Chrinios: oh no.. I've.. ...
Godslash: what?
Chrinios: well.. It's.. Its nothing I'll see you guys later
Ryn: I hope noone sees him on his way out
Godslash: Oh, Dont worry about that.. I set a teleport trap at the brick wall so he will be sent to a place not so suspicious
Chrinios had walked out in front of a coffee shop he hadnt seen before
Chrinios: Wait....HUH
Chrinios walked about the city then noticed a shadow near him
Chrinios: oh god
???: You good kid? some
strange woman said nearby
Chrinios said yea I'm doing just fine.. Maybe a little hungry
???: why dont we go in for a bite to eat in that bakery over there
Chrinios isnt one to refuse food, and he was being followed so he said yes
The duo sat down at a table inside the bakery
???: So I noticed you were being followed by that hooded freak or whatever
Chrinios: who would think youd have money especially the way you dressed
???: Well kid you dont look so special yourself
???: I think that the person following you wont be so bold as to just waltz in here after you.. So I thing they might wait until you leave to tail you again.
Chrinios: oh ok... By the way my names Chrinios. Whats yours
???: Wait LIKE THE GOD .... oh oh oh nevermind thats chrono
???: Oh.. Kay Kid call me Nixx
Nixx: I think we should get outta here and head for the capital walls thats were I was going anyways...
They walk out of the shop and then they get caught by something unexpected
As soon as Nixx and Chrinios walked out of the bakery they were met with a cold syringe and then...
They blacked out