Chereads / Avatar harem x male reader / Chapter 26 - Spending some time with the boys

Chapter 26 - Spending some time with the boys

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The sounds clash together against the rocks and sand from the water. Looking down at my feet as they sink into the ground.

???: Have you ever seen the ocean?

Turning my head towards the voice of the person. Neteyam was walking over waving his hand at me.

Y/n: no not back on earth. That place is full of smoke at all times of the day. I barely even see the sun show up. Finally, the earth's water is gone or full of trash.

Neteyam stands by my side as we look toward the ocean.

Y/n: however we still get water for cleaning our bodies and they do train you for water combat.

Neteyam: must be interesting to live in a world like that.

Y/n: Yea it is.

???: can you guys fucking help me with this!

Me and Neteyam look at each other and sigh. Looking behind us we see lo'ak on his back trying to hold off a baby Thanator. It tries to bite his head off.

Y/n: come on lo'ak you wanted to be like Jake right? He was able to defeat one when he was younger and you lost the race.

Neteyam: You know he right lo'ak and that what we agreed on that you will hunt for is food for tonight and why aren't you using your knife?

He looks around for a knife but does not find it.

Lo'ak: what knife are you talking about?!

Neteyam looks down in defeat and shakes his head. He points to lo'ak leg. Looking down he saw the knife that was strapped to his leg.

Grabbing it he flips the knife and stabs it into the belly of the monster.

Lo'ak: thanks for the help, you guys….

He said that sarcastically.

Neteyam: ahh you welcome my dear sweet brother.

Y/n: that should have been an easy thing to do lo'ak.

Neteyam walks over to a Pile of wood and grabs some and starts to make a fire. Lo'ak bring the animal over to me.

Y/n: hey you guys want to try something new?

Neteyam: What do you mean?

Y/n: well I notice that we eat soup a lot and since it's just us here we try something different for a change.

Lo'ak: well he is not wrong Neteyam we eat soup a lot of the time. So I say why not.

Neteyam: Well then I'm fine with it so what do you have in mind?

Y/n: lo'ak can you go and get a piece of wood that is the same length as the Thanator and Neteyam can you use one of the bowls and get some of the water from the ocean?

Lo'ak & Neteyam: alright

They both split up and go do their separate things. Standing up I looked off to the distance seeing a large fence.

The train should come down this line tomorrow. From the inspection, we did earlier. They have cameras set up around it so they will know when we do attack it.

Looking at my bag I see the explosive ready to use.

Neteyam walks over with a pot of water. And sits down.

Neteyam: what are you going to use this for?

Y/n: well from what I know about cooking and what I've seen. If you boil this water it should leave behind a thing we call salt. We can put that on the animal

Put the wood on the fire and place the pot in the middle. Getting up I walked over to the forest and grabbed a couple of good pieces of wood.

Walking over back to the fire and setting up support beams on the side of the fire so they would not get burned.

A couple of minutes later of y/n waiting for salt and lo'ak

Lo'ak comes over with the wood we needed. He handed it to me looking at what I'm doing. With the fresh salt, I grabbed my knife and cut into the animal.

Spread the salt into the cut to at least get some flavor into the meat.

Grabbing the stick I cut the end into a sharp head on it and stab into it from the end of the body to the front.

Turn to the two Navi to tell them what to do.

Y/n: Alright you too we are going to take turns spinning the meat around in circles. Hmmm, how about lo'ak you take the first turn?

Lo'ak: me? All men, why does it have to be me?

Y/n: why not?

He walks over to the stick and slowly spins it around. Me and Neteyam walk over and sit close by to him just relaxing there.

After a while, I decided to try to start a conversation with them as we waited.

Y/n: so… you guys got any memories that you like.

Lo'ak: that is such a weird thing to bring up.

Y/n: just trying to start a conversation here.

Neteyam: come on lo'ak why not talk about some of the fun things we did? When we were younger.

Lo'ak: alright I'll go first then. When I was younger me and Kiri would always argue about who got to play with the toy that we had.

Neteyam: and I would stop you from fighting right lo'ak

He makes a small chuckle as lo'ak look at him while still spinning the meat.

Lo'ak: yeah you would always find a way to solve the problem. There was one time when you went and made me my toy just because Kiri always had it with her.

Neteyam: I remember that I got so many cuts from it because of that. But it made you two stop fighting so it was worth it.

Lo'ak looked away with a small look of embarrassment on his face. Neteyam gets up and walks over to where lo'ak was sitting.

Neteyam: move over little brother I'll take care of this.

Lo'ak looks up at him and shrugged and get up and sit somewhere else. Neteyam sit down where lo'ak was sitting.

Y/n: are you going next then Neteyam?

Neteyam: yeah I'll go next since I'm doing the cooking now.

Neteyam: Now my favorite memory was when me and Dad went hunting. This was when I was young, maybe eight.

Neteyam: he gave me a bow and taught me how to use it. Now I was looking into a pond of water there was a fish in it. So I grabbed my bow and pull it back.

Neteyam: and I let go, the arrow went through the air and hit the fish. I grabbed it and showed it to my father. He looked so proud of me.

He had a giant smile on his face as he finish that sentence off

Lo'ak: Father never did any of that with me.

Looking at him he looked sad and was huddled up a bit.

Neteyam: don't blame him for that lo'ak the RDA came back a couple of months after that and he was busy.

Y/n: don't take it to heart lo'ak in war people lose more than what others can handle.

Lo'ak: yeah I guess you guys are right.

Getting up I walked over to Neteyam patting him on the back. Looking up at me he seems to know what I'm doing and gets up.

He walks over to lo'ak and sits down next to him and puts his arm around him to comfort him.

Looking over at the meat cooking it was looking shiny orange grabbing my knife I slid it across from it sliding. It Looked Like it was almost done cooking.

Looking up at the sky it was getting dark so this is good.

Neteyam: what about you y/n?

Y/n: hmm?

Looking at them they were both looking back at me.

Neteyam: What is your favorite memory?

Y/n: probably coming over to Pandora and meeting you guys.

They both looked at me with a depend face.

Y/n: What?

Neteyam: you got to have a better one than that.

Y/n: Alright hmmmm when I was around twelve I left my family home and went to live on my own.

Lo'ak: why did you leave your family

Thinking back on why I did. Because of how bad my family is.

Y/n: I don't want to go into that.

Neteyam: hey it's alright you don't need to tell us. So anything else good about it?

Y/n: not much getting independence away from my family is great. I didn't have to worry about them anymore.

Yeah, not needing to worry about my father coming to me and beating me up every night and over every little thing I did.

As my mother just watched and did not as it happened not even acknowledging me.

Shaking my head not wanting to think about that. Looking at the meat it was now bright orange-brown.

Stabbing into the meat hearing the crunch. Pulling it out there was little to no blood showing it was good to eat.

Y/n: Alright, who's hungry?

Lo'ak: alright finally I'm starving.

Cutting the legs out and giving it to both of them. They both looked at it as the tape on the meat seeing how hard it was.

Taking a bite of the meat was not bad, definitely a change of pace from having soup.

Neteyam: whoa Y/n this is good!

Lo'ak: y/n he right this is great

They both kept eating it like it was the last time they will ever eat.

Y/n: well I'm glad that you two like it then.

We spent the rest of the day eating and talking about what to do when we got back from this mission.

Afterward, we all got set up to sleep looking at the star as they flew by.

Switching back to my body at the lab I open the lid of the mechanical machine I get out heading back to the lab area the food I left for Kiri was gone.

Left behind was a note saying it said. Thanks for the food, it was great. Also had a great time earlier in bed looking forward to more stuff in our future love Kiri.

A small chuckle came out of my mouth as I finished reading it. Walking over to the kitchen area I make myself some soup. After finishing it I went to my little hut and got in bed feeling myself drift to sleep.

Word count 1790