Alvin finally went into the forest, heavily armed with his bow and arrow along with his spear, he was prepared for any danger, he would not hesitate to kill or hunt any wild animal that was a threat to him;
But for him those sounds coming from the forest were not animal footsteps, and he knew that, because if they were animals, he would have already heard the sound that these animals make, he followed an unknown trail, and he saw human footprints, as if someone had walked there not long ago;
He followed these footprints, after a few minutes, he heard people speaking a strange language, Alvin hid in a bush, Alvin was with enough of those voices, but he couldn't stop thinking that they came from the evil spirits of that forest;
"What's going on here? Where are these voices coming from and what are they saying? I've never heard that language in my life..." said Alvin, as he was hiding in the bushes, he decided to peek through the bushes if he saw any evil spirits speaking that language, and luckily for him, it wasn't evil spirits speaking, when he saw who the people were, he was surprised;
"Oh my Odin... For Odin's Sake... they are not evil spirits, they are primitive people! this explains why they speak this strange language..." said Alvin, surprised with all that secret revealed, now he wasn't afraid anymore, when the natives stopped talking, they felt that they were being watched by someone, as if someone was watching them hidden in the forest, "Oh no! they would notice me! i need to act quickly, now!" said Alvin, nervously;
The two natives armed themselves towards the bush, as they felt that the presence of someone hiding was coming from there, the two natives shouted madly at the bush, as if they were ordering the person to get out of it, after which Alvin armed himself and get prepared to get out of the bush;
Alvin quickly left the bush, heavily armed against the two natives who were pointing their spears at him, they were both surprised and at the same time scared when they saw Alvin, the two natives did not know what creature Alvin was, nor did they know if he was a creature. magical or not, and obviously they both didn't know that Alvin was a wood-elf, there were no elves on that beach and not even in this forest, Alvin was the only one to get there, probably the first elf to live in South America;
Then the two natives calmed down and disarmed their spears, and tried to communicate with Alvin, but Alvin didn't understand anything they said, he didn't know anything about the indigenous language, "what? I'm sorry... but I don't understand you guys, I don't speak your language" said Alvin, quietly" Alvin and the two natives were confused;
Alvin and the two natives realized that none of the three understood the language they spoke, so the two natives had no choice and decided to take Alvin along with them to the village, so that Alvin could meet their leader and so that their Leader would know the language that Alvin spoke to translate for them;
And then one of the Indians extended his hand to Alvin, showing that he wanted to take him to the village, and Alvin saw in this an opportunity to be helped to survive in South America, he extended his hand to the native and said "I will go with you, but when we get to your village, all of you are going to help me, okay?" said Alvin confidently, the two natives took this as a "yes", and so he went with the two natives to the village.