Chereads / Avatar harem x male reader / Chapter 20 - What’s Easter?(special chapter.)

Chapter 20 - What’s Easter?(special chapter.)

Hey, everyone I hope you enjoy this special chapter I have been working on for Easter. I did not want to leave you guys hanging with nothing for Easter so I hope you enjoy this now.


Backing away from the computer after finishing the email I sent to Rick hopefully, he can get the thing I need to do what I need.

Especially with that event coming soon if I'm right about the date and the calendar day. As I get up to go to sleep out of nowhere a green portal opens up in the middle of the lab.

Y/n: what the hell?

Looking into the portal it looked like something or someone was coming out. Getting into a defensive stance but it was not needed as the person walked through it.

Y/n: ain't no Way is that who I think it is?

Rick: Well you better believe it I finally finished my project portal.

Walking through was the man himself with blue hair. It was god damn Rick Sanchez.

Y/n: Rick, you finished your project congratulations man, happy for you.

Rick: aw thanks Y/n it took me months but thanks to the data you've been sending me it has been of great help.

Rick: oh yea before I forget here's what you ask.

He pulled a gun of some kind out of his jacket and shot it coming out was a green portal. The portal was shot to the roof and a couple of thing coming out was boxes.

Y/n: wait is that what I think it is?

Rick: yes y/n it is what you think it is. It is a bloody portal gun. I would love to talk more but I need to go see my family for Easter.

Y/n: oh go right ahead Rick thanks for dropping the thing and once again congratulations.

He shot a portal and walked through it. The green portal closes behind him. From what he said however it seems I was correct Easter is here.

I need to hurry then. Grabbing the boxes I put them on my desk and grabbed a fuck ton of coffee.

Y/n: Fuck sleeping I got a fun event to make.

Opening the box up grabbing eggs prefilled with many things and plastic eggs with fuck ton of candy bags.

Putting the color paint down for later. I better get started

Couple hours later

Y/n: fuck my life

It's been a couple of hours of work on these so far I have made around 80 glitter eggs and 70 plastic eggs with candy. Maybe some sleep will help yea that will help…p....zzzzzzzzzz

"Tap" tap" tap"

Y/n: huh

Moving my head up. I looked around till I got behind me. I saw Kiri there. She backed up but was leaning still with one of her hands waving at me.

Y/n: oh Kiri what are you doing here at this hour

Rubbing my eyes I looked back at the eggs and got back to work.

Kiri: I couldn't sleep so I decided to come over and sneak into your bed but you weren't there. But I saw the lights on so I came over.

Kiri: What are you doing anyway?

Y/n: I've been working on coloring these eggs. For a fun event that we do back on earth.

I grabbed one and showed her the egg I painted. She grabbed it and she was looking at it with sparkly eyes.

Kiri: This is soooo cute! Can I make one of these egg things?

Y/n: sure I don't mind I need the help. I've been working on these for hours.

Kiri: oh let's go and get the other then I'm sure we can help you with this.

Y/n: huh? Wait, you don't need to.

Before I could finish she left the lab. Man, that is why she is my favorite. A smile grew on my face.

Y/n: well I better get back to work.

Time skip brought to you by y/n trying to help Kiri,tuk, and neteyam make some eggs and teaching them what they are.

neteyam: Wait, so these things that are called chickens and they lay these eggs?

Y/n: Yea basically and we are painting these for a fun event that happens back on Earth. That I want to bring here to Pandora.

Tuk: Y/n, Y/n! Look at the egg I made!

Tuk came running over to me and shoved the egg she had made in my face.

The egg was covered with a pick. blue and orange spots on it as well.

Y/n: aww it is so cute tuk just like you. Amazing job at making it.

I rubbed her head as her tail was swinging from it and was blushing.

neteyam: if I didn't know any better I would believe that you are trying to get with both of my sisters.

Y/n: haha yeah right I'm not sure if you guys have the same law here but back on earth it only has one wife.

neteyam: oh really? Interestingly, there is no law really about how many you can have.

Y/n: well then I'll keep that in mind at least I know who my best man will be.

neteyam: Happy to be your best man then.

We give each other a fist bump.

Tuk: I have a question: where is Spider, why is he not helping?

Kiri walks over with a box of plastic eggs with candy in them.

Kiri: because of what spider tried to do to Y/n

She has been mad about it ever since it happened. I should probably talk to Jake about this.

Y/n can you guys finish up with these eggs and bring them to the base? Also, let him know I want to talk to the main people about this.

Kiri: Alright you got it, boss.

Shaking my head I head over to the machine and connect to it.


After a while, everyone was finally able to meet up. Even some people I never knew about that.

The people who were here were Jake, Neytiri, mo, at, and Tarsem. Tarsem is a very wise Na'vi for being so young from what I have heard about him.

Jake: Alright y/n why have you called us here?

The other was staring at me like a dagger.

Y/n: "Cough" I was um wondering if I could host an event today?

Jake: What kind of event?

Y/n: well not sure if you know what today back on earth. Today is Easter and I think we should make an event today as it will help boost morale around here.

As soon as I mention Earth Jake narrowed his eyes.

Jake: No, I can't allow that, we are already doing too much that breaks the laws here.

Neytiri seem to stand with her husband as she stood next to him. mo, at, and Tarsem seem to be thinking about what I had said.

Tarsem: Jake I think we should host this easter event seeing as things are now we could use a morale boost around here and I'm sure it can't be that bad.

Y/n: I also want to add that Jake, Neytiri your kids have been helping me set this event up as well. As we speak they should be on their way with the eggs and the only thing I ask of you is to just plant the egg somewhere.

Jake and Neytiri looked at each other.

Tarsem: it would be a waste as well if we don't use these things you call eggs and to just plant them somewhere seem to be an easy thing for us to do.

Jake stood there for a bit and let out a sigh.

Jake: … alright fine y/n go and help the other put the egg in a spot and I'll tell these guys what the whole thing is about.

Smiling, I give him a thumbs up and start to leave the hut. Looking over Neytiri looks a bit less nervous than before.

A time skip of Jake telling the others about what Easter is.

As everyone was walking to the stand. Jake wanted to announce the event and quickly explain it to the others. Me,tuk, Kiri, and neteyam stood by each other.

Jake: Alright everyone, I want to say a few things. I know that this war with the sky people has not been easy on you.

Jake: as well as it seems like our morale is down more than ever but thanks to y/n over there and the kids

He was pointing to us. Everyone was looking at us and we were whispering to each other.

Jake: Now back on earth we have this event every year we would hide eggs and people would go and try to find them. The eggs would have some stuff inside for fun.

Jake: We are doing this to boost everyone's morale as I'm sure that everyone would be in better spirits. Now if you are interested go to the table over there and grab yourself a basket and I will count down in a bit

We already got them of course since we made the basket as well. We spent most of the time just chatting with each other and Neytiri came over she pulled me over to talk.

Neytiri: thank you for helping to put this thing together and for having my kids help with this.

Y/n: it was no problem they were the ones who came to help me with this.

Neytiri: Maybe so but it's thanks to you that they get to act like a kid again. They never got the life that I want them to have.

She had a smile on her face as she looked at her kids having fun and talking to each other.

Y/n: It's no problem I want them to have fun as well as I am here.

Even if that fun is a bit more pleasurable for tuk for one example. She leaves and I go back to talking to the other.

After some time everyone was waiting around till Jake came back up.

Jake: Now everyone, I wish you the best hunting. Get set and Go!

Everyone was just looking around in a confused manner except for me.

Kiri: hey y/n do you wa—… wait where is he?

As Kiri turned to look at me I was long gone leaving an after imaging of me doing the peace sign and fading.

Some time has passed. I was running around grabbing eggs as they got close to me. Stopping for a moment I looked around and saw one just laying on the ground.

As I was walking toward it I heard someone else as well looking at where the noise was coming from. The person was no other than the man himself neteyam. We were both looking at each other.

Cowboy standoff, the wind blowing past us. I was stretching my hand and he was cracking his neck.

Y/n: you don't want to do this.

neteyam: oh I want to do this.

I quickly ran for the egg as I was about to grab it and I get tackled to the ground by neteyam. He tried to grab it but I grabbed his hand and kick him in his stomach, sending him flyinga bit.

Jumping to my feet I walk to the egg and go to grab it. As I was about to grab it he came from behind me and sumo, slamming me on my back. I feel as much broken back then as my heart.

I went to kick his feet out from underneath him and he fell on top of me. As we twisted and turned around in the dirt we both stopped at the sound of something being grabbed.

Both of us looked at each other and then at where the egg was at their stood tuk. She just looked at us and stuck her tongue out and ran away.

Y/n: I call a truce.

neteyam: I agree

As we both got up I wiped away any dirt on me and went to grab my eggs. Looking into it I noticed something was wrong. I was missing half of my eggs.

Y/n: that's some bull crap

neteyam walks over to me with a look of defeat.

Y/n: what happened to you?

neteyam: all of my eggs are gone.

Y/n: Damn she stole all of your eggs she only took half of my eggs.

He looks even sadder. I said goodbye to him and went to get more eggs.

Time skip brought to you by y/n beat people up for their eggs

We have all gathered back up. The day was alright almost overwhelming and Jake told everyone what they were supposed to do with the egg

Y/n: Alright everyone how much do you all have? I'll go first. I have 45 eggs.

neteyam: geez how did you get that much?

Kiri: Yeah, that is a lot. I only have 15 eggs.

neteyam stood there with a sad expression.

neteyam: I only have 5

Everyone looked at him with sympathy. I on the other hand was laughing my ass off.

Tuk: memememememe next. I have 120 eggs. We all stood there with shocked faces.

neteyam: a quarter of those eggs are my eggs.

We continued to talk for a bit.

Kiri: question where is lo'ak?

We stood there in silence.

neteyam: we completely forgot about him.

Kiri just looks at us and sighs.


Out of nowhere, my eyesight was completely blind as I heard a lot of what sounded like eggs cracking. I went and removed a basket over my head and the egg fell off of my body.

I was completely covered in glitter.

Y/n: this will take forever to wash off.

Everyone just laughs at what happened.

Kiri: don't worry, I will help you clean yourself.

I'm left there with a smile growing on my face. This was one of the funniest moments I had ever had in my sad life.


Third person

Walking over to the edge overseeing the beautiful view of the mountain it was nice to finally be standing here in my own normal human body.

Even only being out here for an hour was nice to see.

Y/n: I'm happy to be here on Pandora

???: not for me

*click* *click* *????*

Everything stops moving, not a moment in sight. Looking around there was nothing around to look at as we got covered by white to light.

???: stop commentating right now

The voice was being sent not to the y/n but the reader waited that was not right.

???: You should not be here

???: you are not meant to be seeing this event not yet….

???: go back to your time spot. You will see this when it happens without skipping head.

Everything goes black.

Word count 2548

The biggest chapter has been made. I hope you guys enjoyed the special chapter sorry for being late on this.

Now time to go back on vacation goodbye everyone