's alright if you ever feel like that just let me know.

He gives her a simple head pat.

Kiri: hey stop that I'm not a kid

Y/n: I know, I know I just did not want you to be sad about me giving my attention somewhere else when I do.

He could hear a small voice from behind him looking back he could see Tuk who was with Neytiri. They were in the back of the group.

Tuk: I want head pats

Neytiri looks down at her and pats her head but she shakes it off.

Tuk: no I want y/n to pat my head feel the best

He lets out a sigh getting up. He walks to the side of Kiri banshee with his coming over. He jumps on it and grabs onto the saddle, almost falling off but he was able to hold on.

The banshee flies over to the two and carefully gets onto their banshee.

He sits behind Neytiri holding onto her waist. He looks over at her to see Tuk waiting for a head pat.

He started to pat her head with some rubs as well her tail was flicking around happily.

Now y/n would have done something to Neytiri since this seemed like a good area to do something with her but after an area thing that happened.

He could either get told to Jake then he was fucked. Second, he could be killed, or lastly….get his ball cut.

He was not taking that chance so he decided to give her some time and at least say something to her about it.

He moved his head closer to her ear so that only she could hear.

Y/n: I just want to say sorry about everything going on. I know it must be hard for you to be doing this. As well as how scared you must be for your kids as well. I just want to give my condolences.

She kept her eyes forward almost as if she was making sure of something.

Neytiri: thank you y/n. You were the only one to acknowledge the sacrifice I must make for this.

To y/n surprise she brought her face closer to his and gave him a quick kiss on his lips. It was a nice warm sensation and a big surprise.

Was it because he said something or was it something else? Out of everyone he expected her to put the most resistance to the whole thing.

She had shown signs of it but she also does things like that. He was not complaining though it progressed.

Neytiri: Let's keep that between us.

She turned her eyes focused on what was in front of her. Y/n finished patting Tuk got up and went back to his banshee spending a while with boredom.

There was a land mass coming up soon that Jake flagged for them to land at. As they landed y/n got off and walked over to the others

Y/n: why did we stop?

Jake: Let's stop just for the night. The banshee needs to rest and we are almost there in about a day or two.

After walking away he opens his bag and grabs a piece of bread he had packed. It was getting somewhat stale. He also grabbed some food for his banshee. Walking over to her she eats it out of his hand.

He sits on the side and tries to remember what Jake told him about this clan of sea people they will be staying with. They are called The Metkayina clan. what he was told the person to worry about was Ronal the wife of the leader tonowari.

He will be meeting them soon, most likely seeing as they will be the ones to decide if they can stay or not.

Anyway, he decides to head to sleep to get the rest for the last part of the journey. Lying down to sleep he did not have anything for a blanket til his banshee put its wing over him to keep him warm.

He looked up at her and it was looking back down at him waiting to see what he would do. Not wanting to hurt its feelings, he uses its wings as a blanket. It pulled him in close as it started to purr.

He feels himself fall deeper into a slumber. Darkness fell over him. He was in a void looking around; there was nothing for miles blinking his eyes; he was somewhere else a boat or something.

There was water slowly swallowing it looking across was a drop zone for something but he could see water.

Looking behind him he saw Loak, Neteyam, and Spider were there as well. They seemed beat up and older but not by much it looked like they were only a couple months older than they were now.

They were hiding behind a wall of something peeking around. He could see some RDA people with weapons.

Loak: we should make it while they are not looking.

Spider: Are you sure about that bro?

Loak: it's better than waiting here for them to get us.

Word seems to come right out of Y/n mouth even though he had no idea what was happening.

Y/n: when I say go I want you guys to jump into the opening over there.

He had no control over his body it was like he was on autopilot he was pointing at the opening in the middle

His body moved back to the spot then looked past to see the soldiers were looking in the other direction than them.

Y/n: Go now!

Spider and loak were the first to run and jump off the railing into the water. Neteyam was slightly behind them with y/n behind him.

When y/n looked back at the soldiers it seemed like they heard them running and were about to fire at them. Neteyam their weapons were dead on him.

Y/n pushed his hand out as far it could at Neteyam not wanting him to get hurt.


*somewhere else*

Someone was stepping past the sleeping family making sure that they did not wake up. They walked over to a log that was across from y/n who was intense in his sleep.

They sat down on the log looking at him, the blue stripes on her skin were glowing. Just like the other time when y/n was dying their body lit up then and now they were doing it again.

However, they gave off a different vibe instead of the usual one they did. They put their hands on their chin so they can rest. This person was no other than Kiri except she felt different.

Kiri?: How interesting you are going further than I thought you would.

Kiri?: I wonder how different things will be this time around.

Kiri?: You have already changed a lot even if you can't see it.

Kiri?: Can destiny not be changed or can destiny be changed?

She gets up from the log and walks over to y/n. His banshee looks at her but she simply swings her hand at it. Make it silent as she walks over to it. She crouches down next to him grabbing his face. She leans in and kisses him on his forehead.

His eyes opened looking around at the morning sky he pushed his banshee wings off of him he grabbed feeling cold sweat on his body.

Footsteps could be heard behind him Turning around he saw Neteyam looking at him with a concerned look.

Neteyam: You alright? You were talking in your sleep, you know that?

Y/n: I-Im fine thanks for asking. What was I saying?

Neteyam: You were saying something about how he can't die.

Y/n: Oh…. I see uh thanks for telling me.

Neteyam: Hey, no problem, it looks like you need this.

He hands him a flask of some kind with water inside. He grabs it and takes a couple of gulps of water down.

He hands it back to him and gets up.

Y/n: I know I don't say this that much But you are the best person That I know. Thank you for being my best friend.

Neteyam: Geez stop making it sound like I'm dead Y/n.

He walks away from him about about couple of feet then turns his head to look back at him

Neteyam: But same back to you thanks for being my friend as well.

Everyone else was still sleeping as Neteyam seemed to have been getting everything ready to leave when they woke up.

*Timeskip brought to you by a sleepy Kiri hugging y/n*

Rain was pouring down from the sky tuk was holding on for dear life with the winds pushing down on them.

He brought his banshee close to Loak and Neteyam who were both just chilling.

Loak: Yo what going on y/n

Y/n: nothing much I thought I should hang with you too for a bit with this rain coming down it would suck if I lost you two out here

Neteyam: I'm sure you mean lo'ak my little brother is more likely to get taken by the wind easily

Loak: I'm not scared of rain, watch and learn.

He stood up on his banshee as the rain was pouring down harder and pushed his fist in the air

Loak: see nothing is going to happen is that the best you got Eywa strike me down if you dare.

A lightning bolt came from the sky and hit him, frying his colors and self.

Y/n: hahahahhah

The only thing in Neteyam's mind that he was saying was don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh.

Kiri, who was behind them, flew closer to the group.

Kiri: that's what you get for saying that about eywa lo'ak you deserve that.

Lo'ak: yeah… seems so.

Jake: lo'ak clean yourself, we should be there soon.

He had his banshee dive close to the water so that he could clean himself. The others were talking as he was flying close to the water.

Y/n: So Neteyam when are you going to get yourself a girlfriend man?

Neteyam: Who said I was looking for one?

Y/n: no one I'm just asking…. You think there will be some cute girls there.

He lets out a chuckle.

Neteyam: I'm sure there will be some

*time skip*

Finally, after about a week of traveling, they are almost there. They passed a reef. There were some Navi down below looking up at them as they passed them.

Jake: I want all of you on your best behavior. Do You get that?

They all agreed that they would do their best.

Jake: Good now, just follow behind me.

They were heading to an island that the clan was using as part of their homes. The water down below was crystal clear. They swing around the land till Jake leads them to a spot to land

Tuk gets swung off of the banshee and she looks around at all the interesting things she sees. Jake was telling Neytiri to leave behind her bow.

Y/n got off patting his banshee for the good job that she did getting him there

Jake: come on people on me

Y/n walked next to the brothers as Kiri walked from behind the group

Neytiri: tuk

She turns around and sees Neytiri wants her to be close to her

The Navi were looking at the group unsure of who they were chatting with among themself. Y/n looked back at Kiri as she tried to cover herself with the clothing pieces she had made.

He walks back slightly and goes in front to stop the people from looking at her.

Kiri: thank you Y/n.

Y/n: no problem

They are being stared at from all angles. Two Navi boys walk out from the crowd looking at Loak and Neteyam

Neteyam does a hang signal as a way of saying I see you. The boys look at each other and whisper something between them. They walk around them and see his tail.

???: Is that supposed to be a tail, what a joke.

Y/n saw one Navi coming in and she dropped off a creature swimming in the water and then standing up from the water


Now that he was looking at them their skin was lighter blue than what he was used to seeing.

Their hands, legs, and tails were slightly different; they were more Finn-looking. Made him wonder if it was because they lived so many different lifestyles that caused those to happen.

There was another thing he had noticed their chest seemed to be bigger not in the sense that they had bigger breasts but their actual chest was bigger.

She had grabbed a strand of her hair moving it out of the way. One thing he noticed about her was she had some fine ass thighs

???: how are they supposed to swim with those things?

???: do not Rotxo, aonung(their name are stupid to write)

The girl who had shown up stopped the two boys from making fun of lo'ak and Neteyam. Y/n had stepped forward to be next to lo'ak.

He could see that he was trying not to look at her. He gave a little shoulder jab at him.

Lo'ak: hay(with rizz)

Y/n: someone has a crush

She lets out a laugh at the two boys

Neytiri, who had been watching, rolled her eyes at the boys. Kiri was still behind y/n but was still watching everything.

Some sea creatures carrying Navi land in front of them one got off he looked like the clan leader.

He walked up to Jake and they both exchanged and I see you with everyone following suit. Even y/n did it as well to not stand out too much

A woman walked forward from the crowd and she looked pissed off for some reason. Jake and Neytiri did the same I see you to her as well.

Tonowari: why do you come to our clan Jake sully

Jake: we come to seek uturu

Ronal: uturu:?!

Jake: Yes, a sanctuary for my family.

He seemed like he was hiding the fact about y/n not being part of that family. Ronal walked around looking at the group.

Tonowari: We are reef people, you are forest people.

One thought popped into y/n head. He thought that this sounded pretty racist to say.

tonowari: your skill means nothing here

Jake: we can learn to adapt

Neytiri: yea

Ronal was walking behind them looking at their bodies

Ronal: their arms are thin and their tails are weak.

She grabbed tuk arm and Kiri's tail when she said those two lines

Ronal: you will be shown in the water

She pulled up Kiri's hand showing off her finger

Ronal: they are not even true Navi

Kiri: Yes we are!

She then walks over to the trio on the other side expecting to get lo'ak but she grabs y/n hand showing it.

Ronal: Demon blood.

He pulls his hand away from her.

Jake: Look look me and him were both sky people before now we are both Navi you can adapt.

Neytiri finally speaks up for her husband even if that seems to be becoming more questionable

Neytiri: My husband was toruk makot.

See both women standing side by side and y/n had one thought they both would look good in bed together.

(Anyway) Jake wanted to say something but was kinda scared to do so as his wife defended him

Neytiri: he led the clans to victory against the sky people 18 years ago

Ronal: you call this victory hiding among stranger

She looks down as she also knows she is not happy about doing it either

Ronal: It seems eywa has turned her back on you. Choose one

Kiri wanted to say something but was too scared to say anything against her

Neytiri and Ronal both snared and hissed at each other. Y/n thought at that moment it was damn that hot.

Jake: I apologize for my mate she just tried from our travels

Neytiri: do not Jake.

Jake: We have traveled a long time and she is just exhausted.

This made Neytiri pissed at Jake for doing something like that to make a slight rift between them.

They both walked away from each other Jake and tonowari looked relieved at it being over

tonowari: toruk makto is a Great War leader all Navi know of his story however we are not at war

Tuk was looking worried as she called out to Jake and he picked her up.

tonowari: we can't let you bring your war here

Jake: I'm done with war ok I just want my family safe is all.

After some looks that tonowari and Ronal do he turns around to his clan.

tonowari: toruk makto and his family will stay with us and we will show them the way. Treat them like your brothers and sisters. They will be just like babies and we teach them our way.

Everyone said thank you kiri was especially quiet about it

tonowaria: my son and daughter will show your children what to do.

His son wanted to disagree but he was silent straight away.

Tsireya: come I will show you our village

Tsireya: come this way

Following each step she took, the floor seemed to sink. The floor was made out of some kind of animal skin or something made of stretchy material. Tuk was looking around and saw one of the sea creatures.

Tuk was messing around with it as it was trying to play with her as well.

Y/n walks over to Tsireya so he can talk a bit with her.

Y/n: so I guess we will be learning from you

Tsireya: Yes, don't worry if it's hard at first. I'll do my best to support you all.

Y/n: I hope you don't mind if I ask this but will I have my place? I'm not part of their family so I feel it would be a bit awkward if I was.

Tsireya: Wait, you're not a part of their family?

She seems to look back at Kiri who was watching the two intensely. Could she feel intimidated by this girl?

Tsireya: don't worry, I know a spot that should work for you.

Y/n: oh uh thanks

Tsireya: don't worry if you have any questions just ask way

Y/n: oh sorry I almost forgot my name is Y/n

Tsireya: Nice to meet you y/n I hope that we can become great friends. Oh, where are my manners my name is Tsireya:

She held her hand out to him which he shook. Tsireya looked back at Kiri who was glaring at her. Tsireya gave a simple smile at her. Kiri was not fully sure why she was getting weird feelings from Tsireya but she just did.

They made it to what seemed like a house but it was quite open. So anyone could see right in.

Tsireya: Here is the place I hope this will work for you.

Jake who was close behind the two stepped up looking around.

Jake: Yeah this could work

Neytiri, who was carrying a rug, looked around and dropped it looking disappointed by their new home.

Everyone else walked in with their belongings. Neteyam and Loak did not care much about their new living quarters. Kiri was somewhat dissatisfied that she no longer had her own little home besides shaving her sister's share together but she was fine with it back then..

But now she has to share it with everyone at least she had y/n still.

Tsireya: come along now y/n I'll show you to your place

y/n: alright

Kiri: Wait, where are you going y/n?

Y/n: oh Tsireya was going to show me where I'll be living.

Kiri: You're not staying here?

Y/n: no it would be weird for me to be here and it seems kinda crowded as well.

She could not disagree as she also agreed with it being crowded with them there and her father would probably not agree with that choice.

Kiri: I'm coming with you. It would be a good idea to know where you are.

Y/n: sure I don't mind if you do.

Tsireya: Come on you two.

They followed Tsireya as they walked past other navi some were looking at the two. y/n could see something was going on between the two. He could try making it less quiet between them but decides to just wait and see the place he was staying at.

After walking for a bit they made it to a little place. It was much smaller than what the sully's got but he was fine with it. It had an opening like there but the inside looked quite decent the only way to see it was from the main entrance.

Tsireya: here is your place I hope you find it acceptable

Y/n: it will do thank you very much.

Tsireya: If you have any questions you can ask me over there. that is where I live

She pointed to a spot that seemed much better than the rest.

Y/n: I'll keep that in mind if I need to ask anything.

Kiri: You should not bother here y/n if you have a question. I'm sure we can do our best to answer them from there.

She was right as they were not that far from them he was in the middle from both sides.

Tsireya: It's fine really. I'll come down here to wake you up for when we begin to teach you and the rest are ways.

Kiri: I can wake him up, don't worry we will meet with you after.

They were both looking at each other and almost felt like lighting sparks were coming off from their stare.

Y/n: uh thanks for thinking about me girls but if you mind I would like to rest before tomorrow.

They both looked at him and agreed that it would be best for everyone to rest as y/n and Kiri were tired from the trip and could use the sleep.

y/n closed the little flap that was the door blocking the sun from coming in. It was kind of hard but not too bad. He pulled out a little sleeping bag-like thing just for today.

He laid his body on it and tried to get as much rest as he could before tomorrow. Close his eyes he feels like he is hearing an echo of a line.

" if you never met me you would still be alive."

Word count 5184

Pretty big chapter don't you think I thought it was going to be much shorter but it just kept getting bigger the more I wanted to add to it, especially about the future of this story.

Also, we finally got to the water clan with some more character

Now there is a question I want to ask. Originally I was going to do both but then I started to question if I should just do Tsireya.

Here is the question should I include Ronal In the harem as well





New phone who this(I don't care)